Mac.OS.X.Lion:The.Missing.Manual,David.Pogue著2011年10月出版Mac os lionTHE MISSING MANUALThe book thatshould have beenin the boxHere's to the crazy onesThe rebels. The troublemakers. The ones who see things differentlyWhile some may see them as the crazy ones,we see geniusDedicated to the memory of steve JobsMac os LIonTHEMISSINGMANUALDavid poguePOGUE PRESS○ REILLYBeig, Cambridge· Farnham·Koln· Sebastopol· aupe·T0kyoMac OS X Lion: The Missing Manualby david pogueCopyright o 2011 David Pogue. All rights reservedPrinted in the united states of americaPublished by o reilly media, Inc.1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472O Reilly media books may be purchased for educational, business, or salespromotional use Online editions are also available for most titles: safari@oreillycom. For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales 2011: First editionThe Missing Manual is a registered trademark of O Reilly Media, InC. The MissingManual logo, and The book that should have been in the box are trademarks ofO Reilly Media, InC. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellersto distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks where those designationsappear in this book, and O Reilly media is aware of a trademark claim, the designations are capitalizedWhile every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, thepublisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damagesresulting from the use of the information contained in itISBN:978-1449-39749-4Table of contentsIntroductionlThe mac Becomes an iPadAbout this book…The very basicsPart One: The Mac os X DesktopChapter 0: The New Lion LandscapeLaunchpadFull Screen mode. safariFull-Screen Apps, Mission ControlChapter 1: Folders Windows an15Getting into Mac OS X15Windows and how to work them19The four window views37Icon vie38List view48Column view55Cover flow viewQuick LookLogging Out, Shutting Down64Getting Help in Mac oS XChapter 2: Organizing Your StuffThe Mac oS X Folder Structure71Icon names76Selecting Icons78Moving and copying iconsAliases: Icons in two places at onceColor labelsThe trash92Get Info96Shortcut menus. Action menusTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 3: Spotlight .aamemmntmnaanamnmmmammammmmnmmmmmamnmnm 101The Spotlight Menu...............面面面面国面a面The spotlight Window面国面国面国面国112Customizing spotlightSmart Folders128Chapter 4: Dock, Desktop Toolbars.ammmmmmmmmmmama. 131The dockSetting Up the dockUsing the dock…140The finder toolbar145Designing Your Desktop……,,149Menulets: The Missing Manual151Part Two: Programs in Mac OS XChapter 5: Documents, Programs, Mission Control57The Mac App storeOther Ways to Get Mac SoftwareOpening Mac OS X Programs163aunchpaWindows that Auto-Reopen168The Heads-Up"Program Switcher172Mission control: death to window clutterDashboard182198Hiding Programs the Old-Fashioned Way203How documents know their parents206Keyboard Control211The Save and Open Dialog Boxes215Auto Save and versions221Cocoa and carbon226Chapter 6: Entering Data, Moving Data Time Machine231The macintosh KeyboardNotes on Right-Clicking…..…235Power TypingThe many languages of mac os x text243Data detectors248Moving Data Between Documents250Exchanging Data with Other Macs253Exchanging Data with Windows PCs259Time machineTABLE OF CONTENTS