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Lectures on Finite Fields and Galois Ring
主要介绍有限域与高斯环的权威教材 主要讲解集合,多项式,剩余分类环,有限域结构 !
30 2018-12-07 -
lectures on finite fields and Galois rings
《有限域基础》万哲先,英文版 The present book is based on a course on finite fields the author gave at Nankai Univ
38 2018-12-07 -
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves.pdf
25 2020-06-07 -
An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields CRF
英文版 Introduction to Random Fields, 介绍CRF原理及相关概率论内容
60 2018-12-09 -
Loglinear models and conditional random fields
31 2019-08-02 -
FINITE FIELDS for computer saientists and engineers
有限域,FINITE FIELDS forcomputersaientistsandengineers,RoberJ.McEliece,CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology
20 2019-06-01 -
Cadence detection in a sequence of video fields
33 2019-09-19 -
Photon statistics measurement for coherent fields
An efficient scheme for photon statistics measurement is presented based on the Hanbury-Brown-Twiss
17 2021-03-26 -
Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers
Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers
24 2020-07-22 -
Some concepts and properties of uncertain fields
Uncertain field is virtually an extension of uncertain process with the index space changing from a
19 2021-02-10