EnDat2.2协议的英文介绍,全称EnDat Interface VERSION 2.2,Bidirectional Synchronous-Serial Interface forPosition Encoders,适用于光电编码器,是德国海德汉公司为光电编码器开发的数据传输协议。3.54Version553.5.5Memory Partitioning of EnDat format for position values583.5.7Encoder Type583.5.8Signal Period Length or Signal Periods per Revolution593.5.9Number of Distinguishable Revolutions3.5.10Increment of Reference marks603.5.11Position of the first reference mark623.5.12Measuring Step or Measuring Steps per RevolutionDatum Shift of the encoder manufacturer3.5.14ID Number3.5.15Serial Number683.5.16Rotational direction693.5.17External configuration Diagnostics693.5.18Maximum Permissible Mechanical Velocity or Shaft Speed3.5.19Accuracy with Respect to Linear or Rotational velocity3.5.20Support of Error Messages 13.521Support of Warnings733.522EnDat Command set/Applications3.5.23Measuring Length743.5.24Maximum Processing Time3.5.25EnDat Ordering Designation763.5.26CHECKSUM3.6.1Datum shift8|362Diagnostics Configuration803.6.3Address assignment3.6.4InstructionsO0Ecoooag3.6.5Trigger Threshold of the Warning Bit for EXcessive Temperature366Cycle Time883.10.1Overview of parameters of the encoder manufacturer for endat of additional information 13.10.3Status of additional Information 23.10.4Status of additional functions853.10.5Acceleration853.10.6emperature863.10.7Diagnostic Status3.108Support of Error Messages 2863.109Forced Sampling status3.10. 10 Measuring Step or Measuring Steps per Revolution of Position Value 2883.10. 11 Accuracy with Respect to Linear or Rotational velocity893.10. 12 Number of Distinguishable Revolutions for Position value 23.10.13Direction of rotation or traverse for position value 23. 10.14 Encoder ldentification3.10. 15 Support of Instructions953.10. 16 Maximum Permissible Encoder Temperature953. 10.17 Maximum Permissible Mechanical Acceleration953.10. 18 Number of blocks for Section 2 Memory Area963.10.19Maximum Clock Frequency963. 10.20 Number of Bits for Position Comparison3.10.21 Scaling factor for Resolution97Release NoResponsibleReleasedVersion Rev. Sheet PageNameLechner A. Strasser E. Strasser E3/Dae03072007030720071907207Document no1313.10.22 Measuring Step, or Measuring Steps per Revolution or Subdivision Values of a GratingPeriod973.10.23 Maximum Speed or RPM for Constant Code value983.10.24 Offset Between Position value and Position value 23.10. 25 Number of Distinguishable Revolutions"with Scaling Factor1003. 10.26 Support of Operating Status Error Sources1013.10.27 CHECKSUM1014.2.1Error Handling for Type I1054.2.2Error Handling for Type4.2.3Error Handling for Type Ill1054.4.1Hardware CRC Generation1074.4.2Software CRc generation108o0兰E50009Figure 1Figure 28Figure 38Figure 4Figure 51,10Figure 610Figure 7Figurelg12Figure 912Figure 1012Figure 1114Figure 1214Figure 13■重日,日1,11d15Figure 14Figure 1515Figure 16Figure 1716Figure 18Figure 19:::..:::::22Figure 2023Figure 2124Release NoResponsibleReleasedVersion Rev. Sheet PageNameLechner A. Strasser E. Strasser E4/Dae03072007030720071907207Document no131Figure 2225Figure 23D面重26Figure 2427Figure 25重29Figure 26:.:::::日1■重日重重日,重重31Fiqure 27..32Figure 2835Figure 2935Figure 3036Figure 3136Figure32……37Figure 3337Figure34....……38Figure 3539Figure 3639Figure 3740Figure 3840Figure 39::::::::::::41Figure 4041Figure 4 1.42Figure 4242Figure 4353Figure 4453Figure 4553Figure 4654Figure 4759Figure 4861Figure 4961Figure 5065Figure 5165Figure 5266Figure 53Figure 5478Figure 5579Figure 5689Figure 57105Figure 58105Figure 59107ASeealsowww.endat.deRelease NoResponsibleReleasedVersion Rev. Sheet PageNameLechner A. Strasser E. Strasser E5/Dae03072007030720071907207Document no131The interface described in this document is designed forand thsuch asnumerical controls, servo amplifiers and programmable logic controllers. It offers the following benefitsPermits the use of absolute encoders and incremental encodersMinimizes transmission time for the position value. In applications in closed control loops thisreduces dead time and improves the control characteristicsBecause the interface ison demand (simplifies commissioning)Supportsandof the subsequent electronicsthe values are always transferred inThismeans that the subsequent electronics always perform the same type of evaluationGray code, PRC code, multiple incrementaltracks with defined differences in the grating period, etc. The absolute position value has no signSafety-relevant systems can be set upACompatibility with EnDat 2. 1 is a subset of the command set for En Dat 2.2Encoders with EnDat version 2.2 can be used as replacements for encoders withEnDat version 2.1If there are any deviations, they are described in the specificationsEnDat 2. 1 replacement units can also possibly have the EnDat 2.2 command seto0兰E50009Release NoResponsibleReleasedVersion Rev. Sheet PageNameLechner A. Strasser E. Strasser E6Dae03072007030720071907207Document no131Bidirectional data transfer(measured values or parameters)between position encoders andsubsequent electronics is performed with transceiver components in accordance withdifferential signals), synchronous to the clock signal(CLoCK )produced by the subsequentelectronics. Additionally to the serial data transmission, the encoder canprovidethat can be evaluated by the subsequent electronics. They have aSee the encoder,s specifications to see whether it supports additionalsinusoidal incremental signals. For special encoders that support the mode command Encoder toreceive communication command, see document D385768 sheet 1 for the required receiverhardwareMotor or machine housingSubsequent electronicsEncoderoptionalRnr? A+B+Rn/2A-,8-C1CData↓如0>Data inputo0兰E50009BidirectionalData output serial dataClock十}ClockOWFigureRa< 100 OhmZo=120 OhmCa≤50pFU1≈Uo∑|a<1mARS 485 transceiverUo=2.5y±0.5yC2=330pFThe capacitors c1, c2 and c3 serve toimprove the noise immunityAThe propagation times vary between the serially transferred data and the additional incrementalsignals. These differences depend on the encoder and the characteristics of the transmissionpathA separate receiver/driver module is to be assigned to each encoder in safety-orientedapplicationsThe maximum permissible clock pulse frequency depends upon the cable length and the subsequentelectronics. There are two basic versions of the subsequent electronicsWithout delay compensationWith delay compensationRelease NoResponsibleReleasedVersion Rev. Sheet PageNameLechner A. Strasser E. Strasser E7Dae03072007030720071907207Document no131TheIS「heand theebetween the encoder and the subsequent electronicsThe following diagram shows the maximum permissible clock pulse frequency f with respect to thecable length Lx between the encoder and the subsequent electronics at an on-off ratio of 1: 1 on theclock line10016000kHzMaximum perm ssible clock frequency fr。Figure 29 For other on-off ratios, fo-2t minwhere the following applies to tmin0esNoClockFigure 3Release NoResponsibleReleasedVersion Rev. Sheet PageNameLechner A. Strasser E. Strasser E8/Dae03072007030720071907207Document no131With long cable lengths and high clock pulse frequencies, the propagation time over the transmissionpath becomes great enough that it must be compensated for in order to ensure clear data assignmentCompensation is realized by determining the propagation time and taking it into account when thesubsequent electronics evaluate the data. Temperature fluctuations must have no influence on thepropagation time. This makes a maximum clock pulse frequency of 8 MHz possible, regardless of thecable length(maximum: 100 m)The clock frequency range of 8.. 16 MHz is intended for special applications3002000400080001200016000o0兰E50009Maximum perm ssible Clock frequency fFigure 4Pay attention to the attenuation and transmission behaviorThe description refers to standard applications with a clock frequency of max 8 MHZThe propagation time must be determined with a decreased clock pulse frequency(100 kHz to200 kHz) after every hardware change in the transmission path This step must be performedautomatically after each power interruption. In order to achieve a satisfactory accuracy for thepropagation time to(data delay time ) you must scan with a significantly higher internal frequencythan the maximum clock pulse frequency intended for later data transmissionFor every rising clock pulse edge after the Encoder to send position values" mode command andafter the transceiver has finished switching the encoder to sending, i.e. after every 10 clock pulseperiods t, a counter must be started in the subsequent electronics the value of the counter must besaved with every rising clock pulse edge of the start bit. This process should be repeated at leastthree times and consistency should be checked, in order to exclude interferences while determiningthe propagation timeTo ensure clarity in the following pulse diagrams, only the noninverted signals are shownRelease NoResponsibleReleasedVersion Rev. Sheet PageNameLechner A. Strasser E. Strasser EDae03072007030720071907207Document no131ock frequenc1kz200k区-nnmmnnrndnEncoder clock凵凵凵凵山凵凵凵凵凵凵山L中凵凵山凵凵凵山凵凵凵凵Encoder do ta)X00111x2Starl Err 1 Dala::Data Data 0ato X CR XER TRC XCRSubsequentelectronics dataX000111Star Em 1 Dato x::Data COta DOID)IRO CRD CRCCRC CROCstart countergureClock13data bitFigure 6The frequency fe for determining the propagation time tp must be at least eight times greater than theoOO0maximum clock pulse frequency fc that is intended for later data transmission In order to ensure anaccurate and interference-free value determination, the frequency for determining the propagation timecan vary by a maximum of +10%ExampleEO9Maximum clock pulse frequency for later data transmission fc 4 MHz>frequency fe for determiningthe propagation time tp= 4 MHz X 8=32 MHz; frequency tolerance +3.2 MHzThis measurement must be carried out at least three times and an arithmetic mean must be found. toguarantee an unambiguous allocation of the data bits, the three measured values may not vary fromthe determined mean by more than 1/8 of the period of the maximum clock pulse frequency fcRelease NoResponsibleReleasedVersion Rev. Sheet PageNameLechner A. Strasser E. Strasser E10Dae03072007030720071907207Document no131