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雷达系统设计的Matlab仿真(英文).pdfTo: My wife and four sons;Wayne and shirley;andin the memory of my parentsBassem r. mahafzaTo: My wife and childrenmy motherandin the memory of my fatherAtef z elsherbenirefaceThe emphasis of"MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design"is onradar systems design. However, a strong presentation of the theory is providedso that the reader will be equipped with the necessary background to performradar systems analysis The organization of this book is intended to teach aconceptual design process of radars and related trade-off analysis and calcula-tions. It is intended to serve as an engineering reference for radar engineersworking in the field of radar systems. The MATLaB code provided in thisbook is designed to provide the user with hands-on experience in radar systems, analysis and designA radar design case study is introduced in Chapter I and carried throughoutthe text, where the authors' view of how to design this radar is detailed andanalyzed. Trade off analyses and calculations are performed. Additionally, sev-eral mini design case studies are scattered throughout the bookMATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design"is divided into two partsPart I provides a comprehensive description of radar systems, analyses anddesign. a design case study, which is carried throughout the text, is introducedin Chapter 1. In each chapter the authors'view of how to design the case-studyradar is presented based on the theory covered up to that point in the book. Asthe material coverage progresses through the book, and new theory is discussed the design case-study requirements are changed and/or updated and ofcourse the design level of complexity is also increased. This design process issupported by a comprehensive set of matlab 6 simulations developed forthis purpose. This part will serve as a valuable tool to students and radar engineers in helping them understand radar systems, design process. This includes1)learning how to go about selecting different radar parameters to meet thedesign requirements; 2) performing detailed trade-off analysis in the context ofradar sizing, modes of operations, frequency selection, waveforms and signalprocessing; 3)establishing and developing loss and error budgets associatedwith the design; and 4) generating an in-depth understanding of radar opera-tions and design philosophy. Additionally, Part I includes several mini designcase studies pertinent to different chapters in order to help enhance understand-ing of radar design in the context of the material presented indifferent chaptersPart II includes few chapters that cover specialized radar topics, some ofwhich is authored and/or coauthored by other experts in the field. The materialMATLAB is a registered trademark of the The math Works, Inc. For product information, please contact: The Math Works, Inc., 3 Apple hill drive Natick, MA01760-2098Usa.Webwww.mathworks.comincluded in Part II is intended to further enhance the understanding of radarsystem analysis by providing detailed and comprehensive coverage of theseradar related topics. For this purpose, MATLAB 6 code has also been developed and made availableAll MATLAB programs and functions provided in this book can be downloadedfromtheCrcPressWebsite(www.crcpress.com).Forthispurposefollowthisprocedure1)fromyourWebbrowsertype"http://www.crc-press.com”,2)clickon‘Electronicproducts",3)clickon“DownloadUpdates", and finally 4) follow instructions of how to download a certain setof code off that Web page. Furthermore this matlab code can also be downloaded from The Math Works Web site by following these steps: 1)from yourWebbrowsertype:"http:/mathworks.com/matlabcentrallfileexchangel",2)place the curser on"Companion Software for Books"and click on"Communications". The MaTLaB functions and programs developed in this bookinclude all forms of the radar equation: pulse compression, stretch processing,matched filter, probability of detection calculations with all Swerling models,High Range Resolution (HRR), stepped frequency waveform analysis, ghktracking filter, Kalman filter, phased array antennas, clutter calculations, radarambiguity functions, ECM, chaff, and many moreChapter 1 describes the most common terms used in radar systems, such asrange, range resolution, and Doppler frequency. This chapter develops theradar range equation. Finally, a radar design case study entitled "MyRadarDesign Case Study"is introduced. Chapter 2 is intended to provide an overview of the radar probability of detection calculations and related topicsDetection of fluctuating targets including Swerling I, Il, Ill, and Iv models ispresented and analyzed. Coherent and non-coherent integration are also introduced. Cumulative probability of detection analysis is in this chapter. Visit 2 ofthe design case study "MyRadar'"is introducedChapter 3 reviews radar waveforms, including CW, pulsed, and LFM. HighRange Resolution(HRR) waveforms and stepped frequency waveforms arelIso analyzed. The concept of the Matched Filter (Mf) is introduced and analyzed. Chapter 4 presents in detail the principles associated with the radarambiguity function. This includes the ambiguity function for single pulse, Linear Frequency Modulated pulses, train of unmodulated pulses, Barker codesand prn codes. Pulse compression is introduced in Chapter 5. both the mFand the stretch processors are analyzedChapter 6 contains treatment of the concepts of clutter. This includes bothsurface and volume clutter. Chapter 7 presents clutter mitigation using MovingTarget Indicator (MTD. Delay line cancelers implementation to mitigate theeffects of clutter is analyzedChapter 8 presents detailed analysis of Phased Arrays. Linear arrays areinvestigated and detailed and MatLaB code is developed to calculate and plotthe associated array patterns. Planar arrays, with various grid configurationsare also presentedChapter 9 discusses target tracking radar systems The first part of this chapter covers the subject of single target tracking. Topics such as sequential lobing, conical scan, monopulse, and range tracking are discussed in detail. Thesecond part of this chapter introduces multiple target tracking techniquesFixed gain tracking filters such as the aB and the ay filters are presented indetail. The concept of the Kalman filter is introduced. Special cases of the Kalman filter are analyzed in depthChapter 10 is coauthored with Mr J. Michael Madewell from the US ArmySpace and missile Defense Command. in huntsville, alabama This chapterpresents an overview of Electronic Counter Measures(ECM)techniques. Topics such as self screening and stand off jammers are presented. Radar chaff isalso analyzed and a chaff mitigation technique for ballistic Missile defense(BMD)is introducedChapter 1l is concerned with the Radar Cross Section(RCS). RCs dependency on aspect angle, frequency, and polarization is discussed. The targetscattering matrix is developed. RCS formulas for many simple objects are presented. Complex object RCS is discussed, and target fluctuation models areintroduced. Chapter 12 is coauthored with Dr Brian Smith from the US ArmyAviation and Missile Command (AMCOm), redstone Arsenal in AlabamaThis chapter presents the topic of Tactical Synthetic Aperture Radar (Sar)The topics of this chapter include: SAR Signal processing sar design considerations,and the Sar radar equation. Finally Chapter 13 presents an overviewof signal processingUsing the material presented in this book and the matlab code designedby the authors by any entity or person is strictly at will. the authors and thepublisher are neither liable nor responsible for any material or non-materiallosses, loss of wages, personal or property damages of any kind, or for anyother type of damages of any and all types that may be incurred by using thisbookBassemR. mahafzaHuntsville alabamaJuly 2003Atef. elsherbOxford, MississippiJuly, 2003AcknowledgmentThe authors first would like to thank God for giving us the endurance andperseverance to complete this work. Many thanks are due to our families whohave given up and sacrificed many hours in order to allow us to complete thisbook. The authors would like to also thank all of our colleagues and friends fortheir support during the preparation of this book. Special thanks are due toBrian Smith. James Michael Madewell. Patrick Barker. David Hall. MohamedAl-Sharkawy, and Matthew Inman who have coauthored and/or reviewed someof the material in this reference bookTable of contentsPrefaceAcknowledgmentPARTChapter IIntroduction to radar basics1. 1. Radar Classifications1. 2. Range1.3. Range Resolution1.4. Doppler Frequency1. 5. The Radar Equation1. 1. Radar Reference Range1.6. Search(Surveillance)1.6. 1 Mini design Case Study 1.11.7. Pulse Integration1.7. 1 Coherent Integration1.7. 2. Non-Coherent Integration1.7.3. Detection Range with Pulse Integration1.7.4. Mini design Case Study 1.21. 8. Radar losses1. 8.1. Transmit and Receive losses1.8.2. Antenna Pattern Loss and Scan loss1.8.3. Atmospheric Loss1.8.4. Collapsing Loss1. 8.5. Processing Losses1. 8.6. Other Losses1.9. MyRadar""Design Case Study -Visit 11.9.1 Authors and Publisher disclaimer1. 9.2. Problem Statement1.9.3. A Design1.9.4. A Design Alternative1.10. MATLAB Program and Function ListingsListing 1. 1. Function"radar eg.mListing 1. 2. Pifg112.m”Listing 1.3. Program/ 13.mListing 1.4. Program "ref snr:Listing 1.5. Function "power aperture.nListing 1.6. Program fig/ 16.mListing 1.7. Program"casestudyl1mListing 1. 8. Program fig/19.mListing 1.9. Program"fig/ 21.mListing 1. 10. Function "pulse integration.mListing1.ll. Program“ myradarvisit/1.m”Listing 1. 12. Program"ig/ 27.mAppendix 1aPulsed radar1A. 1. Introduction1A.2. Range and doppler ambiguities1A.3. Resolving Range AmbiguityA.4. Resolving Doppler ambiguAppendix 1bNoise FigurChapter 2Radar Detection2.1. Detection in the Presence of noise2.2. Probability of False alarm2.3. Probability of Detection2.4. Pulse Integration2.4.1. Coherent Integration2.4.2. Non-Coherent Integration2.4.3. Mini Design Case Study 2.12. 5. Detection of Fluctuating Targets2.5.1. Threshold Selection2.6. Probability of Detection Calculation2.6. 1. Detection of Swerling V Targets2.6.2. Detection of Swerling I Targets2.6.3. Detection of Swerling II Targets2.6. 4. Detection of Swerling III Targets2.6.5. Detection of Swerling IV Taargets2.7. The Radar Equation Revisited2.8 Cumulative Probability of Detection2.8. 1 Mini Design Case Study 2.22.9. Constant False Alarm Rate(CFAR)2.9. 1 Cell-Averaging CFAR (Single Pulse)2.9. 2. Cell-Averaging CFAR with Non-Coherent Integra-tion2.10. "MyRadar" Design Case Study -Visit 22.10.1. Problem Statement2. 10.2. A Design2. 10.2. 1 Single Pulse(per Frame) Design Option2.10.2.2. Non-Coherent Integration Design Option2. 11. MATLAB Program and Function ListingsListing 2. 1. Program "fig2 2 mListing 2. 2. Function"que func.mListing 2.3. Program"ig2 3 mListing2.4. Function“ marcus. m”Listing 2.5. Program " prob snr.mListing 2.6. Program"fig 6a.mListing 2.8 Program "fig2 6. m','Listing 2. 7. Function"improv facListing 2.9. Function "incomplete gammamListing 2.10. Function factor: mListing 2. 11. Program"fig2 7.mListing 2. 12. Function"thresholdmListing2.13. Program“fig2_8.m”Listing 2. 14. Function "pd swerling 5mListing 2. 15. Program"fig 9mListing 2. 16. Function "pd swerling 1 mListing 2. 17. Program "fig 10mListing 2. 18. Program"fig2 llab. mListing 2. 19. Function "pd swerling 2 mListing 2.20. Program fig 2 12 mListing 2.21. Function"pd swerling 3 mListing 2. 22. Program"fig2 13. mListing 2.23 Function "pd swerling 4 mListing 2. 24. Program"fig 2 14m


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