Mastering UI Development with Unity英文版
为Unity 5, Unity 2017, and Unity 2018 开发引人入胜的UI效果。PacksBIRMINGHAM- MUMBAIMastering UI Development withUnityCopyright C 2018 Packt Publishingform or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief anyAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedquotations embedded in critical articles or reviewsEvery effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presentedHowever, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither theauthor, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or allegedto have been caused directly or indirectly by this bookPackt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and productsmentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee theaccuracy of this informationAcquisition Editor: Noyonika DasContent Development Editor: Roshan KumarTechnical editor sachin SunilkumarCopy Editor: Shaila KusanaleProject Coordinator: Devanshi doshiProofreader: Safis EditingIndexer pratik shirodkarGraphics: Jason monteiroProduction Coordinator: Shraddha falebhFirst published: April 2018Production reference: 1250418Published by Packt Publishing LtdLivery Place35 Livery StreetBirminghamB3 2PB, UK.ISBN978-178712-552-0www.packtpub.comwMapmapt. 10Mapt is an online digital library that gives you full access to over5,000 books and videos, as well as industrry leading tools to helyou plan your personal development and advance your career. Formore information, please visit our website.Why subscribe?Spend less time learning and more time coding withpractical eBooks and Videos from over 4, 000 industryProfessionalsImprove your learning with Skill Plans built especially foryouGet a free e Book or video every monthMapt is fully searchableCopy and paste print, and bookmark contentPacktPub, comDid you know that Packt offers eBook versions of every bookpublished, with PDF and ePub files available? You can upgrade totheebooKversionatwww.Packtpub.comandasaprintbookcustomeryou are entitled to a discount on the e Book copy. Get in touch withus at service@packtpub com for more,youcanalsoreadacollectionoffreetechnicalarticles, sign up for a range of free newsletters, and receive exclusivediscounts and offers on packt books and e booksAbout the authorDr. Ashley Godbold is a programmer, game designer, artistmathematician, and teacher. She holds a bachelor of science inMathematics. a master of science in mathematics. a bachelor ofScience in Game Art and Design, and a Doctor of Computer Sciencein Emerging Media where her dissertation research focused oneducational video game design. She also authored Mastering Unity2D Game Development: Second Edition(Packt Publishing). Sheenjoys playing video games and watching anime with her husband,daughter, and two catsAbout the reviewerAdam Larson started programming professionally in 2005. Hehas shipped 14 console games, 2 PC titles, and 8 mobile games. In2012, he founded a company that focused on using unity forbusiness applications. He spent the following 5 years building amillion-dollar agency that built high-end software. Recently, hemoved to another start-up, which is focusing on revolutionizing thebanking industry. When he isn't doing something with technology,you will find him spending time with his wife and 3 kidsWhat this book coversChapter 1, Designing User Interfaces, covers basic informationrelated to designing user interfaces. Additionally, a detailedexplanation of setting the aspect ratio and resolution of a Unityproject is discussedChapter 2, Canvases, Panels, and Basic layouts begins exploring thedevelopment of a user interface by appropriately laying out uielements within a Canvas Panels will be used and an introductionto Text and Images will be provided. The examples included in thischapter show how to lay out a basic HUD, create a permanentbackground image, and develop a basic pop-up menuChapter 3, Automatic Layouts, discusses how to implement thevarious automatic layout components to streamline the Ui buildingprocess. The examples included within this chapter utilize theautomatic layout functionality to create a selection menu in theHUD and a gridded inventoryChapter 4, The Event System and Programming for UL, explains howto program interactions for graphical and hardware user interfacesThe examples covered in this chapter explain how to use thekeyboard to make menus appear and disappear, how to pause thegame, and how to create a drag and drop inventory systemChapter 5, Buttons, explores the various properties of buttons. Theexamples in this chapter walk through how to set up keyboard andcontroller navigation of buttons, how to load scenes when buttonsare pressed, how to create animated button transitions, and how tomake buttons swap their imagesChapter 6, Text, Images, and TextMesh Pro-Text, discusses the