Optimal Power Flow Using an ExtendedConic Quadratic Formulation.pdf
A novel generalized gradient vector flow snake model using minimal surface and c
A novel generalized gradient vector flow snake model using minimal surface and component-normalized
8 2021-04-24 -
High Performance ASIC Design_Using Synthesizable Domino Logic in an ASIC Flow
27 2018-12-26 -
High Level Synthesis Flow on Zynq using Vivado HLS master.zip
19 2020-08-10 -
The distribution of quadratic forms in a normal system Cochran1934.pdf
Many of the most frequently used applications of the theory of statistics, such for example as the m
18 2020-09-08 -
Rao s Quadratic Entropy Risk Management and Portfolio.pdf
Rao’s Quadratic Entropy, Risk Management and Portfolio 投资组合风险分散性论文
20 2020-09-11 -
Rao s quadratic entropy and maximum diversification indexation.pdf
Rao’s quadratic entropy and maximum diversification indexation,投资组合风险分散性论文
10 2020-09-11 -
论文研究On Convex Formulation of Linear Constrained Model Predictive Control.pdf
19 2020-03-27 -
Exam70778Analyzing and Visualizing Data by Using Microsoft Power BI1st pdf
Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-778–and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of Power BI data anal
13 2020-07-19 -
Nutanix Flow彩页.PDF
Nutanix 网络微分段,提供HCI平台上东西向流量管理和安全管控,可以基于IP、端口、USERID等多种方式进行策略管控,实现公有云上的安全组功能。
15 2020-12-21 -
20 2019-09-28