Pro Apache Phoenix(Apress,2016)
Apress Next Generation Databases2016
15 2020-05-15 -
Introducing Bootstrap4Apress2016
27 2020-05-18 -
Introducing Linux Distros Apress2016
21 2019-09-25 -
Math Mutation Classics Apress2016
Did you know that sometimes 2+2 equals 5? That wheels don't always have to be round? That you can ma
11 2021-04-27 -
Relational Database Programming Apress2016
Learn the best way of writing code to run inside a relational database. This book shows how a holist
7 2021-04-24 -
Making Games With JavaScript Apress2016
Develop games using the JavaScript web scripting language. This compact short book will help you lea
47 2018-12-25 -
PHP Beyond the Web Apress2016
Use your existing web-based PHP skills to write all types of software: CLI scripts, desktop software
6 2021-04-18 -
iOS Penetration Testing Apress2016
Unearth some of the most significant attacks threatening iOS applications in recent times and learn
15 2021-04-18 -
Practical Hadoop Ecosystem Apress2016
This book is a practical guide on using the Apache Hadoop projects including MapReduce, HDFS, Apache
52 2018-12-27 -
Practical Swift Apress2016.pdf
This is the ideal guide to walk you through Xcode and all the latest features Swift 3 has to offer.
27 2018-12-27