Connected Vehicles
A New TwoScan Algorithm for Labeling Connected Components in Binary Images
47 2019-09-08 -
Networks Crowds and Markets Reasoning about a Highly Connected World
一本关于社会计算的教材,围绕着社会计算将图论,博弈等相关知识结合到一起讲述。 Preface i 1 Overview 1 1.1 Aspects of Networks . . . . . . .
23 2020-08-27 -
StatementInvalid Mysql Error query not connected解决方法
32 2019-09-20 -
Maxi Cosi Connected Home安卓版下载
Maxi-Cosi Connected Home是一款安卓智能家居应用,支持远程控制Maxi-Cosi Connect智能座椅,实现安全、智能、便捷的出行体验。本应用是最新版本1.4.0的Apkpur
5 2023-03-16 -
Degree Sequence for k arc Strong Connected Multiple Digraphs
$k$-弧强连通多重有向图的度序列,刘清海,洪艳梅,设~$D$ 为点集为~${v_1,ldots, v_n}$ 的有向图,则序列~${(d^+(v_1),d^-(v_1)),ldots, (d^+(v
14 2020-08-07 -
Sensor Placement Based on an Improved Genetic Algorithm for Connected Confident
Sensor Placement Based on an Improved Genetic Algorithm for Connected Confident Information Coverage
20 2021-02-25 -
Efficient Inference in Fully Connected CRFs with Gaussian Edge Potentials
Most state-of-the-art techniques for multi-class image segmentation and labeling use conditional ran
61 2018-12-31 -
The gap between human and machine is shrinking. The difference between bits and atoms is blurring. A
20 2020-07-25 -
Specific Jacket SMA Connected TO Can Package FPLD Transmitter
TITLE: Abstract—A specifically designed SMA connector with jacket signal pin configuration is used t
8 2021-04-18 -
Theoretical Analysis on Sparsely Connected Associative Memory Networks with Arbi
Theoretical Analysis on Sparsely Connected Associative Memory Networks with Arbitrary Degree Distrib
8 2021-02-21