Performance Analysis of Suboptimal Soft Decision DS-BPSK Receivers
The problem of receiving direct sequence (DS) spread spectrum, binary phase shift keyed (BPSK)information in pulsed noise and continuous wave (CW) jamming is studied in additive white noise.An automatic gain control is not modelled. The general system theory of receiver analysis is firstpresented丿 UHANI JUNTTIPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OFSUBOPTIMAL SOFT DECISIONDS/BPSK RECEIVERS IN PULSED NOISEAND CW JAMMING UTILIZINGJAMMER STATE INFORMATIONAcademic Dissertation to be presented with the assent ofthe faculty of technology University of oulu, for publiciscussion in Kajaaninsali (Auditorium L6), Linnanmaa, onJune 17th, 2004, at 12OULUN YLIOPISTO, OULU 2004Copyright 2004University of Oulu, 2004SupserviseProfessor Pentti LeppanenReviewed byResearch Professor Aarne mammelaProfessor Branka vuceticISBN951-42-73850(nid)isbn951-42-7386-9(pdf)http://herkules.oulufi/isbn9514273869/SSN0355-32|3http://herkules.oulufi/issn03553213/OULU UNIVERSITY PRESSOULU 2004Juntti, Juhani, Performance analysis of suboptimal soft decision Ds/BPsK receiversin pulsed noise and Cw jamming utilizing jammer state informationDepartment of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of oulu, P.O. Box 4500, FIN90014 University of Oulu, Finland2004Oulu. FinlandabstractThe problem of receiving direct sequence(DS)spread spectrum, binary phase shift keyed (BPSK)information in pulsed noise and continuous wave( Cw) jamming is studied in additive white noiseAn automatic gain control is not modelled the general system theory of receiver analysis is firstpresented and previous literature is reviewed. The study treats the problem of decision making aftermatched filter or integrate and dump demodulation. The decision methods have a great effect onwith pulsed jamquantized soft, signal level based erasure, and chip combiner receivers. The analysis is done using achannel parameter D, and bit crror uppcr bound. Simulations wcrc donc in original papers using aconvolutionally coded DS/BPSK system. The simulations confirm that analytical results are validFinal conclusions are based on analytical resultsThe analysis is done using a Chernoff upper bound and a union bound. The analysis is presentedith pulsed noise and CW jamming. The same kinds of methods can also be used to analyse otherjamming signals. Thc rcccivcrs arc comparcd under pulsed noisc and Cw jamming along with whitegaussian noise. The results show that noise jamming is more harmful than Cw jamming and that ajammer should use a high pulse duty factor. If the jammer cannot optimise a pulse duty factor, a goodrobust choice is to use continuous time jammingThe best performance was achieved by the use of the chip combiner receiver. Just slightly worsewas the quantized soft and signal level based erasure receivers the hard decision receiver was clearlyworse. The soft decision receiver without jammer state information was shown to be the mostvulnerable to pulsed jamming. The chip combiner receiver is 3 dB worse than an optimum receiver( the soft decision receiver with perfect channel state information)If a simple implementation is required, the hard decision receiver should be used. If moderatecomplex implementation is allowed, the quantized soft decision receiver should be used. The signalevel based erasure receiver does not give any remarkable improvement, so that it is not worth usingbecause it is more complex to implement. If receiver complexity is not limiting factor, the chipcombiner receiver should be usedUncoded DS/BPSK systems are vulnerable to jamming and a channel coding is an essential partof antijam communication system Detecting the jamming and erasing jammed symbols in a channeldecoder can remove the effect of pulsed jamming. The realization of erasure receivers is rather easyusing current integrated circuit technologyKeywords: channel coding, decision metrics, direct-sequence, interference cancellation,spread spectrumDedicated to my familyPrefaceThis thesis is based on the work that was carried out both in the spread-spectrum researchgroup in the Telecommunication Laboratory, Departrment of Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Oulu, Finland, during the years 1986-1991 and in the Aircraft and WeaponSystems Department of Finnish Air Force Headquarters, during the years 1992-2003During the years 1986-1991 the basic ideas were discovered and the simulations weredone. During the years 1992-2003 the analysis of the systems was done and the thesiswas completedwant to express my gratitude to Professor Pentti Leppanen for providing me theopportunity to do research in the Telecommunication laboratory, and his guidance andsupport throughout the work, as well as to the chiefs of Aircraft and Weapon SystemsDepartment General markku Ihantola(1995-2000)and Colonel niilo Kansanen(20012004)for providing me the opportunity to do research work while working in the finnishAir Force headquartersI would like to thank the reviewers professor branka vucetic and Professor aarneMammela for a thorough examination of the thesis, and their useful recommendationsand Dr Harri Saarnisaari, from the Telecommunication Laboratory of University of oulufor thorough guidance, recommendations, and pre-review of the thesisI wish to thank M. Sc. Kari Jyrkka for his contribution in preparing some originalpublications and doing simulations of the continuous wave jamming cases. i wish also tothank Lic. Tech. ari Pouttu for many useful discussions and recommendations and m. scMatti Raustia for help in Matlab programming, both from the telecommunicationLaboratory. There are numerous other members of the spread-spectrum research group inthe Telecommunication Laboratory of University of Oulu, to whom I am very grateful fortheir support and comments. I would like to thank computer system manager M ScPekka Nissinaho for the support in running the simulationsThe financial support provided by Finnish Air Force, University of Oulu, ElektrobitLtd, Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd, Nokia Telecommunications Ltd, the TechnologyDevelopement Center of Finland, Finnish foundations: Emil Aaltosen saatio, NokiaOulun yliopistokkisaatio. Tauno tesa注t, TeknikEdistamissaatio enabled this work and are thus gratefully acknowledgedI wish to express my deepest thanks to my wife paivi, and my children Hanna-MariaJuho-Pekka, Jukka, Mikko, and Eero for all the patience and understanding they haveshown during the course of this work