This manual contains supplemental information for the Agilent 33120APhase-Lock assembly. Refer to the 33120A User’s Guide andService Guide for complete details on using the function generator.Quick StartQuick StartThis manual contains supplemental information for the agilent 33120APhase-Lock assembly. Refer to the 33120A Users Guide andService guide for complete details on using the function generatorThe Phase-Lock assembly(Option 001) adds the following capabilitiesto the 33120A Function/ Arbitrary Waveform GeneratorThese connectors allow synchronization between multiple 33120AsExternal clock input and output connectors on the rear panelor to an external 10 MHz clock signalPhase offset control from the front panel or over the remote interfaceSimultaneous hardware triggering of multiple agilent 33120AsOption 001 allows the 33120a to generate a trigger pulse fromthe Ext Trig terminal which can be routed to other instruments ina system2 ppm timebase--10 times the frequency stability of the standardAgilent 33120AIfyou have questions relating to the operation of the function generator,call 1-800-452-4844 in the United states, or contact your nearestAgilent Technologies sales officeChapter 1 Quick StartThe rear panel at a glanceThe rear panel at a glanceThe Phase-Lock assembly adds the Ref oul and exl Ref in terminalsto allow synchronization between multiple 33 120As or to an external10 MHz clock signal.Ref outExt Ref InExd Trig/n:45440H,悉 CA MeXtsV=1039250V):503mARs-2321 Intemal 10 MHz reference output teminal 6 AM modulation input termina2 External 10 MHz reference input terminal 7 External Trigger /FSK /Burst modulation3 Chassis groundnput terminal4 Power-line fuse-holder assembly8 GPIB (IEEE-488)interface connector5 Power-line voltage setting9 RS-232 interface connectorChapter 1 Quick StartThe Front-Panel menu at a GlanceThe Front-Panel menu at a glanceThe Phase-Lock assembly adds the Phase menu to the front-panel menuThe menu is organized in a top-down tree structure with three levels.o turn on menu press:MENUon/o什Tom。veTom。veEnterg up or downright or leftA: MOD MENU→B: SWP MEN→c: EDIT M№→:sMEN→E:∥。MN→F: CAL MEN声α; PHASE MENI1 AM SHAPE→2AMS0URC→/157ARTF→1 NEW ARB1 HP6 ADER→1 SECLRED→1AD从sT→o enter com mand pres三ntrG: PHASE MENU1: ADJUST令2: SET ZERO→3:TR|GOUT令4: UNLOCK ERR1: ADJUSTSets the phase offset of the output waveform to a value in degrees2: SET ZERONulls the phase offset to a zero reference for relative adjustments3: TRIG OUTEnables or disables an external trigger from the Ext /rig termina4: UNLOCK ERR Enables or disables error generation when phase-lock is lost4Chapter 1 Quick StartTo phase lock to an external clock signalTo phase lock to an external clock signalThe rear-panel Ext Ref in terminal allows you to synchronize one ormore function generators with an external 10 MHz signal. The followingsteps show you how to configure a single instrument for synchronizationwith an external signalExterna10 MHZSignal42 MBX42V Maxa3778-CFrea1 Select the function and set the output frequency to 10 MHzYou must select either sine or square wave since the other outputwaveforms cannot be used up to 10 MHz10.000,000MHzTo adjust the phase offset, you will use the front-panel menu as describedon the following pageChapter 1 Quick StartTo phase lock to an external clock signalShift2 Turn on the menuMenu on/offA: MOD MENU3 Move across to the phase menu choice on this levelG: PHASE MENU4 Move down a level to the AdjuSt command1: ADJUSTMove down a level and set the phase offsetYou can set the offset to any value between-360 degrees and +360 degreesThe displayed phase is output"real time"unless you have selected thearbitrary waveform function八000.000DEGEnter6 Turn off the menu。The function generator beeps and displays a message. You are thenexited from the menuAl chis poinl, che funclion generator is phase-locked lo che external clocksignal with the specified phase relationship The two signals willremain locked unless you change the function or output frequencyChapter 1 Quick StartTo phase lock multiple function generatorsTo phase lock multiple function generatorsThe rear-panel Ref out and ext Ref in terminals allow you tosynchronize multiple function generators. The diagram below showshow to make connections for the "real-time phase-lock mode In thereal-time mode, the phase offset relationship is random at first. You canadjust the phase offset"real time from the front panel. The followingsteps show you how to synchronize two function generators at 10 khzExt Raf In42V Mar42V Max42 Max42V NaxExt Trig/Ext Trig/FSK/ Burst5v-100%(6V-100%-42V Max42v MaxFreq1 Set both instruments to the same output frequencyYou can select sine, square, ramp, or triangle waveforms for phase-lockoperation. You cannot perform real-time phase adjustments on arbitrarywaveforms10.000,000KHTo adjust the phase of sel, you will use the front-panel menu as describedon the following pageChapter 1 Quick StartTo phase lock multiple function generatorsShift2 Turn on the menuMenu on/ offA: MOD MENU3 Move across to the phase menu choice on this levelG: PHASE MENU4 Move down a level to the AdjuSt command1: ADJUSTMove down a level and set the phase offsetYou can set the offset to any value between-360 degrees and +360 degreesThe displayed phase is output"real time"unless you have selected thearbitrary waveform function八000.000DEGEnter6 Turn off the menu。The function generator beeps and displays a message. You are thenexited from the menuAl his poinl, the luo function generators are phase-locked with thespecified phase relationship. The two signals will remain locked unlessyou change the function or output frequency