Advanced Content Delivery Streaming and Cloud Services
Hadoop Streaming编程
Hadoop Streaming 编程,包含java,Python等
10 2020-11-06 -
spark streaming sql
spark streaming sql
12 2023-01-16 -
Spark Streaming Introduction
关于Spark Streaming的介绍,讲课用的讲义,英文版本的
47 2018-12-27 -
flumeng for streaming spark
flume kafka sparkstreamngpush channel and poll snik
14 2021-05-01 -
走进Spark Streaming
离散流DStream DStream是Spark Streaming中的一个最基本的抽象,代表了一系列连续的数据流,本质上就是一系列的RDD。StreamingContext会根据设置的批处理的时间间
27 2021-01-17 -
twitter streaming api轻松使用Twitter Streaming API源码
轻松使用Twitter Streaming API Twitter提供了一种流API,您可以使用它执行一些有趣的操作,例如侦听包含特定字符串或用户可能采取的操作的推文(例如,喜欢推文,关注某人....
28 2021-02-01 -
brewery gateway用于Brewery Micro Services的未知Brain Spring Cloud Gateway源码
啤酒厂网关 面向啤酒厂微服务的未知Brain Spring Cloud Gateway
6 2021-02-23 -
PCDViewer4.6for Ubuntu18.04Advanced Point Cloud Visualization and Editing Software
Discover PCDViewer 4.6 – a powerful yet lightweight software that simplifies the visualization and m
10 2023-05-20 -
Exam Ref70_412Configuring Advanced Windows Server2012R2Services
40 2019-06-23 -
eula license content
this is a license content, just for test post.
41 2018-12-09