百度相册助手 V3.0.3 绿色免费版
Baidu album with very good, but the feeling I upload the picture a bit too much trouble, so from the Internet to find their own " assistant " to Baidu Baidu album this album management software, can help you scale to Baidu album upload pictures, hope you like. Extracting password www.ptriver.com Using " Baidu album. " you can be the other user's album a copy to your album, need to upload, bulk upload a picture, can also bulk download album pictures. 百度相册很好用,但是感觉一张张的上传图片有点太麻烦了,所以自己从网上找来了《百度相册助手》这个百度相册管理客户端软件,帮 您批量向百度相册中上传图片,希望大家喜欢。 利用《百度相册助手》您可以将其他用户的相册一键复制到自己的相册,不用在上传了,批量上传本地图片,还可以批量下载相册中的图片。 您批量向百度相册中上传图片,希望大家喜欢。 利用《百度相册助手》您可以将其他用户的相册一键复制到自己的相册,不用在上传了,批量上传本地图片,还可以批量下载相册中的图片。