OpenDDS最新版本3.13的官方开发文档。对学习OpenDDS很有帮助。写的很详细。Setting up the Subscriber.18The Data Reader Listener Implementation20Cleaning up in OpenDDS Clients21Running the example.…22Running Our Example with RTPS.….….23Data Handling Optimizations.……着。垂24Registering and Using Instances in the Publisher.24Reading multiple samples24Zero- Copy Read......,……..,…,…,………25Chapter 3 Quality of Service27Introduction27QoS Policies....................27Default Qos Policy values28LⅣ ELINESS.……………,31RELIABILITY32HISTORY∴33DURABILITY34DURABILITY SERVICE34RESOURCE LIMITS. ........................................................................................35PARTITIONDEADLINE36LIFESPAN.. .............................................................................................................36USER DATA∴,37TOPIC DATA37GROUP DATA. ..................................................................................................37TRANSPORT PRIORITY38LATENCY BUDGET39ENTITY FACTORY∴40PRESENTATIONDESTINATION ORDER.42WRITER DATA LIFECYCLE42READER DATA LIFECYCLE43TIME BASED FILTER···;··········,··:·······.···43OWNERSHIP44OWNERSHIP STRENGTH44opendds developer's guideWE AREOCI SOFTWAREPolicy example.……,….,…,…,…,…,,…,…,,44Chapter 4 Conditions and Listeners..,o,....47Introduction..……47Communication Status Types48Topic status Types48Subscriber status Types.48Data Reader Status Types48Data Writer Status Types…,,…51Listeners...:::··.52Topic listener.ata writer listener53Publisher listener53Data reader listener53Subscriber listener.……………53Domain Participant listener54Conditions54Status ConditionAdditional condition Types55Chapter5 Content- Subscription Profile.……………………………57Introductionb番鲁看春D音番57Content-Filtered Topic58Filter Expressions………….……….……,,…58Content-Filtered Topic Example……59Query Condition59Query Expressions……………………60Query Condition Example.60Multi Topic.........................61Topic expressions………,.61Usage Notes,62Multi Topic Example64Chapter 6 Built-In Topics.67Introduction春.非看音67Built-In Topics for DCPSinfoRepo Configuration67DCPSParticipant Topic1垂·音68DCPSTopic Topic.∴68opendds developer's guide111OCI SOFTWAREENGINEERSDCPSPublication Topic................................................69DCPSSubscription Topic69Built-In Topic Subscription Example.69Chapter 7 Run-time Configuration71Configuration Approach.71Common Configuration Options73Discovery Configuration78Domain Configuration.,….…∴78Configuring Applications for DCPSInfoRepo80Configuring for DDSI-RTPS Discovery.84Configuring for Static Discovery.87Transport Configuration.....,..,…,…,y1Overview.91Configuration File Examples.............92Transport Registry Example94fransport configuration OptionsTransport Instance Options96Logging106DCPS Layer Logging………,……,…,…,……,………,……106Transport Layer logging106Chapter8 opendds idl options.….….……………………109opendds idl Command line options109Chapter g The DCPs Information Repository.111DCPS Information Repository Options.……111Repository FederationD番113Federation Management.114Federation Example.........116Chapter10 Java Bindings………………………,……………………………119Introduction119IDL and code generation119Setting up an OpendDs Java Project120A Simple message Publisher.122Initializing the Participant122Registering the Data Type and Creating a Topic123Creating a Publisher123opendds developer's guideWE AREOCI SOFTWARECreating a Data Writer and Registering an Instance.………,123Setting up the Subscriber124Creating a Subscriber124Creating a datareader and listener.124The datareader listener Implementation125Cleaning up OpenDDS Java Clients126Configuring the Example126Running the example.……126Java Message Service (MS) Support..........................127Chapter1 1 Modeling SDK.……………129Oⅴ erview.129Model Capture...............................129Code generation131Programmer131Installation and getting started131Prerequisites131Installation垂看垂春春着垂非音音番垂垂131Getting started132Developing applications.…,…,…,…,,…,,,,132Modeling Support Library……春音鲁音垂音133Generated code133Application Code Requirements.…………………135Chapter 12 Recorder and Replayer.141Overview.…141API Structure141Usage Model142Qos Processing.…….143Durability details.….….,...,….,,…,…,…,…,…,…,143Chapter 13 Safety Profile145Overview. ..........................................................................................................145Safety Profile Subset of OpenDDs......145Safety Profile Configurations of ACE146Run-time Configurable Options146Running ace and OpenDDS Tests146USing the Memory Pool in Applications147opendds developer's guidOCI SOFTWAREENGINEERSPrefaceWhat Is openDDS?OpenDDS is an open source implementation of a group of related Object ManagementGroup(omg) specifications1)Data Distribution Service(DDS) for Real-Time Systems v1.4(OMG Documentformal/2015-04-10). This specification details the core functionality implemented byOpenDDS for real-time publish and subscribe applications and is described throughoutthis document2)The Real-time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol DDS Interoperability wireProtocol Specification(DDSI-RTPS)V2.2(OMG Document formal/2014-09-01). Thisspecification describes the primary requirements for interoperability between industryDDS implementations. This is not the only protocol for which a specifications exists,however, it is the protocol used for interoperability testing among DDSimplementations3)DDS Security v1.1(OMG Document formal/2018-04-01)extends DDS with capabilitiesfor authentication and encryption. OpenDDS's support for the dDs Securityspecification is described in a separate document, "USing DDS Security in OpenDDSOpendds is sponsored by object Computing, Inc (OCi)and is available viahttp://www.opendds.orgopendds developer's guideWE ARECI SOFTWARELicensing TermsOpenDDs is made available under the open source software model. The source code may bfreely downloaded and is open for inspection, review, comment, and improvement. Copiesmay be freely installed across all your systems and those of your customers. There is nocharge for development or run-time licenses. The source code is designed to be compiledand used, across a wide variety of hardware and operating systems architectures. You maymodify it for your own needs, within the terms of the license agreements. You must notcopyright OpenDDS software. For details of the licensing terms, see the file named LICENSEthatisincludedintheOpenddssourcecodedistributionorvisithttp://www.opendds.orglicense. htmlOpenDds also utilizes other open source software products, including MPC (Make ProjectCreator), aCe(the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment), and TAO(The ACE ORB)More information about these products is available from OCI's web site at is open source and the development team welcomes contributions of code, testsand ideas. Active participation by users ensures a robust implementation. Contact OCI if youare interested in contributing to the development of OpenDDS. Please note that any codethat is contributed to and becomes part of the opendDs open source code base is subject tothe same licensing terms as the rest of the OpenDDs code baseAbout this guideThis Developer's Guide corresponds to OpenDDS version 3. 13. This guide is primarilyfocused on the specifics of using and configuring OpenDDs to build distributed, publishsubscribe applications. While it does give a general overview of the OMG Data DistributionService, this guide is not intended to provide comprehensive coverage of the specificationThe intent of this guide is to help you become proficient with OpendDs as quickly aspossibleHighlights of the 3.13 ReleaseAdditionsIncludes a beta implementation of the OMG DDS Security 1.1 specificationMonitor library can be enabled with-DCPSMonitor 1 or ini fileUpdated Wireshark dissector now supports Wireshark version 2.XMultiTopic: use Topic's Qos when creating constituent data readersFixesopendds developer's guideWE AREOCI SOFTWAREMemory management improvementsCommand-line argument-DCPSRTISerialization takes a 0/1 parameterFurther refined fix for rtpsUdpDataLink: remove sample lockingImproved Java bindings build process when using GNu MakeRTPS interoperability fixes from testing at OMG conferencesOpenDDs can be completely shut down and restarted within a processImproved code generation for IDl unions, including in Javascript/V8Fix for in-process messaging in FACE TSS(PR#819)Fix for Read Condition leak in OpenDDS: FaceTSS: receive message(PR #832)TCP reconnect enhancementsRemoved unused sequence number tracking in DataReaderImplFixed a memory leak in content filtering on the subscriber sidertps udp transport: improved handling of socket errorsRTPS discovery: avoid skipping sequence numbers in SEDPInfoRepo: improved persistence with Built-in TopicsNotesThe contrib directory, which contained unmaintained code, was removedTAO Version CompatibilityOpenDDs 3 13 is compatible with the current patch level of OCI TAO 2.2a, as well as thecurrent DOC Group beta/micro release. See the sDDS ROOT/README. md file for detailsConventionsThis guide uses the following conventionsFixed pitch textIndicates example code or information a user would enter usinga keyboardBold fixed pitch textIndicates example code that has been modified from a previousexample or text appearing in a menu or dialog boxitalic textIndicates a point of emphasA horizontal ellipsis indicates that the statement is omittingV111opendds developer's guideWE ARECI SOFTWAREA vertical ellipsis indicates that a segment of code is omittedfrom the exampleCoding EXamplesThroughout this guide, we illustrate topics with coding examples. The examples in thisguide are intended for illustration purposes and should not be considered to be"productionready"code. In particular, error handling is sometimes kept to a minimum to help thereader focus on the particular feature or technique that is being presented in the exampleThe source code for all these examples is available as part of the opendds source codedistribution in the $DDs ROOT/DevGuideExamples/ directory. MPC files are provided withthe examples for generating build-tool specific files, such as gnu Makefles or visual C++project and solution files. A Perl script named run test. pl is provided with each exampleso you can easily run it.Related documentsThroughout this guide, we refer to various specifications published by the ObjectManagement Group(OMG)and from other sourcesOMG references take the form group/number where group represents the OMg workinggroup responsible for developing the specification, or the keyword formal if thespecification has been formally adopted, and number represents the year, month, and serialnumber within the month the specification was released for example the OMg ddsversion 1. 4 specification is referenced as formaL/2015-04-10You can download any referenced OMG specification directly from the OMg web site byprepending,thespecificationforma/07-01-0lbecomes Providing this destination to a web browser should take you to a site from which youcan download the referenced specification documentAdditional documentation on OpenDDS is produced and maintained by Object Computing,Inc.andisavailablefromtheOpenddswebsiteathttp://www.opendds.orgHere are some documents of interest and their locationsDocumentLocationData distribution Service(Dds) for Real-Time v1.4(OMG Document formal/2015-04-10)TheReal-timePublish-subscribeWireProtocolDds Wire Protocol Specification(DDSIRTPSv2.2 (OMG Document formal/2014-09-01)opendds developer's guide1 XWE AREOCI SOFTWARE