A package of standard and unique components for professional GUI design development using AlphaSkins. AlphaControls is an easy-to-use universal and powerful tool for developing original skinned and non-skinned business/media applications. A lot of additional properties and components makes this package (and the applications that use it) unique. Supported: Delphi 5/6/7/2005-2010/XE-XE8, Builder 6/2006-2010/XE-XE8, RX Seattle, RX Berlin Compatible with Windows XP and newer 20.09.2016 AlphaControls v11.16 Stable released * Fixe d error in the AnimShowControl procedure under 64-bit compiler * Solved issue with hiding of glow effect in some components * Improved refresh of scrolls in skinned frames * Improved stretching of images * Improved transparency of the TsImage * Improved repainting of child forms * Improved support of skinning of the TDBGridEh component * Improved drawing of items in the TsTreeView with enabled RowSelect property * Published new "Clean card" skin