abstraction and refinement for large scale model checking
Baier Katoen2008Principles of Model Checking.pdf
17 2020-05-25 -
A Safety Analysis Method for Model Checking Based on Multiple Faults Injection
To ensure the full safety of safety-critical system, a safety analysis method for model checking bas
16 2021-02-07 -
A Model Checking Approach to Analyzing Timed Compatibility in Mediation aided Co
A Model Checking Approach to Analyzing Timed Compatibility in Mediation-aided Composition of Web Ser
9 2021-02-07 -
Model based incremental conformance checking to enable interactive product confi
Context: Model-based product line engineering (PLE) is a paradigm that can enable automated product
8 2021-04-26 -
Large scale synthesis of shuttle like CuO nanocrystals by microwave irradiation
19 2020-04-20 -
Partial Randomness Hashing for Large Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
Partial Randomness Hashing for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
11 2021-02-08 -
Novel link prediction for large scale miRNAlncRNA interaction network in a bipar
Novel link prediction for large-scale miRNAlncRNA interaction network in a bipartite graph
16 2021-02-07 -
A Spherical Wavefront Based Scatterer Localization Algorithm Using Large Scale A
A Spherical-Wavefront-Based Scatterer Localization Algorithm Using Large-Scale Antenna Arrays
14 2021-02-08 -
Wafer scale synthesis of polycrystalline monolayer graphene film with large doma
18 2020-07-17 -
Large Scale Machine Learning with SparkPackt Publishing2016.pdf
19 2020-05-19