AX 2012开发文档一 04
AX 2012开发文档一 04Chapter 3: User InterfacesDemonstration: Examining Form DesignThis demonstration explains the design of a pre-existing formFrom the application workspace main menu, navigate to Accounts ReceivableCustomers all customersceu, A-CCeP口◎8少soft ExerecotAll cusomers→需多图 Prinary addresCustomer account TelephonE Extensin123-55010921115501Recent activityBorrego Springs Airport 2203501633ledgerright Yelow ServicesrolesCave Wholesales123-55-0161Cheetah ConcetHall2104CostaccountingContoso Europe园Fixed assetsRecurring invoice te mpL. aContoso retai boston123-55-0115Elated intormationFr Cash and bank manage mentCentcsoRctailChicago3010123-555-0118avel andeContoso retar denve123555-0119sources2121: Basketball stadiumples tax group: No-TacModified date and time 12,10,2019 35:35151 m回-四点日翻?‖ChmMulifitu byFIGURE 3.2 CUSTOMER LIST FORMThe main part of the form is the grid that displays a list of customersImmediately above the grid is a filter At the top is the action Partainingbuttons that will take you to another form or process an action on the right isthe Fact Box pane that displays information from other tables linked to thecustomer record that are currently highlighted At the bottom is the previewPane, showing more information from the customer tableNow in the developer workspace, locate the form CusttablelistPage expand theParts node, and the designs design node3-3Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft DynamicsYour use of this content is subject to your current services agreementDevelopment I in Microsoft DynamiCs AX 2012HINT: YOu can right click the form and select Personalize. Select theInformation tab, it will show a Form name: CustTablelistPage. Select the editbutton and this will open an instance of this object in the AoT.日 CustTableLis. Pagea MethodsauCes日partap CustListPagePreviewFaneFp DirP arty Primary PostalAddress图 CusLSLaLisLicsRetenILALLivily同自 CustStatisticsstatisticsFp smmRolesFactBoxFE smmRelationships FactEoxi cunldtlsInfuParLCusthecurrencelnvyoicelnfopartapCustRelatedInfoe Desigr田国 Action Pane: Action Pane[Grid: ListPageGrid田≌ DesignPermissionsFIGURE 3. 3 DESIGN OF THE CUSTTABLELISTPAGE FORMIn the design node, the Action Pane, the Filter, and the grid are visible. TheParts node includes links to the parts displayed on the form The first part is theCustListPagePreview Pane, and the other parts are the fact Box parts If youexpand the grid node, the fields on the grid are visible.3-4Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft DynamicsYour use of this content is subject to your current services agreementChapter 3: User InterfacesNow return to the application workspace Click the Edit button in the ActionPane. This opens a new form with more details about the customer and you canedit the recordFle CustamerSel Invoic.BE2008: Contoso Retail New YorkDrange Stec: Now York, NY100c6 LISCustomerAccounNumber of employeesRecent activityNaneConto o retail New yorkAEC codE目Search nameRerirrhn inumire temp回uCustomer group: 30Other infornationRelated inforn alionClassitication groupnow more fieldsD Contact informationb Miscellaneous detailsn△ lways3100 EctailSoresCredit and collectionsNo6ocdIC00Invoice and deliveryIFOE.DS10ResalePayment defaultsNnIny Francie dimensioneEE The customer a: count numberQo) usDI ceu Close IFIGURE 3. 4 THE CUSTTABLE FORM DESIGNThe form also includes an Action Pane and a FactBox Pane. The main part of theform has fasttabs. You can click on each fasttab to obtain more informationabout the customer. At the bottom of the form in the status bar there arc anumber of navigation buttons If you click the grid view button the formdisplays records in grid form, and you can select another customer record. Youcan click on details view to show the details againMicrosoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft DynamicsYour use of this content is subject to your current services agreementDevelopment I in Microsoft DynamiCs AX 2012Now return to the development workspace and locate the form CustTable in theAOT. This is the form that displays the customer details. Expand nodesDesigns>Design Tab> TabPageDetails Tab Header and designsDesign >Tab> TabPagegrid gridgroup> gridE画 Cust Table中 Parts13Cren[Action Pane: ActionPaneHeader日[a:Tab]口伞 Methods日□ abage: TabPageDetcils日 Methods日c[Goup: HeaderinfoITab: TabHeaderll章 Methcds□[Ta□[ TabPage: TabAddresst o [TabPage: TabCommunication出□ [TabPage: TabDetail中□[ abPage: TabSalesDemcgraphicsl□[ TabPage: TabCredit□[ adAge: TabSetup]□[ TabPdye: TabPagesdles]出□ abPage: TabPayment]出□[ TabPage: TabFinancialDimensions]日[ Group:6rd3roup]出Me田 Grid: Gridlabl String Edit: Cust Table_AccountNumlahl StringEdit: CustTable_Namelabl StringEdit: Cust Table_InvoiceAccountt abl StringEdit: CustTable+y abl String [dit: Cust able_CurrencyPermissionsFIGURE 3.5 DESIGN OF THE CUSTTABLE FORMThe TabHeader shows the tabs that comprise the fastTabs on the details viewUnder the TabPage Grid node is the grid that makes up the grid View3-6Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft DynamicsYour use of this content is subject to your current services agreementChapter 3: User InterfacesNow return to the Customer details form in the application workspace. In theAction pane click sell> sales price> sales price. The sales price agreementsform opensm Price(sales)a- ceu)-Customer acco unt: 3008, Contos, Fetail New Yorka Reatinn Currency Item Configuration Size Color SitearmholE IInt From date To dateFrnm To Price Find nextPrice(sales!CAD1001NHD42011231/2-1001546821291/2487762PrIce(salesCAD NHU1231210204/381731/PrIce(sales! CAU 1001 NHU 42U212丑/21,38b461715Price (sales, CAD00 NHD50u21/51/25717Price (sales CADL001 NHD4201/1/20076/30/20071.0l44929Price(sales)CAD5001lq5R只7Pudu! lldrmIe: LCD Television Mudel 01/#1:NHDeliveryPrce unit:000 Leac time0 Induce generic curerPrice chargeType o relation between nven:ory items and customer/vendor.FIGURE 3. 6 SALES PRICE AGREEMENT FORMHere is a more simple form with a grid section and some additional fields at thebottom3-7Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft DynamicsYour use of this content is subject to your current services agreementDevelopment I in Microsoft DynamiCs AX 2012In the development workspace, find the form PriceDiscTable. This is the formthat displays price agreements. Expand designs Design PriceDisc group>DiscAgreement Grid. The ficlds displayed in the grid are visible.F PriceDiscTabl+ Methods的 Data sources日函 DesignsDesign[ActionPanc: ActionPancB U [Group: Price DiscGroupl中O [Group: DiscAgreement幸 Methods日B)Ea ComboBox PriceDiscTable relation由画 StringEdit: PriceDiscTable_ Currency田国 ComboBox priceDisctable accountedabl StringEdit: Price DiscTable_AccountRelation田自 ComboBox priceDisctable itemcodelabl Suiny Edit: PriceDis Table lenReldliunGroup:Inventorydimensionslabl StringEdit: PriceDiscTable_UnitId+ 12: DateEd it: PriceDiscTable From Date+ i2 DdLeEuiL: Plice DiscTsble TuDale+17 Real Edit: Price Disc Table_QuartityAmountFrom1.7 RealEdit: Price Disc Table_ QuartityAmount To#17 RealbdIt: PrIceDIsc Iable Amountt l CheckBox Price Disc Table_ SearchAgaDIGroup: Names+ Methodslabl StringEdit: custVendNamelabl StringEdit:I:emName#2 DesignList田? PermissionsFIGURE 3.7 PRICEDISCTABLE DESIGNForm Data SourcesBecause forms present data to users, they must provide a source for the dataThese collections of data are called data sources and they link to the tables in theAOT3-8Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft DynamicsYour use of this content is subject to your current services agreementChapter 3: User InterfacesExpand the data sources node for the pricedisctable form and view theproperties for the PriceDiscTable data sourceEX AOT-AFtormsL Data Source PriceDiscTableProperties Categaries由画 Price Disc Group团回 PriceDiscSmartRoundingNarPriceDisctable日回 PriceDisc tableTablePriceDiscTablet會 MetnodsE a Data Sourcesa PriceDis-TableheckAllowe dit+ PartAllowCrealeN#permissionst be Price DiscTableListPage出回 PrinLMyrnLReperLFuIrldlLuuk回 PrintMgmtSetupUIdTexct.utoNobfy回 PrintMgmtSetupUIMainH B ProcCategoryAccessPolicyRule8sIrmpanyauhnlI IFTU团回 ProcCategoryAddCommodity Codes o ProcCategoryAddCriterion GroupH B ProcCategoryAddQuestionnairet l ProccategoryAddvendorG ProcCategory Create CateqoryPaqe团回 Proccategory GuidelinenserHl IF mplyNi团回 ProcCategoryHierarchyManagementValid T ireStateAutoQuerFateb ProccategoryPolicyRuleb ProcCategoryVendorCriterionRatingUptionaRer团回 ProdONFiGurE 3. 8 DATA SOURCES FOR PRICEDISCTABLE FORMThe Property sheet lists properties for the PriceDiscTable data source on thePriceDiscTable form For example, the Allow Create and Allow Deleteproperties control whether you can create new rows or delete old rows from theprice agreement form. The Table property specifies the table the data source isbased on(in this case, the PriceDisctable). the lndex property controls theindex that is used for sorting data within the formMore than a single data source can be used on a form; the linking of data betweensources is performed by using the Join Source Properties. Joining data sources ona form is examined later in this chapter. Viewing the properties for theInvent Dim data source on this form, shows that it is joined to thePriceDiscTable. The system uses relations between the tables to join recordstogetherExpanding the priceDisc table data source shows a Fields node. Under this listall the fields on the table. Properties can be set here to control the behavior of thefield when it is used as a control on the form, including allowing the field to beedited and whether it is visible or not3-9Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft DynamicsYour use of this content is subject to your current services agreementDevelopment I in Microsoft DynamiCs AX 2012Procedure: Creating a FormUs the following step procedure to create a form that will be used to view, createand edit records in the Vetspeciestable1. In the AOT, right-click the Forms node and select New Form2. Rename the form to Vet species table3. In a second AOT, locate the table VetSpeciesTable4. Drag the table vetspecies Table to the Data Sources node on theVetSpeciesTable form5. Expand the designs node on the vetspecies table form6. Right-click the Designs node and select New Control >grid. Anew grid control is created7. Expand the data Sources VetspeciesTable Fields node8. Drag the fields Speciesld and Name to the grid control9. On the properties sheet for the design node, in the Caption propertyenter species10. Save your changes to the form11. Open the form by pressing Ctrl+O12. Populate the table by entering your own data in to the form日回 velspeuies Table(usl国 MethodsF Species (2-ceu回xDData Sources(usr)E a VetspeciesTahle口 Methods已Fil国 Species1D·NamsBirdPA Nam日 dataAreald出国 RealFerret国Fi=ldsHamHamstD Autoldentificationsnake彐 Autn ReportD E Reference Data Sources团暗parts日函日通[ rd: Grldcusr)f→ Methodsn abl StrlngEdlt: VetSpeclesTable_ Speclesld(usr)∠EM40|uscc+l labl String Fdit: VetSperiesTahle_Name(usrn DeslqnLlst田?FIGURE 3. 9 SPECIES FORM3-10Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft DynamicsYour use of this content is subject to your current services agreement