sap AC605 获利能力分析
此为sap 获利能力分析 - copa 英文材料About This handbookThis handbook is intended to complement the instructor-led presentation of thiscourse, and serve as a source of reference. It is not suitable for self-studyTy pographic ConventionsAmerican English is the standard used in this handbook. The followingtypographic conventions are also usedType StyleDescriptionExample textWords or characters that appear on the screen. Theseinclude field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as wellas menu names, paths and optionsAlso used for cross-references to other documentationboth internal and externalExample textEmphasized words or phrases in body text, titles ofgraphics, and tablesEXAMPLE TEXTNames of elements in the svstem These includereport names program names transaction codes tableld individual key words of a prolanguage, when surrounded by body text, for exampleSELECT and INclUDEExample textScreen output. This includes file and directory namesand their paths, messages, names of variables andparameters, and passages of the source text of aprogranExample textExact user entry. These are words and characters thatyou enter in the system exactly as they appear in thedocumentation