All Office Converter Platinum v6.1 官方简体中文注册版是一款易于使用和专业的文件转换工具。它可以高质量的支持批量转换文件,网页和图像,以改善工作效率。有了这个强大的转换器,您可以创建PDF文件的通用格式,并转换PDF文件到其他通用格式,超级输出质量和效益。更多信息,您可以转换不同的Office文档格式,网页,图片。它可以支持全面的格式:Word(doc, docm, docx), Excel(xls .xlsx. xlsm),PowerPoint(ppt, pptc,  pptm),PDF,XLS,RTF,TXT,HTM/HTML,Website,JPG,BMP,GIF,TIF,WMF,EMF,TGA, RLE,PNG etc. 特征 *提供个性化服务的命令行服务器/开发。 *它可以同时转换不同的格式,以一个特定格式一次。 *它可以转换的网页上的网站或您的计算机。 *易于使用。转换的功能。 *更多的设置选项,让您控制输出文件更准确。 *保存导入的文件清单。 *支持加密的PDF文件。 *创建PDF和图像质量高。 *打开*. HTM或网址如下框架转换。 支持格式: 批量转换: Word (doc, docm,docx) Excel (xls.xlsx.xlsm), PowerPoint (ppt,pptc,pptm), RTF, TXT, HTM, HTML, Website, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, WMF, EMF to PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format) 批量转换: PDF to DOC, RTF, XLS, HTM, TXT, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF 批量转换: Word (doc,docm,docx) to PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format), XLS, TXT, HTM, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF. 批量转换: PDF, Excel (xls.xlsx.xlsm), TXT, HTM, HTML, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, EMF, WMF to DOC. 批量转换: PowerPoint (ppt,pptc,pptm) to JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF, DOC, XLS, RTF, TXT, PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format). 批量转换: HTM, HTML, Website to DOC, PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format), TXT, RTF, XLS, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF. docm,docx) Excel (xls.xlsx.xlsm), PowerPoint (ppt,pptc,pptm), RTF, TXT, HTM, HTML, Website, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, WMF, EMF to PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format) 批量转换: PDF to DOC, RTF, XLS, HTM, TXT, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF 批量转换: Word (doc,docm,docx) to PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format), XLS, TXT, HTM, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF. 批量转换: PDF, Excel (xls.xlsx.xlsm), TXT, HTM, HTML, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, EMF, WMF to DOC. 批量转换: PowerPoint (ppt,pptc,pptm) to JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF, DOC, XLS, RTF, TXT, PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format). 批量转换: HTM, HTML, Website to DOC, PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format), TXT, RTF, XLS, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF.