松下DMC-FX01数码相机PDF资料,给维修数码产品的朋友提供一些方便。AHot-Check circuitAC VOLTMETER0.15APPLANCES1.5kg.10Wapacitorh Top P.C.BInsulation tubResistor for discharging(1kg/5W)Examples of typical es devices are CCD image sensor, IC(integrated circuits)and some field-effect transistors andsemiconductor " chip"componentsENGLISHARIC A lithium ion/polymer battery that is recyclable powers theproduct you have purchased. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY fordgs informion on how to recycle this batteryFRANCAISappareil que vous vous etes procure est aliment par unebatterie au lithium-ion /polymere recyclable. Pour deseignements sur le recyclage de la batterie, veuillecomposer le 1-800-8-BATTERY.Earth SymboConnectorCoverASTA mark B BSI mark iFuse CoverFuseLithium Battery(Z9101)ScrewdriverInsert the screwdriver forremoving the Lithium BatterySUB PCB(COMPONENT SIDE)For English)CAUTIONDanger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replacedReplace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturerDispose of used batteries according to the manufacturers instructions(For French)PRECAUTIONe fait de remplacer incorrectement la pile peut presenter des risques d'explosionRemplacer la pile uniquement par une pile identique ou de type equivalent recommandee parle fabricant. Se debarrasser des piles usages conformement aux instructions du fabricant(For German)VORSICHTBei einer falsch eingesetzten Batterie besteht Explosionsgefahr. Nur mit einer vom Herstellerempfohlene Batterie vom gleichen Typ ersetzenVerbrauchte battrien beim Fachhandler oder einer sammelstelle fur Sonderstoffe abliefernFor SwedishVARNINGExplosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyteAnvand samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av apparattilverkaren.Kassera avant batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion(For NorwegianADVARSEL!Lithiumbatteri-Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig handteringUdskiftning ma kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og typeLever det brugte batteri tibage til leverandoren(For Finnish)VAROITUSParisto voi rajahtaa, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu.Vaihda paristo ainoastaan laitevalmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppinHavita kaytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisestiThe letter of"PbF"is printed either foil side or components sidePbFon the pcb using the lead free solder. (See right figure)a)DMC-FX01sDMC-FX01s is exclusively Japan domestic model.b)DMC-FX01PPThe nameplate for this model show the followingSafty registration markFec⑥Ec)DMC-FXO1EB/EF/EG/EGM/GNThe nameplate far these models show the followingSafty registration markcC∈△Safty reglstratlon markd)DMC-FX01EEThe nameplate for this model show the followingSafty registration marke) DMC-FXo1GDThe nameplate for this model show the followingSatty registration markf)DMC-FXO1GTThe nameplate for this model show the followingSafty registration markD3221g)DMC-FXO1PL/GCIGK/SGThe nameplate for these models do not show any above Satty registration mark