Computer Graphics From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware 无水印pdf

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Computer Graphics From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除Chapman hall/CRCComputer Graphics, Geometric Modeling and Animation SeriesSeries editorBrian A. BarskyProfessor of Computer Science and vision ScienceAffiliate Professor of OptometryUniversity of california, BerkeleyAims and scopeThe computer graphics, geometric modeling, and animation series aims to cover a widerange of topics from underlying concepts and applications to the latest research advances. The series will comprise a broad spectrum of textbooks, reference books, andhandbooks, from gentle introductions for newcomers to the field to advanced books forspecialists that present the latest research results. The advanced books will describethe latest discoveries, including new mathematical methods and computational tech-niques, to facilitate researchers with their quest to advance the field. the scope of theseries includes titles in the areas of 2d and 3d computer graphics, computer animationrendering, geometric modeling, visualization, image processing, computational photography, video games, and more.Published titlesComputer Graphics: From Pixels to Programmable graphics HardwareAlexey Boreskov and Evgeniy ShikinAn integrated introduction to Computer Graphics and Geometric ModelingRonald goldmanComputer Graphics Through Open GL: From Theory to ExperimentsSumanta guhaCOMPUTERGRAPHIGSFrom Pixels to ProgrammableGraphics HardwareAlexey Boreskovvgeniy Shikin(CRC) CRC PressGroupBoca Raton London New yorkCRC Press is an imprint of theTaylor Francis Group, an informa businessa Chapman hall bookCRC PressTaylor Francis Group6000 Broken Sound Parkway Nw, Suite 300Boca raton Fl 33487-2742o 2014 by Taylor Francis Group, LLCCRC Press is an imprint of Taylor Francis Group, an Informa businessNo claim to original U.S. Government worksVersion date: 20130716International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4822-1557-1eBook-PDF)This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable effortshave been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assumeresponsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishershave attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize tocopyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material hasnot been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprintExcept as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmit-y form by any electroincluding photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system,om the publishersForpermissiontophotocopyorusematerialelectronicallyfromthisworkpleaseaccesswww.copyrightcom(,222RosewoodDrive, Danvers, MA,978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses andregistration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCca separate system of payment has been arrangedTrademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are usedonly for identification and explanation without intent to infringeVisit the Taylor francis Web site athttp://www.taylorandfrancis.comand the crc press Web site athttp://www.crcpress.comContentsForewordList of FigurcsXIllList of tables1 Introduction: Basic concepts1.1 Coordinate spaces, transformations1.2 Graphics pipclinc1.3 Working with the windowing system1. 4 Colors: Color models1.5 Raster algorithms1.6 Ilidden surface removal114567891.7 Lighting models and shading2 Transforms in 2D112.1 Vectors and matrices112.2 Transforms in 2D193 Basic linear transfo2.3.1 Scale transformation2.3.2 Reflect transformation212.3.3 Rotate transf222.3.4 Shear transformation232.3.5 Composite transformations242.4 HoInlogeneous coordinates263 Geometric algorit hms in 2D313.1 Line from two points313.2 Classification of a point relative to the li323.3 Classification of a circle relative to the line333.4 Classification of an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box(AABB)rel-ative to the line353.5 CoMputing the area of triangle and polygon373. 6 Intersection of two lines3.7 Intersection of two line segments3.8 Closest point on the line to the given point42ontents3.9 Distance froln point to line seginent433.10 Checking whether the given polygon is convex443.11 Check whether the point lies inside the given polygon3.12 Clipping line segment to a convex polygon Cyrus-Beck algo-473.13 Clipping a polygon: Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm503.14 Clipping a polygon to a convex polygon523.15 Barycentric coordinate534 Transformations in 3D, projections, quaternions574.1 3D vectors and matrices: Dot and vector (cross) products574.2 Linear transformations- scale reflection. rotation and shear 614.3 Reflection relative to a plane624 Rotation around an arbitrary vector( direction)4.5 Euler transformation654.6 Translation, affine transformation and homogeneous coordi-674.7 Rigid-body transformation684.8 Normal transformation4.9 Projections704.9.1 Parallel (orthographic) projection704.9.2 Perspective projection714.10 Coordinate svstems in 3D. translations between different coordinate systems744.11 Quaternions: Representation of oricntation in3D usingquaternions, quaternion interpolation765 Basic raster algorithms81.1 Raster grid, connectivity of raster grid, 4-connectivity and 8connectivity825.2Bims line algorith835.3 Bresenheim's circle algorithm895.4 Triangle filling95.5 Flood fill algorithm976 Color and color models101CIEXYZ color space1046.2 RGB color space1076.3 CMY and CMyK color spaces1086.4 H SV and HSL color spaces1106.4.1 HSV color model1116.4.2 HSL color model1136.5 Gamma correction1176.6 Yuv and Y CBCr color spaces1186.6.1Y′ uv color space119Contentsv116.6.2 Y'CbCr color space1196.7 Perceptually uniform color spaces, I uL *1*and l ab"color1206.8 sRGB color space1217 Basics freeglut and gleW for OpengL rendering1237.1 freeglut initialization1247. 2 Window creation1257. 3 Processing events1257. 4 Using the GL.eW libra.1287.5 Wrapping freeglut in a C++ class1298 Hidden surface remova1318. 1 Basic notions1338.1.1 Front-facing and back-facing polygons1338. 1.2 Dcpth complexity1348.1.3Coh1358.1.4 Occluders1351368.3buff1378.4 Hierarchical z-buffer1398.5 Priority algorithms1448.5.1 Paintcr's algorithm,,1448.5.2 Csing bsP-trees for hsR1458.6 Portals1468.7 Potentially-Visible Sets(PVs), computing PVS via portals 1498.8 IIardware occlusion queries and their usage1529 Modern OpenGL: The beginning1579.1 History of opengl1579.2 Main concepts of OpenGL1589.3 PrograllIllable pipeline1609.3.1 Vertex processingl629.3.2 Rasterization1639.3.3 Fragment processin1639.3.4 Per-fragment operations1639. 4 Our first OpenGl program1649.5 First OpenGL program using C++ classes1709.6 ParaIneter interpolation1729.7 Matrix operations1779.8 Rotating the object by mouse1809.9 Working with meshes1839.10 Working with textures1869.11 Instancing1939 12 Framebuffer object and rendering into a texture195ontents9. 13 Point sprite iI OpenGL19710 Working with large 2D/3D data sets20110.1 Bounding volumes20210.1.1 Axis-Aligned Bounding Box(AABB)20310.1.2 Sphere20410.1.3k-DOP20510.1.4 Oricnted Bounding Box(OBB20710.2 Regular grid21110.3 Nested(hierarchical) grids21410.1 Quad-trees and Oct-trees21610.5 kD-tree22010.6Big(BsP)tree2310.7 Bounding Volume Hierarchy(BVH)10.8 R-trees23210.9 Mixed structures23511 Curves and surfaces: Geometric modeling23711.1R23711.2 Elements of differential geometry, tangent space, curvature 24011.2. 1 Differential geometry of curves24011.2.2 Differential geometry of surfaces24211.3 Bczicr and hermite curvcs and surfaces24411.3.1 Bezier curves24511.3.2 Hermite curves24811.3.3 Bezier surfaces25011.3.4 Termite surfaces25211.4 Interpolation25211.5 Splines25511.5.1 B-splines25511.5.2 NURBS25711.5.3 Catmull-Rom splines25911.6 Surfaces of revolution11.7 Subdivision of curves and surfaces26111.7.1 Curve subdivision26211.7.2 Surface subdivision26312 Basics of animation26912.1 Coordinates interpolatiOn26912.2 Orientation interpolation27012.3 Key-frame animation27212.4 Skeletal animation27212.5 Path following274Contents13 Lighting Inodes27713.1 Diffuse(Lambert) model27813.2 Phong model27913.3 Blinn-Phong model28113.4 Ward isotropic model28113.5 Minnaert lighting28213.6 Lommel-Seeliger lighting28213.7 Rim light13.8 Distance attenuation28313.9 Rcflcction, Frcsncl coefficient and its approximations28413.10 Strauss lighting model28513.11 Anisotropic lightin28613. 11.1 Ward anisotropic model29013.12 Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function (BRDF)... 29013 13 Oren-Nayar model29213.15 Ashikhmin-Shirlcy modc/13.14 Cook-Torrance model29495ng(IBL29613.17 Spherical harmonics and their usage for lighting2914 Advanced OpenGl30514.1 Implementation of lighting models14.1.1 Lambert model30514.1.2 Phong lighting model30814. 1.3 Blinn-Phong lighting model31014. 1.4 Strauss lighting model31314.1.5 Normalized Phong and Blinn-Phong models31511.1.6 Oren-Nayar lighting model31614.1.7 Cook-Torrance lighting model31814.1.8 Ashikhmin-Shirley lighting model31914.2 Geometry shaders2214.3 Transform feedback33614. Multiple Render TargetS(MRT)34414.5 Uniform blocks and uniform buffers34514.6 Tessellation34914.7 OpenGL Es 236714.8 WebGL15 GPU image processing38115.1 Sampling, aliasing filters38115.2 Sepia effect38415.3 Effects based on color transformations15. edge detect filters38815.5 Emboss filte39115.6 Blur filters, Gaussian blur, separable filters

Computer Graphics From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware 无水印pdf
