ISO/IEC-7816-1的规范,主要介绍了智能卡行业的概况和缩写,是智能卡最重要的规范7816学习的基础,对接触式卡片交互有一定的帮助ISo/EC7816-1:2011(EForewordi So(the International Organization for Standardization and iEc( the International ElectrotechnicalCommission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members ofISo or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committeesestablished by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IECtechnical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmentaland non-governmental, in liaison with Iso and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of informationtechnology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/EC JTC 1International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/EC Directives, Part 2The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft InternationaStandards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication asan International Standard requires approval by at least 75 of the national bodies casting a voteAttention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be thrights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent righs e subject of patentISO/EC 7816-1 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISo/EC JTC 1, Information technology,Subcommittee SC 17, Cards and personal identificationThis second edition cancels and replaces the first edition(ISO/EC 7816-1: 1998), which has been technicallyrevised It also incorporates the Amendment ISoNEC7816-1: 1998/Amd 1: 2003ISO/EC 7816 consists of the following parts, under the general title identification cards- integrated circuitcardsPart 1: Cards with contacts Physical characteristicsPart 2: Cards with contacts- Dimensions and location of the contactsPart 3: Cards with contacts- Electrical intertace and transmission protocolsPart 4: Organization, security and commands for interchangePart 5: Registration of application providersPart 6: Interindustry data elements for interchangePart 7: Interindustry commands for Structured Card Query Language( SCQL)Part 8: Commands for security operationsPart 9: Commands for card managementPart 10: Electronic signals and answer to reset for synchronous cardsPart 11: Persona/ verification through biometric methods-Part 12: Cards with contacts--USB electrical interface and operating proceduresPart 13: Commands for application management in a multi-application environmentPart 15: Cryptographic information applicationLicensedtokonai/kyounghwanpark( Store Order: OP-152844/ Downloaded: 2016-07-07O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserve Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibitedSO/EC78161:2011(EIntroductionISO/EC 7816 is a series of International Standards specifying integrated circuit cards and the use of suchcards for interchange. These cards are identification cards intended for information exchange negotiatedbetween the outside world and the integrated circuit in the card. As a result of an information exchange,thecard delivers information (computation result, stored data) and/or modifies its content(data storage, eventmemorization)Five parts are specific to cards with galvanic contacts and three of them specify electrical interfacesISO/EC 7816-1 specifies physical characteristics for cards with contactsI SOnEC 7816-2 specifies dimensions and location of the contactsISO/EC 7816-3 specifies electrical interface and transmission protocols for asynchronous cardsSo/EC 7816-10 specifies electrical interface and answer to reset for synchronous cardsI SO/EC 7816-12 specifies electrical interface and operating procedures for USB cardsAll the other parts are independent of the physical interface technology. They apply to cards accessed bycontacts and/or by contactless technologyso/ 7816-4 specifies organization security and commands for interchangeISO/EC 7816-5 specifies registration of application providersISO/EC 7816-6 specifies interindustry data elements for interchangeISO/EC 7816-7 specifies commands for structured card query languageISO/EC 7816-8 specifies commands for security operationsISO/EC 7816-9 specifies commands for card managementSO/EC 7816-11 specifies personal verification through biometric methodsISOnEC 7816-13 specifies commands for application management in a multi-application environmentISO/EC 7816-15 specifies cryptographic information applicationLicensedtokonai/kyounghwanpark( Store Order: OP-152844/ Downloaded: 2016-07-0Single user licence only, copying and networking proh O ISO/EC 2011-Allrights reservedINTERNATIONAL STANDARDsOEC7816-1:2011(Edentification cards- Integrated circuit cardsPart 1:Cards with contacts-Physical characteristics1 ScopeThis part of ISO/EC 7816 specifies the physical characteristics of integrated circuit cards with contacts. Itapplies to identification cards of the ID-1 card type, which can include embossing and/or a magnetic stripeand/or tactile identifier mark as specified in ISO/EC 7811. Test methods are specified in ISO/EC 10373-1This part of ISo/EC 7816 applies to cards which have a physical interface with electrical contacts. It does not,however, define the nature, number and position of the integrated circuits in the cards2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument(including any amendments)appliesISO/EC 7810, Identification cards- Physical characteristicsISO/EC 10373-1dentification cards- Test methods- Part 1: Genera/ characteristics3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISo/EC 7810, ISo/EC 10373-1 and thefollowing applyintegrated circuitelectronic component designed to perform processing and/or memory functions32contactconducting element ensuring galvanic continuity between integrated circuit and the external interfacingequipment3.3damagednot testably functional as defined in iSo/EC 10373-1Licensedtokonai/kyounghwanpark( Store Order: OP-152844/ Downloaded: 2016-07-07O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserve Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibitedSO/EC78161:2011(E4 Physical characteristics4.1 GeneralAn ID-1 card shall fulfil the physical requirements given in 4.2 to 4.5 after the insertion of an IC into the card4.2 Surface profile of contactslo point of the entire Ic contact surface shall be higher than 0, 10 mm above or lower than 0, 10 mm below theadjacent surface of the carda card issuer may require more stringent tolerances in accordance with its sector or its application-specificrequirementsWARNING- For cards which are printed after embedding, problems can be encountered whencontacts are above the adjacent surface of the card4.3 Mechanical strength (of a card and contacts)The card should resist damage to its surface and to any components contained in it and should remain intactduring normal use, storage and handlingEach contact surface and contact area(entire galvanic surface) shall not be damaged by a working pressureequivalent to a steel ball of diameter 1 mm applying a force of 1, 5 N4.4 Electrical resistance(of contactsThe contact resistance of a card connector assembly should be sufficiently low to enable a good contactbetween card and reader contactsWhen a d.C. current of any value between 50 HA and 100 mA is applied, the surface resistance between anytwo points on the same contact pad shall not exceed 0, Q at a distance of 1, 5 mm between contact pointsThe contact pad area is defined in Iso/Ec 7816-24.5 Electromagnetic interference(between magnetic stripe and integrated circuitIf the card carries a magnetic stripe, the IC card shall not be damaged, malfunction or be altered after readingwriting or erasing of the magnetic stripe. Conversely, the writing or reading of the Ic shall not cause amalfunction of the magnetic stripe or its associated reading, writing or handling mechanismsLicensedtokonai/kyounghwanpark( Store Order: OP-152844/ Downloaded: 2016-07-0Single user licence only, copying and networking proh O ISO/EC 2011-Allrights reservedISo/EC7816-1:2011(EBibliography[1 ISO/EC 7811-1: 2002, ldentification cards- Recording technique -Part 1: Embossing[2 ISO/EC 7811-2: 2001, Identification cards- Recording technique- Part 2: Magnetic stripe-Lowcoercivity[3 ISO/EC 7811-6: 2008, Identification cards- Recording technique- Part 6: Magnetic stripe- HighCoercIvity[4 ISO/EC7811-7: 2004, Identification cards- Recording technique- Part 7: Magnetic stripe- Highcoercivity, high density[5 ISO/EC 7811-8: 2008, /dentification cards- Recording technique- Part 8: Magnetic stripe -Coercivity of 51, 7 KA/m(650 Oe)[6 ISO/EC7811-9: 2008, ldentification cards- Recording technique- Part 9: Tactile identifier mark[7 ISO/EC 7813: 2006, Information technology --ldentification cards- Financial transaction cards[8 ISO/EC 7816-2, Identification cards- Integrated circuit cards- Part 2: Cards with contactsDimensions and location of the contactsLicensedtokonai/kyounghwanpark( Store Order: OP-152844/ Downloaded: 2016-07-07O ISO/EC 2011-All rights reserve Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibitedSO/EC78161:2011(Ecs35240.15Price based on 3 pagesLicensedtokonai/kyounghwanpark( Store Order: OP-152844/ Downloaded: 2016-07-07O ISo/EC 2011-All rights reservedSingle user licence only, copying and networking prohibited