About This Book, Design, simulate, build and program an interactive autonomous mobile robotProgram Robot Operating System using PythonGet a grip on the hands-on guide to robotics for learning various robotics concepts and build an advanced robot from scratch, Who This Book Is For, If you are an engiearning Robotics Using PythonCopyright C 2015 Packt PublishingAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded incritical articles or reviewsEvery effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracyof the information presented. However, the information contained in this bookis sold without warranty, cither express or implied. Neither the author nor PacktPublishing and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damagescaused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this bookPackt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of thecompanies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitalsHowever, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this informationFirst published: May 2015Production reference: 1250515Published by packt publishing ltdLivery place35 Livery streetBirmingham b3 2PB, UKISBN978-178328-753-6www.packtpub.comCover image by Jarek Blaminsky(milaksawp plhey321.taobao.comwww.it-ebooksinfoCreditsAuthorProject CoordinatorLentin JosephHarsha vedReviewersProofreadersAvkash ChauhanStephen CopestakeVladimir lakovleySafis EditingBlagoj petrushevMarek SuppaIndexerPriya SaneCommissioning EditorRebecca youeGraphicsSheetal AuteAcquisition EditorRebecca youeProduction CoordinatorNitesh ThakurContent Development EditorAthira lajiCover workNitesh Thakurhnical editorsAnkur ghManali gonsalvesCopy EditorsPranjali chtRelin hedlyMerilyn PereiraAdithi shetthey321.taobao.comwww.it-ebooksinfoabout the authorLentin Joseph is an electronics engineer, robotics enthusiast, machine visionexpert, embedded programmer, and the founder and ceo of Qbotics Labs(http://www.qboticslabs.cominIndia.Hegothisbachelorsdegreeinelectronicsand communication engineering at the Federal Institute of Science and Technology(FISAT), Kerala. In his final year engineering project, he created a social robot, whichcan interact with people. The project was a huge success and got mentioned in visualand print media The main feature of this robot was that it could communicate withpeople and reply intelligently. It also has some image-processing capabilities, suchas face, motion, and color detection. The entire project was implemented using thePython programming language. His interest in robotics, image processing, andPython began this projectAfter graduation, he worked at a start-up company based on robotics and imageprocessing for 3 years. In the meantime, he learned famous robotic softwareplatforms-such as Robot Operating system(ROS), V-REP, and Actin(a roboticsimulation tool)-and image processing libraries, such as OpenCV, OpenNIand PCL. He also knows about robot 3D designing embedded programming onArduino, and Stellaris LaunchpadAfter 3 years of work experience, he started a new company called Qbotics Labswhich is mainly focused on research to build great products in domains suchas wearable technology, robotics, machine vision, green technology, and onlineeducationHemaintainsapersonalwebsite(http://www.lentinjoseph.comandatechnologyblogcalledtechnolabsz(http://www.technolabsz.com).Hepublisheshis works on his tech blog. He was a speaker at Py Con2013 India, and he spoke onthe topic of learning robotics using PythonI would like to dedicate this book to my parents because they gaveme the inspiration to write it. I would also like to convey my regardsto my friends who helped and inspired me to write this bookI would like to thank marek Suppa for his valuable contribution inwriting Chapter 1, Introduction to Robotics, in addition to reviewingIS bOokhey321.taobao.comwww.it-ebooksinfoabout the reviewersavkash Chauhan is currently leading a team of engineers at a start-up based in SanFrancisco, where his team is building a big data monitoring platform using machinelearning and new age methods to improve business continuity and gain maximumadvantage from the platform itself. IIe is the founder and principal of Big DataPerspective, with a vision to make the Hadoop platform accessible to mainstreamenterprises by simplifying its adoption, customization, management, and supportBefore Big Data Perspective, he worked at Platfora Inc, building big data analyticssoftware running natively on Hadoop. Previously he worked for 8 years at Microsoftworldwide. AVkash has over 15 years of software development experience in cloud thbuilding cloud and big data products and providing assistance to enterprise partnersand big data disciplines. He is a programmer at heart in full-stack discipline and hasthe business acumen to work with enterprises meeting their needs he is passionateabout technology and enjoys sharing his knowledge with others through various socialmedia. He has also written a few books on big data discipline and is very active in thetech social space. He is an accomplished author blogger technical speaker, and heloⅴ es the outdoors.Vladimir lakovlev is a software developer. Most of the time he developsweb applications using Python, Clojure, and JavaScript. Hle's the owner of afew semi-popular open source projects. He was a speaker at a few Python-relatedconferencesIn his free time, Vladimir likes to play with electronic devices, such as Arduinoand Py Board, and image-processing devices, such as Leap Motion. He has triedto build some robots. He has already built a robotic armCurrently, Vladimir works at Upwork, where he develops web applications, mostlywith Pythonhey321.taobao.comwww.it-ebooksinfoBlagoi petrushev is a software engineer and consultant based in SkopjeMacedonia. His work revolves mainly around backends datastores and networkapplications. Among his interests are machine learning, nLP, data analysis,modeling and databases, and distributed programmingMarek Suppa has been playing with( kind of)smart machines for the past fewyears, which are pretentiously called robots in some parts of the world. Right nowhe leads a robotic football team, building tools to help others start with robots andsetting off on a new venture to see how far the current technology will let us movetoward the goal of creating a robot as it was first definedI would like to thank everyone who supported the creation of thisbook, whoever and wherever they might behey321.taobao.comwww.it-ebooksinfoWww. 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