Practical Bot Development
In recent years, chat bots and artificial intelligence (AI) have become a hot topic in the tech sector and the public imagination. Chat bots, computer programs that can communicate using natural language, are doing everything from ordering pizza to buying clothes to saving money on parking tickets1 to negotiating among themselves.2 Initially, developing a chat bot was tantamount to developing an integration with a messaging platform. There was no easy way to represent a conversation flow in code. When Microsoft created the Bot F ramework and the Bot Builder SDK, this changed. Microsoft created a rich environment in which the developer was liberated from the concerns of integrating with individual channels and could focus on writing code that performed the conversational tasks a chat bot needs to accomplish. The Bot Builder SDK provided a generic approach to the development of conversational experiences. Microsoft’s Bot Connectors implemented the logic to translate from the generic format to channel-specific messages. ramework and the Bot Builder SDK, this changed. Microsoft created a rich environment in which the developer was liberated from the concerns of integrating with individual channels and could focus on writing code that performed the conversational tasks a chat bot needs to accomplish. The Bot Builder SDK provided a generic approach to the development of conversational experiences. Microsoft’s Bot Connectors implemented the logic to translate from the generic format to channel-specific messages.