A New Extension of the Kalman Filter to Nonlinea Systems
An adaptive algorithm using FIR filter for speech enhancement systems
An adaptive algorithm using FIR filter for speech enhancement systems
10 2021-02-23 -
Gaussian sum filter of Markov jump non linear systems
Gaussian sum filter of Markov jump non-linear systems
10 2021-02-23 -
new qq android native short filter32
new qq android native short filter32
4 2023-01-26 -
The Humane Interface New Directions For Designing Interactive Systems
The Humane Interface, New Directions For Designing Interactive Systems
44 2018-12-08 -
TDOA Mobile Location Based on Kalman Filter in CDMA2000Cellular Networks
28 2019-07-10 -
基于cubature Kalman filter的INS GPS组合导航滤波算法
INS/GPS 组合导航系统的本质是非线性的, 为改善非线性下INS/GPS 组合导航精度, 提出将一种新的非线 性滤波cubature Kalman filter(CKF) 应用于INS/GPS 组
14 2021-01-16 -
基于ARMA和Kalman Filter的需求响应基线负荷预测
用户基线负荷是工商业用户参与需求响应项目执行效果的重要参考,受到环境、用户用电行为等多种因素的影响。为提高工商业用户基线负荷预测的精度,提出了一种基于时间序列(ARMA)和卡尔曼滤波(Kalman F
17 2021-01-17 -
Parameter Estimation of Sandwich Systems with Dead Zone via Modified Kalman Filt
Parameter Estimation of Sandwich Systems with Dead Zone via Modified Kalman Filter
10 2021-04-07 -
A New Extension of Hilbert type Integral Inequality with Two Pairs of Conjugate
一个具有两对共轭指数的Hilbert型积分不等式的新推广,陈广生,,通过引入两对共轭指数(p,q)和 (r,s),给出了一个Hilbert型积分不等式以具有最佳常数因子的新推广。作为应用,建立了它的逆
12 2020-07-19 -
Distributed Systems Bloom Filters Coded Bloom Filter Counting Bloom Filter在此项目中
分布式系统布鲁姆过滤器编码布鲁姆过滤器计数布鲁姆过滤器 在此项目中,我实现了Bloom Bloom过滤器,编码Bloom Bloom过滤器,Counting Bloom Filter计数。 这些用于G
23 2021-03-27