深入编程内幕--Visual CFiles Proiects Workspaces Other Documents「過 ATL COM AppWizardProject nameCUstom Appwizard海 Database projectFR DevStudio Add-in wizardLocationsERISAPI EXtension wizardMakefilea MFC ActiveX ControlwizardMFC Appwizard [dlFe MFC Appwizard (exe]ENew Database WizardQ Create new works pace回win32 ApplicationC Add to current workspaceAWin 32 Console ApplicationsWin 32 Dynamic-Link Librar厂 Dependency of圈wm32 Static LibraryPlatformsvwin32CancelFiles Projects Works paces Other Documents IATL COM APpWizardProject nameE]Custom App wizardtestDatabase projectH-Deystudio Add-in WizardRISAPI Extension WizardLocation:MakerEaMFC ActiveX ControlwizardE MFC AppWizard (dllXNew Database wizardC Create new works paceawin 32 Applicationwin32 Console ApplicationC Add to current workspacea 32 Dynamic-Link Library厂 Dependency of圈win32 Static LibraryPlatformsOKCancel■FC卫 iEr d-step1了区plication■-Do■■吧tFit edit wier ind。rHelWhat type of application would you like to create?Multiple documentsC Dialog basedWhat language would you like your resources in?英语镁美国 IPPYYZENU,D山<旦ackNextFinishCancelC AppUd-step2c£b了区Fi4Yi冒MφWhat database support would you like to include?C Header filC Database view without file supportC Database view with file supportIf you include a database view, you must selectata sourceData 5No data source is selected< BackNextFinishalIc■ fC AppWizard-stey3f6What compound document support would you like to‖ t Edit Yiew yindo"alinclude?C Mini-server心RC Both container and serverr Activex document serverYould you like support for compound files?C No, thWhat other support would you like to include?Automationv ActiveX ControlsBackNextFinishCancelC Appwizard- step of 6图区What features would you like to include?licatio■File Edit Yier Window HelpM Docking toolbarv Initial status barM Printing and print preview■ FC Appirard-step5of6Microsoft Developer studiod Edit上et日 Hd Helpwould you like to generate source file commentsa Yes, pleaseC No, thank youHow would you like to use the MFc library?As a shared dllC As a statically linked libraryBackNextFinishCancel