android SceenCut
Android代码Android ServiceManager
Android-ServiceManager 简化android跨进程调用,无需aidl、service、messenger等,只需定义任意接口,并实现接口即可。 利用此框架可以轻松实现跨进程调用。
9 2020-08-06 -
Android代码Android MonthCalendarWidget
Android Month Calendar Widget Demo A simple example of a responsive Month Calendar app widget for An
4 2020-08-06 -
Android代码GoogleNewsStandAnimation Android
Google-NewsStand-Animation-Android Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand app with transitions
16 2020-08-06 -
Android代码HNReader Android
HNReader HNReader is an Android app for the hacker news website. The app parses the actual html of t
7 2020-08-06 -
Android代码logback android
logback-android v1.1.1-6 Overview logback-android brings the power of logback to Android. This libra
7 2020-07-27 -
Android代码ChatMessagesAdapter android
ChatMessagesAdapter for Android QuickBlox simple to use UI library for showing quickblox chat messag
7 2021-04-22 -
Android代码android edittextpassword
android-edittextpassword EditTextPassword is a Android library that allows to show/hide the password
13 2020-07-23 -
Android代码mycitybikes android
Users: The project currently support: Oslo Stockholm (no live data) Paris Barcelona Washington DC De
11 2020-07-23 -
Android代码Android ViewPagerIndicator
Android-ViewPagerIndicator 一款仿MIUI的ViewPagerIndicator,支持Tab数量随意定义。 效果图 固定tab数量 非固定tab数量 用法 代码生成tab m
12 2020-07-27 -
Android代码Android SpinKit
Android-SpinKit >Android loading animations(I wrote a android edition according SpinKit) Preview
7 2020-07-27