Computer Architecture and Engineering
computer architecture solution
computer architecture solution
40 2018-12-29 -
An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking
An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking电子版
61 2018-12-08 -
Fault Tolerant Computer Architecture
Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture publishes 50 to 150 page publications on topics pertaini
52 2018-12-07 -
The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture
The Essentials of Computer Organization And Architecture by Linda Null
44 2019-01-02 -
Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision
Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision 重新思考计算机视觉的初始架构 Christian Szegedy, Vincent
49 2018-12-24 -
Computer Architecture_A Quantitative Approach
John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson - Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach
43 2018-12-29 -
Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance
William Stallings - Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance
44 2019-01-02 -
The Architecture of Computer Hardware Systems Software Networking
计算机硬件软件与网络架构,由Irv Englander教授编写。 反映该领域的最新技术,为读者提供最新的资源; 提供了涵盖从个人电脑到大型机的各种硬件和软件系统的示例; 更加重视网络,以解决通信领域日
32 2019-03-16 -
A computer engineering student from Slovenia has put this to
A computer engineering student from Slovenia has put this together. Its a VB program with all source
27 2019-01-01 -
Cognitive Radio Architecture The Engineering Foundations of Radio XMLWiley.
一个令人兴奋的新技术,描述了一个谁发明了它 这是第一本专门认知无线电技术,有前途的新技术,有望彻底改变与提高无线的灵活性,电信业。认知无线电技术集成到软件计算智能定义为嵌入射频适应环境和用户需求智能代
37 2019-01-02