radiance安装到windows和CAD或其他操作系统的方法v Start Sun VirtualBox after installationNotes:It is possible you may get the message about a more recent version you may ignoreit and press ' yesIt is possible you may get a possibility to register for virtualBox. you may ignore thistoo and press ' cancelSet up Ubuntu1. After starting Sun Virtual Box, its welcome screen will appear this window will be showneach time you start sun virtual boxdetails o Snepshots9DescristionNew Sellin Iyp: S\drL Distd'UWelcome ta Virtual Boxn the maiNew2. Press Newand a new pop-up window will appear. click on Next. the text on thewindow requires entering a name(e. g. Ubuntu for the virtual machine and choosing anoperating system. Select ' Linux' from the drop-down menu. The version will be automaticallyset to 'Ubuntu then click nextCreate New Virtual MachineVM Name and oS TypeEnter a name for the new virtual machine and select the type of the guesoperating system you plan to install onto the virtual machineThe name of the virtual machine usually indicates its software and hardwareonfiguration. It will be used by all VirtualBox components to identify your virtualbentuOperating System: LinuxCancelMost of the following windows will appear with automatic settings, you do not have tochange anything, so continue to click 'NextE叭Lk「cmdVirtual hard diskcf the⊙ Createack[ Nxt >[ Canc cYou will encounter a window entitled "welcome to the create new virtual disk wizardClick on nextHard DIsk Storage TypeHime renerdirg m he shrrare sipe an theO Dynamically expanding storagoraceR,,L+°cencVirtual Disk loc ation and sizea ion ot a tile o sto 'e the hard disk datathe maxim um siz. otHis hard disk「BLs, 4e Create New Virtual MachinepmmaryYou are going to crea e a new virtual machine with the folowing parametersbuntEase Memory: 334 MBDoo: Hard Dsk: Lbu tu, vdi (No mal, 0.00f the above is correct press the Finish button. Once you press it, anew virtualNote that you can altar chese and all other seting af the created virtua machine< Backcane3. And finally, click 'Finish. The next window will show an overview of the preparedcomponents.Fie MSnapshot: DescriptionUondary vaste (CD/DVD4. Press the Settings'button g> and a new window will openStorage目困回四p夕DE Controllere□ PassthroughPur L,[care匚出eb5. Next, go to'Storage' and subsequently to the cd/dvd device indicated with a little CDsamboIn the drop-down menu on the right side the standard setting is set to 'EmptyCD/DVD Device: Empty6. Choose Host Drive 'Ein the drop-down menu: CD/DVD Device: Host Drive 'E:andsubsequently click on the yellow folder symbol right next to it. another window opens up(Virtual Media Manager)司 Vir lual Media ManagerNew Add Renove FeleaseRefresh-tachedect Can:el HelpAdd7. Click on addand go to the folder where you save the ubuntu- 9.10-desktop-i386isofile(e. g, D: My Documents\ Radiance), and select this file (press 'select). If the Ubuntu fileis damaged, an error message will appear. otherwise the file will now be visible in theVirtual Media Manager. Select this file and press Selecta virtual Media Manager?ActionsSelect a CD/DVD-ROM disk image fil回囟New AddLook in: RAdiance中昏国e Hard Disk回hut9.10-skp835oNameMy RecentDesktopMy DocumentsocationAttached toMy Netwark File namebuntu-910-cesktop- 1386 isoPlacesFiles of typeCD/DVD-ROM images(isa)司 Vir lual Media ManagerNew Add Renove Releasedesktop-iLmct式 RadiancelubunlSeect Can:el Help8. Check if it says ubuntu-9 10-desktop -i386. iso' in de cD/dVD menu, and click oK. In theStorage section of the overview window the iso- file should be visible as wellUbuntu- Settings三 generalstorage国5 ystemSorage TreeAttributese IDE ControllerSlot: IDE 5ecordar'y Masterg Utun: u.vdiCD/DVD DEvice: ubuntu-9. 10-desktopa Nework②山,10-desp385B0e Poppy ControllarInformatonLocation: D: My DocumentsRadiance\cb.命分Select a settings category for the ist an ths left-hand side and move the mouse ove a settin@ storageDE ControlletIDE Primary MasterUbuntu. vdi(Normal, 8, 00 GB)IDE Secondary Master(CD/DVD)buntu-9.10-desktop-1386 so(689, 97 MB)Floppy ControllerFloppy Device 0Empty9. Run Ubuntu by pressing Start/ Start回Fie MSnapshot: DescriptionUUbuntu, ydiondary vaste (CD/DVD10. a couple of Information windows will show up and you can click oK(including sys er ones like Al -Tab)wil IAfter using Ubuntu for a longer period of time, you will mark the do not show thismessage again'box11. The installation of Ubuntu will ask a couple of questions like for example the language ofthe installation process Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select the preferredlanguage and press entRa Ubuntu [RunningI-Sun VirtualBoxaleo牛文简本Norsk norskHindi上 osansk1a⊥ndneKhmerkaNeierKeymap F4 Modes F5 Accessibility fe Cther Opti④白回NoteIf the mouse is used, for example to select a language, inside the virtual Machinewindow the mouse will be captured and cannot be used in the host machine(theactual Windows computer To uncapture press the right control button right Ctrl)12. In the next window select (preferably with the down arrow key 'Install Ubuntu(secondoption)and press enter.回囟Try Ubuntu wi thout cnyInsta 1 JbuntL水kd: sc for defectTest memoryF1 HElp F2 Langu向|③RttdNoteThe screen above might be slightly different, it can show a desktop with two iconsone of them indicating to"Install Ubuntu". Click on that icon for the process to start13. Again, a couple of choices have to be made. Click on"Forwarda. Step 1: language of Ubuntu [english