论文研究Design and Implementation of Hardware Accelerator for Recommendation System
论文研究Design and Realization of Electronic Seal Administration System Based on Thr
25 2020-02-28 -
论文研究System Design and Analysis Proposal to Develop the Online and Monitoring Sy
System Design and Analysis Proposal to Develop the Online and Monitoring System for Air Cargo Door t
13 2020-07-21 -
Design of a multichannel photonic crystal dielectric laser accelerator
To be useful for most scientific and medical applications, compact particle accelerators will requir
19 2021-02-24 -
嵌入式系统设计Embedded System Design A Unified Hardware Software Introduction
【原书名】EmbeddedSystemDesign:AUnifiedHardware/SoftwareIntroduction【原出版社】JohnWiley&sons,Inc.【作 者】(美)Fra
33 2020-01-11 -
Efficient architecture and hardware implementation of coherent integration proce
Efficient architecture and hardware implementation of coherent integration processor for DVB-based p
8 2021-03-08 -
Parallel Implementation of MAFFT onCUDA Enabled Graphics Hardware
Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) constitutes an extremely powerful tool for many biological applica
9 2021-02-21 -
Parallel Implementation of MAFFT on CUDA Enabled Graphics Hardware
Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) constitutes an extremely powerful tool for many biological applica
10 2021-02-08 -
论文研究An accelerator for attribute reduction based on perspective of objects and
16 2021-05-12 -
Hardware Design Based on Verilog HDL
27 2020-02-19 -
Computer Organization and Design The Hardware and Interface
57 2019-05-31