可编程USB3.1Type C接口
莱迪思半导体公司宣布推出USB 3.1 Type-C接口供电解决方案,使得制造商能够立即开始USB 3.1 Type-C接口的开发并在短的时间内实现产品上市。 发布的USB 3.1 Type-C规
10 2021-01-31 -
USB Type C电力传输电路设计
USB Type-C:trade_mark: 规范引入了通过 USB 提供可扩展电力传输的新选择,但该规范错综复杂,开发人员面临着安全和布局问题。
8 2020-08-19 -
USB Type C ECN Captive Cable Clarification regarding SOP
Clarifithat all captive cables that are intended to carry more than 3A or has USB4 functionality mus
26 2020-11-26 -
USB Type C ECN Assign Cable SOP state clarification
Section Assign Cable SOP* State is incorrect. Passive cables never respond on SOP” per USB
27 2020-11-24 -
USB Type C ECN Adapter Assembly shield grounding clarificdation
Clarify grounding requirements for the shield connections in USB Type-C adapter assemblies. Update w
10 2020-11-25 -
USB Type C ECN Thunderbolt3Compatibility Updates
1) Clarification for TBT3 Device Without Predefined Upstream Port at the end, to go through ErrorRec
14 2020-11-28 -
USB Type C ECN Timing for Ra removal and restoring Ra
Provide specific timing for a cables, VPAs, and VPDs to remove and restore Ra. Create a new Ra manag
20 2020-11-28 -
USB Type C来袭你准备好没
本文主要介绍了USB Type-C在未来电子行业的潜力,另外还对它的特点以及技术特性进行了说明。
4 2020-08-30 -
usb type c三维AD库.PcbLib
AD元器件库——三维模型库——typec封装库 内含直插、贴片、侧立、直立等封装, 注意此文件只是三维库,不含原理图
52 2020-08-28 -
USB Type C技术与产业链.pdf
20 2020-05-15