介绍如何使用Office的一本书,英文版,各章节自成体系。office 2013the missing manualThe book that should have been in the boxNancy ConnerMatthew macdonald○ REILLYBeijing I Cambridge FarnhamI Koln Sebastopol I TokyoOffice 2013: The Missing Manualby Nancy Conner and Matthew MacDonaldCopyright 2013 Nancy Conner and Matthew MacDonald. All rights reservedPrinted in the United states of americaPublished by o' reilly Media, Inc1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472O'Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional useOnlineeditionsarealsoavailableformosttitles(http://my.safaribooksonline.comFor more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department(800)998-9938orcorporateaoreilly.comMay 2013First editionRevision History for the 1st Edition2013-05-10 First releaseSeehttporeilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781449357085forreleasedetailsThe Missing manual is a registered trademark of o'Reilly Media, Inc. The missingManual logo, and"The book that should have been in the box "are trademarks ofO'Reilly Media, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers todistinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designationsappear in this book, and o Reilly media is aware of a trademark claim, thedesignations are capitalizedhile every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisherassumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from theuse of the information contained in itSBN-13:978-1-449-35708-5[LSIContentsThe missing CreditsIntroductionXIPart○ne: Using OfficeCHAPTER 1: Using Office 2013's Common FeaturesOpening an office 2013 ProgramThe start Screen4Working with the ribbonGoing backstageIstomizing office ApplicationPart Two: WordCHAPTER 2: Basic Word Processing23First Things First: Word's start Page23Creating a New Document.......29Typing Some TextSaving a document33Closing a document.............37Opening an Existing Document37Different Ways to View Your Work40CHAPTER 3: Editing and Formatting49Selecting and Moving Text49Finding and replacing TextText Formatting: Font, Size, and style62Paragraph Formatting: Aligning, Indenting, Spacing70Working with ListsFormatting a Document83CHAPTER 4: Tables, Graphics, and Charts101Creating a TableAdding Information to a Table106Editing a Table107Formatting a Tablenserting Images117Editing an Image122Fun with Fonts and art that's smartAdding Charts and diagrams139CHAPTER 5: Proofing and Research Tools143Checking spelling and grammar143Getting Things Right with Auto Correct150Word's built-in research tools.........157CHAPTER 6: Printing Documents163Getting Started with Printing163Selecting Print Options and Settings.165Sending a Fax167Printing EnvelopesPrinting Labels175Merging Names and Addresses with Documents.......... 177CHAPTER 7: Reports and long documents183serting Page breaks183Breaking a Document into Sections..184Footnotes and endnotes187Citations and Bibliographies19Helping Readers Navigate your document198CHAPTER 8: Customizing Documents with Themes, Templatesand macros209Themes: The Way to Better Designs209Templates: Reusable document blueprints213Saving time with Macros222CHAPTER 9: Desktop and web publishing229Newsletters and brochures230Web Page design236CHAPTER 10: Sharing and collaborating on Documents247Sharing a Document..247Getting Feedback253Comparing documents264CONTENTSCombining documents....266Protecting Your Documents266Coauthoring and Simultaneous Editing275Part Three: OutlookCHAPTER 11: Getting Started with Outlook279Setting Up outlook279Taking a Quick Look Around.......281Composing and sending email285Receiving email301Printing a messag310Fighting SpaSaving Time with Quick StepsManaging multiple Email accounts317CHAPTER 12: Outlooks Address book319Adding and Editing Contacts319Finding a Contact331Viewing Contacts332Communicating with a Contact..339Gathering Contacts into a group340Printing Your Contacts345Contacts and Social NetworkingCHAPTER 13: Getting Organized with Folders349Finding Folders in the Navigation Pane349Creating a New Folder350Filling up and managing folders....352Categorizing Items353Searching Folders356Cleaning out Folders364CHAPTER 14: Getting Organized with Outlook's Calendar,Tasks, and notes371Your schedule, Your Calendar372Creating an Appointment or Meeting..373Editing events378Viewing Your Schedule381Tasks382Adding a task383Managing TasksViewing Tasks.......390Taking Notes in Outlook391CONTENTSPart Four: ExcelCHAPTER 15: Creating Your First Spreadsheet399Starting a workbook.399Adding Information to a Worksheet400Using the ribbon408Using the status Bar.414Saving files417Opening files430Adding Different Types of data.............434Printing442Controlling pagination454CHAPTER 16: Moving Data459Selecting Cells459Moving cells around.466Adding and Moving columns or Rows477Worksheets and workbooks480CHAPTER 17: Formatting Cells489Formatting Cell values490Formatting Cell appearance502CHAPTER 18: Building Basic Formulas515Creating a basic formula. .........................................515Functions521Formula errors528Logical operators532Formula shortcuts534Copying Formulas542CHAPTER 19: Math and statistical Functions549Rounding numbers........................549Manipulating Text551Solving Formula errors.554CHAPTER 20: Creating Basic Charts563Charting 101564Basic tasks with charts571Practical Charting578Chart Typ588Chart styles and Layouts594Adding chart elements.599CONTENTSPart Five:P。 werPointCHAPTER 21: Creating a Presentation613Creating a New Presentation613Saving a presentation624Opening an Existing Presentation626Adding Notes.627Viewing a Presentation627Printing a presentation634CHAPTER 22: Editing Slides637Editing Text.637Embedding other Files in Slides......646Adding Tables to Slides648Adding Images to slides654Arranging objects on a slide667CHAPTER 23: Editing a Presentation673Copying, Rearranging, and deleting slide673Headers and footers678Organizing Your Presentation with Sections681Navigating with Links and Action buttons684Slide masters: Powerful Slide blueprints691Collaborating with others698CHAPTER 24: Adding multimedia and movement703Putting Media clips in a presentation703Animating objects719Creating Transitions between slid734CHAPTER 25: It's showtime! Giving a Presentation737Start, Navigate, End: Tips and shortcuts737Before the show: Prep WorkAt the eventOther Presentation Options...758Sharing your presentation766CONTENTSPart six: AccessCHAPTER 26: Creating Your First Database771Understanding Access databasesStarting a database773Building Your First Table778Saving databases788Opening data793The navigation pan797CHAPTER 27: Building Smarter Tables803Understanding data types803Design View804Access Data Types809The Primary Key.....835Six Principles of Database Design837Blocking bad data843Data Integrity Basics843Lookups851CHAPTER 28: Mastering the Datasheet: Sorting, Searchingand Filtering857Datasheet custt858Datasheet Navigation864Printing the Datasheet875CHAPTER 29: Linking Tables with Relationships879Relationship Basics..880Using a relationship884More Exotic Relationships90Part seven: Other office toolsCHaPTER 30: Publisher909Creating a new publication.909Adding Text918Adding Pictures, Shapes, and other objects..927Designing and Laying out Pages930Reviewing Your design935Printing a Publication937VIIICONTENTS