the colour image processing handbook SJ Sangwine , REN Horne, 是英文本的。可是使用鼠标选择复制,质量应该是不错的。First edition 1998C 1998 Springer Science+ Business Media DordrechtOriginally published by Chapman hall in 1998Softcover reprint of the hardcover lst edition 1998ISBN978-1-4613-7647-7ISBN978-1-4615-5779-1( eBook)DOI10.1007978-1-4615-5779-1Munsell, Judge and ColorChecker'are registered trademarks of GretagMacbeth( names NCS"and Natural Color Systemare used with permission ofNCs- Scandinavian Colour InstituteColorSync'is a registered trademark of Apple Computer IncChttp://www.applecomCalibrator'is a registered trademark of Barco Graphics.(http://www.barcocom/)Fujichrome'is a registered trademark of Fujiphoto Film USA Inc(http://www.fujifilmcom/)Kodachrome Gold'and'Ektachrome' are registered trademarks of EastmanKodak Company(http://www.kodakcom/)Genesis' is a trademark of matrox Electronic Systems LtdChttp://www.matroxcom/Colour Dimensions'is a trademark of Imperial Chemical IndustriesTekColor'andTekhvc are trademarks of Tektronix IncPentium'is a trademark of Intel CorporationX Windows' is a trademark of Open Group('Unix'is a trademark of at&TAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording orotherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Applications for permission shouldbe addressed to the rights manager at the london address of the publisher.The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy ofthe information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for anyerrors or omissions that may be madeContentsList of contributorsIXPrefaceXIIIAcknowledgementsXV1 The present state and the future of colour image processingPART ONE COLOUR2 Colour visionWilliamChagga2.1 What is colour?72.2 The visual pathway2.3 Light absorption and trichromacy2.4 Colour appearance and opponent processes2.5 Other phenomena202.6 The uses of colour233 Colour science26M. Ronnier luo3.1 Introduction63.2 The CIE system273.3 Colour measurement instruments3.4 Uniform colour spaces and colour difference formulas443.5 Colour appearance modelling524 Colour spaces67Henryk Palus4.1 Basic RGB colour space674.2 XYZ colour space694.3 Television colour spaces71vi Contents4.4 Opponent colour space734.5 Ohta 1112l3 colour space754.6 IHS and related perceptual colour spaces764.7 Perceptually uniform colour spaces4.8 Munsell colour system864.9 Kodak Photo YCc colour space874.10 Summary of colour space properties89PART TWO IMAGE ACQUISITION5 Colour video systems and signals93Robin e.n. horne5.1 Video communication5.2 Colour reproduction1025.3 Encoded-colour systems1086 Image sources115Christine connolly6. 1 Overview of sources for image processing1156.2 Cameras1167 Practical system considerations129Christine Connolly and henryk palus7. 1 Image acquisition technique1297.2 Image storage1377.3 Colorimetric calibration of acquisition hardware140PART THREE PROCESSING8 Noise removal and contrast enhancement149John m. gauch8.1 Noise removal1508.2 Contrast enhancement1579 Segmentation and edge detection163John m. gauch9.1 Pixel-based segmentation1649.2 Region-based segmentation1699.3 Edge detection and boundary tracking176Contents vi9.4 Segmentation and edge detection quality metrics18610 Vector filtering188Konstantinos N. Plataniotis and Anastasios N. venetsanopoulos10.1 The Vector Median Filter10.2 Vector Directional Filters19310.3 Adaptive vector processing filters19710.4 Application to colour images20511 Morphological operations210Mary L. Comer and edward J. Delp11. 1 Mathematical morphology21111.2 Colour morphology21311.3 Multiscale image analysis2201.4 Image enhancement22412 Frequency domain methods228Stephen sanguine and Amy L. Thornton12.1 Review of the 2d discrete fourier transform23012.2 Complex chromaticity23112.3 The quaternion Fourier transform23512.4 Discussion24013 Compression242Marek domarski and Maciej bartkowiak13. 1 Image and video compression24213. 2 Component-wise still image compression25113.3 Exploitation of mutual colour component dependencies27213.4 Colour video compression297PART FOUR APPLICATIONS14 Colour management for the textile industry307Peter A rhodes14.1 Overview of colour flow in the textile industry30814.2 Colour management systems30914.3 CRT characterization31314.4 WYSIWYG colour management31614.5 Colour notation319viii Contents14.6 Colour quality control32614.7 The Colour Talk system32815 Colour management for the graphic arts332Jan morovic15.1 Overview of the graphic arts environment33315.2 Colour management systems overview33415.3 Characterization and calibration of system components33515.4 Gamut mapping34615.5 Current colour management systems35416 Medical imaging case study358Bryan F. Jones and Peter Plassmann16. 1 Wound metrics- the background and motivation35916.2 Principle of structured light36116.3 Implementation and precision of MAVIS36516.4 Assessment of the status of healing36916.5 Automatic segmentation of the wound37216.6 Visualization and storage of data37517 Industrial colour inspection case studies377Christine Connolly17.1 Inspection of printed card37817.2 Inspection of fast-moving beverage cans380References385ndex425List of contributorsMaciej bartkowiak is finishing his PhD in the Institute of Electronics andTelecommunications at Poznan University of Technology, Poland. His pub-lished work to date is in the fields of colour image processing and image datacompressionDr Mary L. Comer is currently working in the Corporate Innovation and Re-search Department at Thomson Consumer Electronics, Indianapolis, IndianaUSA, where she is involved in the development of digital video productsDr Christine Connolly formerly of the School of Engineering at the Univer-sity of Huddersfield, is a Director of Colour Valid Ltd, Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK. Her current work is in the area of non-contact colour inspectionfor a range of industrial applicationsDr Edward J. Delp is Professor of Electrical Engineering in the School ofElectrical Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USAHis research interests include image and video compression, medical imag-ng,parallel processing, multimedia systems, ill-posed inverse problems incomputational vision, nonlinear filtering using mathematical morphology,communication and information theory. He has consulted for various com-panies and government agencies in the areas of signal and image processingrobot vision, pattern recognition, and secure communications and has pub-lished and presented over 170 papersDr Marek domaniski is Professor of Image Processing and multidimensionaSystems in the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications at PoznanUniversity of Technology, Poland. His research activities include multidimensional digital filters(linear and nonlinear), passive digital systems, imageand video compression, subband coding, image enhancement and restorationHe was a visiting scientist at the University of Ruhr, Bochum, Germany in1986-1987 and 1990-1991. He has published and presented about 100 paersDr John m. Gauch is an Associate Professor in the Department of ElectricalEngineering and Computer Science at the University of Kansas, USA, wherex list of contributorshe has developed a comprehensive system of image processing libraries tosupport teaching and computer vision research programmesRobin e. N. Horne has been a Senior Scientific Officer in the Departmentof Engineering at the University of reading, UK since 1981. His technicalinterests are in video engineering and image processing and he has lecturedon these subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate level since 1983Professor Bryan F. Jones of the Department of Computer Studies at the University of Glamorgan, UK, has worked since 1985 on medical imaging. Hisparticular current field of interest is the measurement and analysis of woundsDr M. Ronnier luo is a Professor of colour Science in the Colour and imaging Institute at the University of Derby, UK. He has more than a decade ofexperience in applying the theories of colour science to industrial problemsand is a member of numerous technical committees of the Cie. In additionhe is currently the chairman of the UKs Colour Measurement Committee(CMC)and was awarded the prestigious Bartleson Award for his contributionto colour scienceDr William Mcllhagga has an MSc in mathematics and a Phd in vision sci-ence from the Australian National University. He is currently working onmodels for detection and discrimination of visual stimuli. and mri investi-gations of visual operations at The Psychological Laboratory, CopenhagenUniversity DenmarkJan morovic is currently working towards a Phd in the Colour and ImagingInstitute at the University of Derby, UK. He is developing a universal gamutmapping algorithmDr Henryk Palus is a Lecturer in the Department of Automatic Control atthe silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland. He has an extensiveresearch background in the areas of shape analysis, sensor systems, robot vi-sion systems, neural networks, stereovision systems, knowledge-based visionsystems and colour computer vision. He was awarded the daAd Scholarshipin 1992(University of Magdeburg and Technical College Ulm) and a BritishCouncil Scholarship in 1995(The University of Reading). Dr Palus is anAdvisory Editor of Machine Graphics and Vision and charter-member of thePolish Association of Image Processing(IAPR member)Peter Plassmann is a Research Fellow in the Department of Computer Stud-ies at the University of Glamorgan, UK. He is an electrical engineer withresearch interests in the fields of medical computing and image processing,with emphasis on thermal and 3D imaging of woundsDr Konstantinos N. Plataniotis of the Department of Math, Physics Comuter Science, School of Computer Science. Ryerson Polytechnic Univer-sity, Toronto, Canada, specializes in colour image processing, multimedia,content-based retrieval, adaptive systems and fuzzy logicDr Peter A. rhodes is a Research Fellow in the Colour and imaging Institute at the University of Derby, UK. His research interests include computermediated colour fidelity and communication for which he received his PhDin 1995 from Loughborough University, UKDr Stephen sangwine is an electronics engineer and has been a lecturer inthe Department of Engineering at The University of Reading, UK since 1985His technical interests include digital circuits and fault diagnosis a field inwhich he obtained his PhD in 1991. but since 1992. his research has beenin colour image processing with a particular interest in frequency domaintechniquesAmy L. Thornton is a design engineer working on both hardware and softwarefor FFT processing. Following on from postgraduate research for a PhD atThe University of Reading, UK, her area of interest is in processing data inthe frequency domainProfessor Anastasios N. venetsanopoulos is in the Department of Electricaland Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada. His research is in the fields of multimedia, colour image processing communications, nonlinear and multidimensional signal processing, fuzzy logic andneural networks