Wireless Transceiver Systems Design
无线收发系统设计射频收发器原理和设计,相当有用的书籍,英文高清版本作者信息:Wolfgang EberleKatholieke Universiteit LeuvenInteruniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC)LeuvenBelgiumWolfgang EberleWireless transceiverSystems design②SPringerWolfgang EberleKatholieke Universiteit LeuvenInteruniversity Microelectronics Center (IMECLeuverbelgiumLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2007939952ISBN978-0-387-74515-2e-ISBN978-0-387-74516-9c 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLCAll rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the writtenpermission of the publisher(Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New YorkNY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use inconnection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computersoftware, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. Theuse in this publication of trade names, trademarkS, service marks and similar terms, even if they are notidentified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject toproprietary rightsPrinted on acid-free paper987654321springer. comPrefaceDuring the last 30 years, wireless in communications has grown from a nichemarket to an economically vital consumer mass market. The first wave, with thebreakthrough of 2G mobile telephony focused on speech, placed wirelesscommunication in the consumer mass market. In the current second wave. servicesare extended toward true multimedia, including interactive video, audio, gaming,and broadband InternetThese high-data rate services, however, led to a separate IP-centric family ofwireless personal (WPANs) and local area networks(WLANS)outside the 2G/3Gmobile path. Since diversity between data- and voice-centric solutions and thecompetition between standardized and proprietary approaches is today moreblocking than enabling effective development of successful products, a third majorwave is unavoidable: a consolidation of both worlds in portable devices withflexible multistandard communication capabilities enabled for quality-of-serviceaware multimedia services. At the same time, the dominance of wired desktoppersonal computers has been undermined by the appearance of numerous portableand smart devices: laptops, notebooks, personal digital assistants, and gamingdevices. Since these devices target low-cost consumer markets or face wiredcompetition, time to market is crucial, designed-in flexibility is important, low-power operation is a key asset, yet device cost shall be at a minimumThis book approaches this design tradeoff challenge from the perspective of thesystem architect. The system architect is concerned both in an efficient designprocess and in a competitive design result. Already with the advent of the secondwave high-rate communications, traditional design techniques, relying on earlypartitioning and substantial engineering margins per design domain, hit the red-brick wall of design efficiency and product cost. We present solutions to the twocentral design challenges: how to efficiently design a second-wave Wlan systemand how can we prepare already for the upcoming challenges of flexible multi-standard terminals? Consequently, we illustrate true crossdisciplinary electronicsystem-level design with examples in algorithm-architecture codesign, mixedsignal algorithm/architecture codesign, and crosslayer system exploration. Threerecurring themes distinguish this work: preference for scalable and hence reusablearchitectural concepts, proof of concept through actual design and experimentalverification, and consequent analysis of design steps and their development into amethodology.I Traditional broadcasting-only services such as radio or TV distribution are excludedIn imec. the term m4 for multimode multimedia was coined for this comservice paradigm. Outside, the term 4G is often used but sometimes also munication andPrefaceThe research described here is based on the ph. d. dissertation of the author whichtook place mainly between 1998 and 2003 at the Interuniversity microelectronicsCenter (IMEC), an independent large-scale research center for micro- andnanoelectronics and its applications in Leuven, BelgiumOur research resulted in the world's first two low-cost and high-performanceoFdM baseband ASICs for wireless lan. practical solutions for mixed-signalacquisition digital front-end nonideality compensation, and application-driventransceiver designConcerning design methodologies, we developed a practical digital and mixedsignal design flow, contributed to behavioral modeling, cosimulation and designtechnology, and extended the multiobjective optimization paradigm to apractically applicable design-calibration-run-time approach as well as showed itssuitability in the mixed-signal architectural and crosslayer domainThis book is not focusing on the latest modifications and adaptations in thequickly emerging world of standards around WLANs. Instead, it aims at capturingthe design challenges, decision-taking processes, and crossdisciplinary aspects ofdesigning complex transceiver systems in the wireless domain and proposinggeneric ways of addressing these challenges. This is at the heart of the tasks of asystem architect which in the era of system on chip(SoC)coincides more andmore with the one of a chip architectAcknowledgmentsThis book has emerged from my ph. D. dissertation at IMEC/KU Leuven So, mostacknowledgments go into that direction. However, the way that Ph. D. projectstarted and the way it moved on is an integral part of the story. To understand themotivation behind the Ph. D. work and ultimately behind this book, it may benecessary to know more than the purely technical aspects of designing wirelessLANS. Hence. i want to disclose some of it to the reader of this book.Going for a Ph. D. is always striving for the creation of something newgroundbreaking results and major contributions to the state of the art. Definitively,but it is not also about crossing traditional research boundaries, challengingdiscussions, and fruitful work with other people. So it would not be poor if weonly looked at the endpoint of the story and not at the travel itself?To begin with, this thesis was not born as the child of a"normalPh D. studentlife, which starts with a supervisor and a nicely defined focused topic, with ascholarship, all in a familiar environment, and a birth after 4 years. Rather, it hasbeen a 6-year journey, starting with a sudden move to belgium. What followedturned out to be a tricky balancing act between industrial projects and scientificpublications, between teaching and project organization, a walk across differentgroups, and meandering along the chasms of analog and digital, systems andcomponents, implementation and methodology. It has been an adventurous questan all-inclusive trip with pain and joy, and the simple conclusion that I would notwant to miss anything from it, after allParticularly, I will never know how to thank all the people that made this journeyfruitful and interesting. Still, I will make a try, so let us dig into the roots of how itall startedBack in GermanyIt would have never happened this way, I had not followed the vivid lectures ofProf. Robert Maurer on RF communications and microwave design back inGermany. All of a sudden, my eyes opened up for the wide world of wirelesscommunications, of microwave and RF, of analog and digital. Add to this theoverwhelming experience of 3 years part-time work in a great atmosphere at theInstitute for Biomedical Engineering, which made engineering put in a perspectiveto the realms of biology and medicine. Thanks to them the ground was paved formy interest in personal wireless communications systemsAcknowledgmentsIMEC comes into the pictureMy diploma in reach(not yet in my pocket), a thesis on wireless Lan forbiomedical applications just behind me, and an invitation for an interview basedon a brief e-mail sent before Christmas 1996, I arrived in Leuven on a cold dayeven with snow(quite exceptional these days) in the corners of the parking. whilehaving no experience in microelectronics and applying for a job aswirelessexpert in ASIC design, destiny appeared in the form of Bert Gyselinckx, MarcEngels, and Ivo bolsens who put an incredible amount of trust into me and offeredme to join the WIse group. Fortunately, I soon got company on my journeythrough the wonders of wireless LANs, when Liesbet van der perre joined a fewweeks later. I still remember her saying"Proof is the bottom line for everyoneand our first bottles of champagne for the Festival ASICWell, where is the Ph. D. starting in the end?The inspiring talks of Prof. Hugo De Man illustrating the challenges of system-level design and expressing the crucial need for crossdisciplinary research grewthe idea for a broad, system-level and both design- and methodology-orientedthesis: mixed analog/digital exploration and design for wireless broadbandtransceivers.A start had been made already with the digital vlsi designs ofFestival and Carnival. as the topic suggested revolution instead of evolution wasthe way; hence I moved with my new focus into the mixed-signal and reapplications group to complete this work. I owe invaluable appreciation to mypromoters Prof De Man and Prof. Georges Gielen for their inspiration, scientificcriticism, and support during my Ph. D, and to Marc Engels, Stephane donnayGerd Vandersteen, Piet Wambacq, Liesbet Van der Perre, and Bert Gyselinckx fortheir patience and help for suggestions, reviewing, and proofreadingYou never work aloneResearch is a path that you do not walk alone and it particularly means that younever work alone either. My thanks go to all people I enjoyed working with andlearning from: Veerle and Alain for telling me what digital design is about en vooreen warme ontvangst die mijn taalkennis Nederlands zonder twiifel bevorderdeThanks also to Geert, Mario, and Mustafa during the busy days of Festival andCarnival tape-outs. For the algorithmic side of life, my thanks go to Patrick,Steven, Luc, Frederik, Huub, and Andrew; for occasional demo highlights andnightmares to Roeland(2x), Tom, Mike, Bhasker, Peter, and Maryse. Moreoverthanks to Patrick, Luc, Radim, and Erik for being incredibly patient with respect toOCAPI bells and whistles. Thanks to all former Mira people for providing me anice welcome in 2000 and a steady home and especially for the open discussionsand their CAD support to Michael, Petr, and Gerd. Particular thanks to BjornJoris, Hideki, and Guido. Who did I forget? Indeed, Boris, for having a great time,tough discussions, and for bringing me always down to earth when dreaming inIn fact, this work centered around body area networks which, since 2003, have beenreceiving significant scientific attention. In those days of 1996, it may not have been theright time yet but this is another story.Acknowledgmentsthe Pareto space. In this space, I enjoyed adventures together with Bruno, SofieFrancky, and Gregory. Many thanks go also to Wendy and Y ves at the vuBELEC lab for real measurements. I also enjoyed a great time as their daily thesisadvisor with Mario, Ludwig, and Roeland. I guess I would better stop here andnow before i have addressed everyone in DeSiCs individually. So, last but notleast, many thanks to Annemie, Karine, and Myriam for their warm help andsupportNumerous contacts with industry provided me with an amazingly rich amount offeedback. Particular thanks for vivid discussions and permanent challengingfor their technical support, for bottles of champagne and their appreciation ofour work goes to National Semiconductors. Thanks also to project partnersat Motorola Geneve, Infineon Technologies in Munchen and villach, StMicroelectronics in Pavia, and sony Japan for their interest in and feedback on mywork at IMEC. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone atResonext Communications for a great time in the hot phase of a startup endeavorparticularly to Jess, Karl, Farbod, Patrick, and Radim. I am very grateful to Marc,Bert, and Stephane at IMEC and David and morteza at resonext for offering methis unique opportunityFriends at workBesides work, there are other good reasons to spend time together with yourcolleagues. So, floorball comes into my mind. Having started with only a handfof people in the good old VSDM days in late 1999- it must have been one ofthose rainy autumn sunsets- things have grown and this sport still gathers quitesome people every week. This was a welcome activity complementing office lifeand providing a good balance for the, sometimes, unavoidable deadlines, weekendand evening work. I have made numerous friends with people working throughoutwhole imec and outside of ImeC, a truly unforgettable experience and one of thereason why I simply love this place and its peopleMy greatest gratitude goes to my mom and dad who always trusted in me, helpedme on whatever way I had chosen and supported my sudden decision in January1997 to leave for Belgium: Von Herzen-vielen, vielen Dank fur EureJnterstutzung. I would like to devote this book to both of themLeuvenWolfgang EberleOctober 20074 Now Freescale semiconductorS In the meanwhile, Resonext Communications have been acquired by RF Micro Devices(RFMD)ContentsIntroduction∴1.1 Context1.2 Motivation and objectives359proachP1. 4 Preview of contents and Contributions2 The System Design Process172.1 Design2.1.1Design as a process202.1.2 Application and Rationale of the Design Process242.2 Microelectronic System Design......292. 2. 1 The Challenge of Complexity and Heterogeneity292.2.2 State of the Art in Electronic System-Level design312.2.3 Synthesis of a Future-Proof Design Methodology342.3 Crossdisciplinarity..........................372.3. 1 Disciplines372.3.2 Consequences for the Design Process.............. 382.3.3 Consequences for the Designers and Design Methodologies.. 392.3.4 Codesign of Design Technology and application……………412.4 Conclusions…423 Specification for a Wireless LAN Terminal………453.1 Wireless local Area Networks463.1.1 Wireless lan Between Early Radio and 4G483.1.2 Requirements Analysis533.1.3 Conclusions583.2 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing603.2. 1 Indoor Propagation Characteristics3.2.2 History and Principle of OFDM3.2.3 Mathematical Model.703.2.4 Extension to a Practical System Model3.3 Requirements Specification for a Broadband WLAn Terminal763.4 Conclusions774 Efficient Digital vlsi Signal Processing for OFDM.o...... 794.1 OFDM Baseband Signal Processing80