( rip问题一.rar ) validate-update-source To have the Cisco IOS software validate the source IP address of incoming routing updates for RIP and IGRP routing protocols, use the validate-update-source command in router configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command. validate-update-source no validate-update-source Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Defaults The behavior of this command is enabled by default. Command Modes Router configuration Command History Re lease Modification 10.0 This command was introduced. Usage Guidelines This command is applicable only to RIP and IGRP. The software ensures that the source IP address of incoming routing updates is on the same IP network as one of the addresses defined for the receiving interface. Disabling split horizon on the incoming interface will also cause the system to perform this validation check. For unnumbered IP interfaces (interfaces configured as ip unnumbered), no checking is performed. Examples The following example configures a router not to perform validation checks on the source IP address of incoming RIP updates: router rip network no validate-update-source 默认是开启的,如果开启会检测路由更新的源地址,如果更新源地址和接受的端口不在同一网段,那么则不接受更新。 可以关闭,关闭以后就不检测更新源地址了。 lease Modification 10.0 This command was introduced. Usage Guidelines This command is applicable only to RIP and IGRP. The software ensures that the source IP address of incoming routing updates is on the same IP network as one of the addresses defined for the receiving interface. Disabling split horizon on the incoming interface will also cause the system to perform this validation check. For unnumbered IP interfaces (interfaces configured as ip unnumbered), no checking is performed. Examples The following example configures a router not to perform validation checks on the source IP address of incoming RIP updates: router rip network no validate-update-source 默认是开启的,如果开启会检测路由更新的源地址,如果更新源地址和接受的端口不在同一网段,那么则不接受更新。 可以关闭,关闭以后就不检测更新源地址了。