Solve the following recurrence relation by repeated substitution
Phase relation and thermodynamic study of the Pt Zn system
Phase relation and thermodynamic study of the Pt-Zn system,乔芝郁,袁文霞,Phase relation in the Pt-Zn binar
23 2020-07-18 -
Exploring Distinctive Features in Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction
Exploring Distinctive Features in Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction
7 2021-04-19 -
Analysis of the constraint relation between ground and selfadaptive mobile
Analysis of the constraint relation between ground and selfadaptive mobile mechanism of a transforma
11 2021-04-20 -
The necessary and sufficient conditions when a fuzzy relation to be⊤Euclidean
9 2021-02-23
A Component Relation Map Detection Algorithm for Text Similarity
A Component-Relation-Map Detection Algorithm for Text Similarity
14 2021-02-19 -
Investigation on relation of viscosity and inner structure of suspension under a
17 2020-08-11 -
Learning the Distinctive Pattern Space Features for Relation Extraction
Learning the Distinctive Pattern Space Features for Relation Extraction
11 2021-02-19 -
Distant Supervised Relation Extraction with Cost Sensitive Loss
Distant Supervised Relation Extraction with Cost-Sensitive Loss
13 2021-02-09 -
Image Set Representation and Classification with Covariate relation Graph
Image Set Representation and Classification with Covariate-relation Graph
15 2021-02-08 -
A new relation between periodic points and fixed points
周期点与不动点之间的一个新的关系,赵学志,,在本文中,我们给出对任意不动点与周期点的统一处理. 相对尼尔森理论,尼尔森周期点理论之间的关系及相互联系也加以讨论
26 2020-08-15