learn GameSalad for ios
Gamesalad 是一款专业的商业游戏开发工具,开发者不需要编写任何代码即可完成跨平台的游戏的开发Contents at a glanceAbout the authorAbout the technical reviewerXAcknowledgmentsIntroduction mmmmmmm XvPart 1: Learning the Game Salad Fundamentals.sat■■Chapter 1: Preparing Your Design Environment aChapter 2: Your First Game from Scratch: The Pong Game ammmmmmmmaIn 31Chapter 3: Finishing Pong: Scoring and Game Interaction■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■65Chapter 4: Break A Wall: Implementing Comments, AccelerometerMovements, LifeManagement, and Pause maLar87Chapter 5: Making a Shoot 'Em Up Game: Carrot Invader nmmmmmmnm 125Part 2: Let's spice Up the Salad with Advanced Functions and effects inGamesalad■看看道道看道道道道晶晶道道道道道道道道道道道道道道道道道道道道159Chapter 6: Learning Gravity, Basic Physics, and Camera Controls: An AngryBirds-like Game, part mmm 161Chapter 7: Creating a Game Menu and a Particles Effect: An Angry Birds-likeGame, part■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■203Chapter 8: Graphics and Sound Effects: Labyrinth a r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■247Part 3: Prepping for the App store: Polishing, Publishing, and PromotingYour game■■■■■■27Chapter 9: Bonuses, Game Center, and iAd: Break a Wall mm. 273Chapter 10: Device Internal clock and cyclic Movement: Non-Game Apps 307Chapter 11: Submitting Your Game to the App Store.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■341Chapter 12: Introduction to Game Promotion371ndexga387IntroductionIn 2007, Apple revolutionized our way of living by introducing the iPhone, but most importantwas the birth of iOS. Today, iOS is used in the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Via the App Store,anew business model has emerged that offers more than 500,000 applications and gamesresulting in 25 billion downloads. This new business model is a huge opportunity for gameentrepreneurs and hobbyists as there are more than 100,000 games in the App storeGame salad is on a mission to help you to be an active actor in this revolutionGame Salad is a powerful, graphical 2D-game development engine for iOS. According toGame Salad, more than 3% of the games in the App Store are created with the Game Salad creator,its development tool. The Creator has been downloaded more than 150,000 times since 2009The power of Game Salad comes from the fact that no programing knowledge isrequired. You read correctly: NO PROGRAMING at all! You focus on your game logic, and via anintuitive WYSIWYG interface you design your games with a few drag and drop actions. Forget thelong learning curve of object-oriented programing(OoP)and objective-C; this is no longerrequired with Game SaladHowever, this power does not come without a few constrains. For instance, you can onlydevelop 2D games. Also, you are limited to a specified set of features--important ones but notcomplete compared to the iOS SDK. Don't worry-these constrains still leave you with an infinitenumber of games to createGame Salad comes in two versions: free and pro The free version is obviously free ofcharge, whereas the pro version costs 299USD per year I cover the differences between these twoversions in Chapter 1The book is divided in three parts. Part l provides you with the fundamental skillset forGame Salad. Chapter 1 offers step-by-step tutorials for installing all the required tools on yourcomputer to get you started with GameSalad In Chapters 2 and 3, you design a fully functioningand classic game, Pong, and you get familiar with scenes, actors, attributes, and behaviors. Youthen create a new version of Arkanoid in Chapter 4, consolidating your skills and using theaccelerometer for the first time. Chapter 5 concludes the first part of the book as you remakeSpace Invader and add new tools to your arsenalPart 2 spices things up with more complex features and projects in Game Salad. InChapters 6 and 7, you create a fully functioning Angry Birds-like game, learning the requiredphysics and creating a very advanced menu system. In Chapter 8, you add music and sounds toyour project and implement a very powerful visual effect with a labyrinth gamefinish the Arkanoid-like project started in Chapter 4 by polishing it in Game Center and ad ding uPart 3 completes the journey by bringing your game to the apple store. In Chapter 9, youfeatures. Chapter 10 illustrates some non-game apps with Game Salad. You also learn about thedevice clock features. In Chapter ll, you publish your game on the App Store via a very detailedstep-by-step tutorial. Chapter 12 offers a brief introduction to game promotion in Chapter 12You learn the main tactics to get your game visibility so that it can potentially be the next bighitterPart 1Learning theGameSaladFundamentalsChapterPreparing your designEnvironmentThe work environment is a very important aspect for any game designer. Notonly will you gain efficiency with a proper environment, but you will also gainpleasure. Imagine that you're about to finish your game and you want to test itimmediately on your device, but then you realize that you havent yet installedthe testing environment. Although it may take only a few moments, isn't itfrustrating? If this story resonates for you, take the proper time to follow thesteps discussed in this chapterBefore you start messing around with Game Salad, you need to prepare thedesign environment. This chapter will guide you in setting up the required toolsGamesalad RequirementsThese are the minimum hardware and software requirements for developing iOSgames with Gamesalad:Intel-based Mac computer with 1GB RAMMac osx 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or higherAnios device (ideally a device per targeted platform)Xcode 4.2 or higherGame Salad Creator.9.91 or higherGame Salad viewer 0.9.91 or higher4 CHAPTER 1: Preparing the Design EnvironmentAlthough any Intel-based Mac running Snow Leopard will suffice, I stronglyrecommend that you to get a machine with a screen of 15or larger and 2GBRAM. This will ease your life as the compiling time will get much shorterIn this chapter, I will guide you in the following aspectsRegistering in Game SaladRegistering for the iOS Developer ProgramInstalling XcodeInstalling Game Salad CreatorInstalling Game Salad ViewerRegistering to GamesaladTo use Game Salad, you don 't actually need to be registered on Game Salad. combut I strongly recommend doing it for several reasons. First, this will get youknown by Game Salad as a user. As Game Salad is a very young startupcompany it is important for them to know their developer community the moreusers, the more attractive the platform. Second, this will allow you to postmessages or questions on the forum. When you need support, being able to tapthe community is an invaluable resource. Third, you'll be eligible for the standardtechnical support from Game Salad. Fourth, you need it to publish your games. Itis not mandatory to register as a Promember to publish games and to reproducemost of the examples of this book, but to access Promember features, you musthave a valid Pro account(299 USs per year). I will cover some of thePromember features in Chapter 9. You may decide to register later when youfeel more proficientTo register, open your favorite web browser and go tohttp://gamesalad.com/download/getcreatorYou will need to:Provide a valid e-mail address■ Choose a usernameSelect a passwordAgree to the Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyFigure 1-1 shows the very light registration formCHAPTER 1: Preparing the Design EnvironmentDon't have a profile?Why not save some time and create one,or just go ahead and downloadEmailUsername:PasswordI acknowledge that I have read and agree to theTerms of Use and Privacy Policy. OCreate ProfileFigure 1-1. Gamesalad registration formYoucanreviewthetermsandconditionsathttp://gamesalad.com/terms.youcanreviewthePrivacyPolicyathttp://gamesalad.com/privacyAfter filling the required information, you will be directed to the Game SaladCreator download and installation instruction pageIf you don ' t want to register yet, you can go directly to the download page athttp://gamesalad.com/download/latestcreatorYou can continue to read this chapter while the file is downloading I will provideinstallation instructions later in this chapter.About gamesalad proGoing Pro has several advantages, especially if you intend to get a seriousbusiness out of game developmentA Pro account will enable you to publish on ioS without theGame Saladsplashscreen(put yours instead! ) to put external links into yourapplication(implement a"purchase full version" link in a lite version), to accessGame Center and iADs capabilities, to enable In-App purchase and Kipmonetization, and to access priority technical supportAlso, although out of the scope of this book, a pro membership will enable youto publish on the Android platform. Your potential market just widened instantlyFigure 1-2 summarizes the features of a promembershipCHAPTER 1: Preparing the Design EnvironmentFeaturesBasic(Free!)Pro(299/year)GameSalad CreatorCameSalad viewerWeb PublishingMac PublishingioS PublishingCustom Splash ScreensAndroid PublishingTwitter TweetsheetGame centerOS In-App PurchaseExternal LinksjAdsInnovative MonetizationStandard Technical SupportPriority Technical StRequires iOS Developer Account for iosFigure 1-2. Pro membership featuresRegistering in the Pro program is very easy Log into the game salad websitewith your free membership account. If you have skipped the registration part ofthis chapter, it is never to late to go back and register now. Then you need to gotohttp://gamesalad.com/membership/join.Youwillhavetoprovideyourpassword again. You can pay via via Pay Pal or AmazonReglsterlng In the los Developer ProgramIf you are already registered in a paid version of the ioS Developer Program, youcan skip this section and go directly to installing XcodeYou don't need to be registered in any iOS Developer Program to useGame Salad, but this will become mandatory as soon as you want to publish