Big Data For DummiesBiq dataDUMMIESFORA Wiley brandBiq dataFORDUMMIESA Wiley brandby Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Dr. Fern Halper,and marcia KaufmanDUMMESFORa Wiley brandBig Data For dummiesPublished byJohn wiley sons, Inc111 River StreetHoboken. 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Judith has helpedthese companies make the transition to a new business model focused on thepusiness value of emerging platforms. She was the founder of Hurwitz GroupShe has worked in various corporations, including Apollo Computer and JohnHancock. She has written extensively about all aspects of distributed softwareIn 2011 she authored Smart or Lucky? How Technology leaders Turn Chance intoSuccess (ossey Bass, 2011). Judith is a co-author on five retail For dummiestitles including Hybrid Cloud For Dummies ohn Wiley& Sons, InC, 2012), CloudComputing For Dummies John Wiley sons, Inc, 2010), Service ManagementFor dummies, and service oriented architecture for dummies. 2nd edition(both John Wiley sons, Inc., 2009). She is also a co-author on many custompublished For Dummies titles including Platform as a Service For Dummies,CloudBees Special Edition John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2012), Cloud For dummiesIBM Midsize Company Limited Edition John Wiley& Sons, Inc, 2011), PrivateCloud For dummies, IBM Limited Edition(2011), and information on Demand ForDummies, IBM Limited Edition(2008)(both John Wiley sons, Inc)Judith holds bs and ms degrees from Boston University, serves on severaladvisory boards of emerging companies, and was named a distinguishedalumnus of Boston University's College of Arts Sciences in 2005. She serveson boston University's alumni Council. She is also a recipient of the 2005Massachusetts Technology leadership Council awardAlan F. Nugent is a Principal Consultant with Hurwitz& Associates. Al isan experienced technology leader and industry veteran of more than threedecades. Most recently, he was the Chief Executive and Chief TechnologyOfficer at Mzinga, Inc, a leader in the development and delivery of cloud-basedsolutions for big data, real-time analytics, social intelligence, and communitymanagement Prior to mzinga, he was executive vice president and chiefTechnology Officer at CA, Inc. where he was responsible for setting the strategictechnology direction for the company He joined ca as senior vice presidentand general manager of CA's Enterprise Systems Management esm businessunit and managed the product portfolio for infrastructure and data managementPrior to joining CA in April of 2005, Al was senior vice president and cto ofNovell, where he was the innovator behind the company's moves into opensource and identity-driven solutions. As consulting Cto for BellSouth he ledthe corporate initiative to consolidate and transform all of BellSouth's disparatecustomer and operational data into a single data instanceAl is the independent member of the board of Directors of AdaptiveComputing in Provo, UT, chairman of the advisory board of space curve ilSeattle, WA, and a member of the advisory board of n-of-one in Waltham, MAHe is a frequent writer on business and technology topics and has shared histhoughts and expertise at many industry events throughout the yearsHe is an instrument rated private pilot and has played professional poker forthe past three decades In his sparse spare time he enjoys rebuilding olderAmerican muscle cars and motorcycles, collecting antiquarian books, epicurean cooking, and has passion for cellaring American and Italian winesFern Halper, PhD, is a Fellow with Hurwitz& Associates and Director ofTDWI Research for Advanced Analytics. She has more than 20 years ofexperience in data analysis, business analysis, and strategy development.Fern has published numerous articles on data analysis and advanced analytics. She has done extensive research, writing, and speaking on the topicof predictive analytics and text analytics. Fern publishes a regular technoogy blog. She has held key positions at at&t Bell Laboratories and lucentTechnologies, where she was responsible for developing innovative dataanalysis systems as well as developing strategy and product-line plans forInternet businesses Fern has taught courses in information technology atseveral universities. She received her ba from Colgate University and herPhd from Texas A&M University.Fern is a co-author on four retail For dummies titles including hybrid cloudFor Dummies ohn Wiley sons, Inc, 2012), Cloud Computing For DummiesJohn Wiley sons, InC, 2010), Service Oriented Architecture For Dummies2nd Edition, and Service Management For Dummies(both John Wiley sonsInc., 2009). She is also a co-author on many custom published For Dummiestitles including Cloud For Dummies, IBM Midsize Company Limited EditionJohn Wiley sons, Inc 2011), Platform as a Service For Dummies, Cloud BeesSpecial edition John Wiley& sons, Inc, 2012), and Information on demandFor Dummies, IBM Limited Edition John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2008)Marcia A Kaufman is a founding partner and coo of hurwitz Associates, aresearch and consulting firm focused on emerging technology, including cloudcomputing, big data, analytics, software development, service management, andsecurity and governance. She has written extensively on the business valueof virtualization and cloud computing, with an emphasis on evolving cloudinfrastructure and business models, data-encryption and end-point securityand online transaction processing in cloud environments marcia has morethan 20 years of experience in business strategy, industry research, distributedsoftware, software quality, information management and analytics marcia haworked within the financial services, manufacturing, and services industriesDuring her tenure at Data Resources, Inc. DrD, she developed sophisticatedindustry models and forecasts. She holds an AB from Connecticut College inmathematics and economics and an mba from boston universityMarcia is a co-author on five retail For dummies titles including Hybrid CloudFor Dummies (ohn Wiley sons, Inc, 2012), Cloud Computing For dummiesJohn Wiley Sons, Inc, 2010), Service Oriented Architecture For Dummies,2nd Edition, and Service Management For Dummies(both John Wiley sonsInc 2009). She is also a co-author on many custom published For Dummiestitles including Platform as a Service For Dummies, CloudBees Special editionJohn Wiley Sons, Inc, 2012), Cloud For Dummies, IBM Midsize CompanyLimited Edition John Wiley sons, Inc, 2011), Private Cloud For dummies,IBM Limited Edition (2011), and information on Demand For Dummies(2008)(both John Wiley Sons, Inc.DedicationJudith dedicates this book to her husband. warren, her children Sara andDavid, and her mother, Elaine. She also dedicates this book in memory of herfather. DavidAlan dedicates this book to his wife Jane for all her love and support; histhree children Chris, Jeff, and Greg; and the memory of his parents whostarted him on this journeyFern dedicates this book to her husband, Clay, daughters, Katie and lindsay,and her sister adrienneMarcia dedicates this book to her husband, matthew her children Sara andEmily, and her parents, Gloria and Larry