Advanced communications cenarios demand the development of new systems where antenna theory,channel propagation and communication models are seen from a common perspective as a way tounderstand and optimize the system as a whole. In this context, a comprehensive multiantennaformulation for multipMultiantenna Systems for MIMoCommunicationsFranco De flavinsUniversity of California, IrvineLluis jofreUniversitat Politecnica de catalunyaJordi romeuUniversitat Politecnica de catalunyaAlfred grauUniversity of California, IrvineSYNTHESIS LECTURES ON ANTENNAS #5MORGAN&CLAYPOOL PUBLISHERSIvABSTRACTAdvanced communication scenarios demand the development of new systems where antenna theory,channel propagation and communication models are seen from a common perspective as a way tounderstand and optimize the system as a whole. In this context, a comprehensive multiantennaformulation for multiple-input multiple-output systems is presented with a special emphasis on theconnection of the electromagnetic and communication principlesStarting from the capacity for a multiantenna system, the book reviews radiation, propagation,and communication mechanisms, paying particular attention to the vectorial, directional, and timefrequency characteristics of the wireless communication equation for low- and high-scatteringenvironments. Based on the previous concepts, different space-time methods for diversity andmultiplexing applications are discussed, multiantenna modeling is studied, and specific tools areintroduced to analyze the antenna coupling mechanisms and formulate appropriate decorrelationtechniques. Miniaturization techniques for closely spaced antennas are studied, and its fundamentallimits and optimization strategies are reviewed. Finally, different practical multiantenna topologiesfor new communication applications are presented, and its main parameters discusseda relevant feature is a collection of synthesis exercises that review the main topics of the bookand introduces state-of-the art system architectures and parameters, facilitating its use either as atext book or as a support tool for multiantenna systems designKEYWORDSmultiantenna systems, MIMO, channel coding, radio channel, antenna modeling,antenna diversity techniques, decorrelation networksPrefaceSince the last decade, multiantenna wireless communication systems have gained a strong interestin both the academic and industrial sectors. Also known in the literature as multiple-inputmultiple-output (MIMO)[1] wireless communication systems, they use multiport antennas at thetransmitter and/or the receiver to increase the transmission rate and the strength of the receivedsignal, as compared with traditional single-input single-output systems, which use one transmitantenna and one receive antenna. Most importantly, these gains come with no additional increasein bandwidth or transmission power [1]g which are scarce resources; ratherthey come at the costof system complexityThis book provides a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis and design of multiantennasystems for MIMO communications, including principles from systems theory, coding theory,radio channel theory and antenna theory note that the term multiantenna system is used in awide sense because we use it to refer to any multiport antenna system in which each port canbe associated with distinct and physically separated antennas [2], distinct polarizations 13, 4],ordifferent radiation patterns [5,6]. Based on the previous concepts, different space-time methods fordiversity and multiplexing applications are discussed. Also, the modeling of multiantenna systems isstudied and specific tools are introduced to analyze the antenna coupling mechanisms and differentdecorrelation techniques. Miniaturization and mutual coupling for closely spaced antennas arestudied and its fundamental limits and optimization strategies reviewed. Finally, different practicalmultiantenna topologies for new communication applications are presented and its main parametersdiscussedOrganization of the BookIn Chapter 1, we review the principles and fundamental concepts of multiantenna communicationsystems. In Chapter 2, we discuss the properties of the radio channel. We also review specificchannel models for the analysis and simulation of mimo systems. Chapter 3 reviews some of thefundamental Mimo channel coding techniques and the figures of merit that are used to assessthe performance of MIMo communication systems from a coding perspective. In Chapter 4,we explain the modeling of a multiantenna system, and give performance measures involvingantenna parameters. Chapter 4 also reviews the fundamental limitations imposed by antennas InChapter 5, design criteria and procedures for optimal performance of the multiantenna systemswithin a mimo communication system are exposited. Chapter 6 concludes this book, presentingsome particular design examples and discussing the performance of different multiantenna systemtopologiesAcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Pete Balsells, founder of Balseal Engineering, who has built bridges betweenCalifornia and Catalonia through the creation of the balsells Fellowship and the californiaCatalonia Engineering Innovation Program, and Dr Roger H. Rangel, chair of the Mechanicaland Aerospace Engineering Department of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering at theUniversity of California at Irvine (UCD), who has made these bridges work and has made possiblethe fruitful collaboration between UCI and the Universitat Politecnica de catalunya(UPC), whichhas resulted in this bookFinally, the authors thank Javier Rodriguez De luis, Marc Jofre, Stan Dossche, and santiagoCapdevila for their help in revising the book, testing some of the examples, and editing the figures