Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition
34 2019-07-08 -
Deep Neural Network深度学习deep learning
104 2019-06-05 -
TensorFlow Deep Learning Projects
TensorFlow Deep Learning Projects: 10 real-world projects on computer vision, machine translation, c
41 2018-12-21 -
Deep learning tutorial BaiDu
Deep learning tutorial(BaiDu)
42 2018-12-25 -
Deep Learning for Computer Vision
Deep Learning for Computer Vision CVPR 2014 Tutorial
111 2018-12-25 -
An Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning
42 2019-05-25 -
deep reinforcement learning for nlp
24 2019-05-25 -
What are the limits of deep learning
大肆宣传的人工智能方法拥有令人印象深刻的壮举,但仍然缺乏人力资源。 研究人员决心找出遗漏的东西。The much-ballyhooed artificial intelligence approach
29 2019-04-04 -
Applied Deep Learning with Python
A hands-on guide to deep learning that’s filled with intuitive explanations and engaging practical e
43 2019-04-10 -
Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow
本文讨论生成对抗网络,简称GANs。在生成任务或更广泛的无监督学习中,GANs是为数不多在此领域表现较好的机器学习技术之一。特别是他们在图像生成相关任务上拥有出色表现。深度学习领域先驱Yann LeC
33 2019-04-09