斑马和TSCV条码打印机使用的EPL指令手册,用于条码打印机相关的二次开发Table of contentsIntroductionCommand ConventionsBasic Command syntaxCommand editorPlacing elements in the Print ImageText(Fonts233457Bar codesProgramming Sequences Affect Graphic Results1-8Printer ConfigurationPrinter AutoSense Feature2-1Determining Printer Firmware Version2-2Programming Mode ConfigurationMedia detection2-4Command reference3-1A Command-ASCIl Text3-4Asian Character Font sets3-8AUTOFR Command- Automatic Form Printing3-9B Command-Bar Code3-11b Command-2D Bar Code-MaxiCode Specific Options..3-16b Command-2D Bar Code-PDF417 Specific Options...3-20C Command-Counter..3-27C Command- Cut Immediate3-29D Command-Density3-30dump Command - Enable Dump Mode3-31eR Command-User Defined Error/Status Character ....3-32E Command- Print soft font information3-33EK Command-Delete Soft Font3-34ES Command -Store soft Font3-35f Command-Cut Position3-40FE Command-End Form Store3-41FI Command-Print Form Information.3-42FK Command-Delete Form3-43FR Command-Retrieve form3-44FS Command- Store Form3-45GG Command-Print Graphics3-47GI Command -Print Graphics Information3-48GK Command Delete Graphics3-49GM Command- Store Graphics3-50Gw Command- Direct Graphic Write3-52980352-001Rcv.BCommand- Character Set Selection3-53JB Command -Disable Top Of Form Backup3-55JF Command - Enable Top Of Form Backup3-56LE Command-Line draw exclusive3-57LO Command-Line Draw black3-58.S Command-Line Draw Diagonal3-59LW Command-Line draw white3-60M Command-Memory Allocation3-61N Command-Clear Image Buffer3-62o Command- Cancel Software Options3-63oB Command - Cancel Auto Bar Code Optimization3-64oE Command- Line Mode Font Substitution3-65oH Command-Macro PDF OffsetoM Command- Disable Initial Esc Sequence Feed3-663-68oR Command-Character Substitution(Euro)3-69ow Command-Customize Bar Code Parameters..,3-71O Command -Hardware Options3-73OEPL1 Command-Set Line mode3-75P Command-Print3-76PA Command-Print automatic3-77q Command -Set label width..3-78Q Command-Set Form Length3-80r Command-Set double buffer mode3-84R Command- Set Reference point3-85S Command- Speed Select3-86TD Command - Define date Layout3-87TS Command-Set real time clock3-88TT Command -Define Time Layout3-89U Command -Print Configuration(General)3-90UA Command- Enable Clear Label Counter Mode3-91UB Command -Reset Label Counter Mode3-92UE Command - External Font Information Inquiry3-93UF Command -Form Information Inquiry3-94UG Command -Graphics Information Inquiry3-95UI Command- Host Prompts/Codepage Inquiry ........3-96UM Command - Codepage Memory inquiry3-97UN Command -Disable Error Reporting.3-98UP Command -Codepage Memory Inquiry/Print3-99UQ Command -Configuration Inquiry3-100US Command- Enable Error Reporting.3-101U%o Command- Host Promts /Motor Temperature..3-103US Command-Host Prompts/ Battery Status3-104980352-007Rcv.BV Command-Define Variable3-105W Command-Windows Mode.3-107xa Command-Autosense3-108X Command-Box Draw3-109Y Command- Serial Port Setup3-110Z Command-Print direction3-111r Command- Download Variables3-112Command -Reset Printer3-113ee Command- Error Report -Immediate.3-114Appendix A-Character ReferencesA-1Resident fonts 1-5A-1Default Character Map Code Page -437A-2Dump Mode Character mapA-3Appendix b- Cash Drawer Kicker OptionB-1IntroductionB-1Cash Drawer Cable WiringP Command -Generate Pulse CDFB-2B-3U Command-CDK StatusB-4980352-001Rcv.B980352-007Rcv.BIntroductionThis section contains information about the ba-sic features, command syntax and terminologyof the ePLz Programming Language for Zebra'sdesktop printers with flash memory architecture. These printers incorporate common pro-gramming code sets and architectural featuresThe primary operating mode for the printer isEPL2, a page description language. It is designed to assemble all the elements of the labelprior to printing to speed the printing processEPL2 is an ideal language for your labeling andbar code requirements. The ePl2 is versatileand is capable of printing a wide range mediaand bar codesSome printer models also include a legacyprinter compatibility mode, Line mode. LineMode supports our early model EPL program-ming language- ELPl A separate manual isprovided for Line Mode printing(p/n 980353-001). See the printers Softwareand documentation CD with the specificmodels Programmer' Manual button selectororvisitourwebsiteatwww.zebra.com980352-001Rev.BCommand The manual uses the following typographicConventions conventions to describe commandsExampleDescriptionCommands(Case sensitivePup,rp3Required parametersLP p, p31Optional parametersI Choice 1 Choice 2] Indicates a mandatory choice between two or more items. Youmust include one of the items unless all of the items are also en-closed in square bracketsThis text should be> The line-continuation characteron one line( indicates that code is continued from one line to the next andshould be typed all on one linedIne feed characterNAMEThe name of a form or graphic indouble quote marksDATAThe text or bar code data in double quote marksThe ( character designates thatthe character following is a literaland will encode into the datafield. Refer to the following exam-plesTo Print Enter into Datg Field〔 ompany" V"〔 ompany"Icode\ codellPROMPTAn ascii text field that will betransmitted to the host (via the seal interface) each time this command is executedAttention!!All commands and alpha character commandparameters are case sensitive7-2980352-007Rcv.BBasic Command each command consists of one or two asciiSyntax (case sensitive) alpha characters to identify thespecific command desired. Some commandsrequire one or more additional parameters tosupply the printer with sufficient information tocomplete the command. Refer to Figure l-forthe basic command syntaxFigure 1-1Command nameBasic commandSyntaxWRITE TEXTApp2p2pp3pP2"DATA"」Command Parameters CommandpecifIcDatEach command line must be terminated with aLine feed (LF) character (Dec. 10). Most PCbased systems send CR/LF when the Enter keyis pressed. The Carriage Return(CR) characteris ignored by the printer and cannot be used inplace of LFCommand Editor One method to create command files is throughan ascii based text editor. In the dos environ-ment, MS-DOS EDIT or brieF are goodchoices. To execute the file. use the editor'sprint command or from the dos prompt, usethe copy command to send the file directly tothe printer. An example of the use of the COPycommand 1sCOPY FILENAME. EXT LPT1dorCOPY FILENAME EXT COM1JFor more information on the use of the copycommand, refer to your dos software manualConfigure the COm port to match the printersserial port setting(typically set to defaults). Seethe y command in section 2 for details980352-001Rev.BPlacing elements in Image elements are located in the image printthe Print image buffer on a X-Y grid expressed in dots. The Xvalue represents the width and the y value represents the height of the gridThe point of origin(the starting point)for anon-rotated object is the upper left corner. Asan object rotates, the point of origin rotates withthe objectThese image buffer properties are depictedgraphically in the following illustrationSample formatdotsx axIs(0,0)M TextPoint ofPoinOrigin forOrigin forText ObjectText ObjectRotated 90Origin forBarCode ObjectPoinl of↓Origin forDirection of feedText Objectd270The minimum non printing margin on all edgesof the label is lmm Printing closer than lmm tothe top or bottom edge of the label may causethe printer to advance unwanted labels or causethe printer to go into error condition7-4980352-007Rcv.B