VPX标准,针对最新的2015年VPX标准,适合于开发人员开发参考Errata List for ANSI/VITA 78.0-2015 Space VPX System StandardFieldResetBAccessDescriptionNameValueThe bCd encoded integer value of the latestiTA 78 release version that the module isVITA 78Revisiondesigned to meet a value of o is reserved7:4r Varies for modules that are built to revisionsIntegerbefore the initial vita 78 release. all nonValuecompliant functions should be documentedin product literatureThe bcd encoded fractional value of theViTA 78latest vita 78 release version that theRevisionmodule is designed to meet. A value of o is3:0Varies reserved for modules that are built toFraction arevisions before the initial vita 78 releasValueAll non- compliant functions should bedocumented in product literatureFieldResetBitsAccessDescriptionNameValueVITA 78The bcd encoded integer value of this vitaRevision7:4R178 release version This nibble shall be hardIntegercoded as a 1ValueVITA 78The bcd encoded fractional value of thisRevision3:0FractionalR0 VITA 78 release version This nibble shall behard coded as a oValue30f6Errata List for ANSI/VITA 78.0-2015 Space VPX System Standardtypo and copy paste error: extra" assert that; voltage"should be SystemError4 of 6Errata List for ANSI/VITA 78.0-2015 Space VPX System Standard8.40”is213.36 mm not214.63mm5 of 6Errata List for ANSI/VITA 78.0-2015 Space VPX System StandardTitle should begin with" Slot instead of slotTitle should begin with12 Slot"instead of 15 Slot60f6VITAOpen Standards, Open MarketsN ueouawy paAOjddy