Android代码android repeatclick
android-repeatclick android组件点击事件,防止重复点击,判断是否有网络,判断是否登录,点击事件执行之前定制化执行逻辑... 使用方式 屏蔽多次点击事件 /** * 测试快速点
1 2020-08-12 -
Android代码RxMusicPlayer android
RxMusicPlayer An android music player using ExoPlayer and RxJava2. Introduction RxMusicPlayer is a p
3 2020-08-13 -
Android代码logback android
logback-android v1.1.1-6 Overview logback-android brings the power of logback to Android. This libra
7 2020-07-27 -
Android代码ChatMessagesAdapter android
ChatMessagesAdapter for Android QuickBlox simple to use UI library for showing quickblox chat messag
7 2021-04-22 -
Android代码android edittextpassword
android-edittextpassword EditTextPassword is a Android library that allows to show/hide the password
13 2020-07-23 -
Android代码mycitybikes android
Users: The project currently support: Oslo Stockholm (no live data) Paris Barcelona Washington DC De
11 2020-07-23 -
Android代码Android ViewPagerIndicator
Android-ViewPagerIndicator 一款仿MIUI的ViewPagerIndicator,支持Tab数量随意定义。 效果图 固定tab数量 非固定tab数量 用法 代码生成tab m
12 2020-07-27 -
Android代码Android SpinKit
Android-SpinKit >Android loading animations(I wrote a android edition according SpinKit) Preview
7 2020-07-27 -
Android代码Android Router
Android-Router English | 中文 lib androidrouter androidrouter-compiler androidrouter-annotations Lates
11 2021-04-17 -
Android代码BGABadgeView Android
:heartpulse:BGABadgeView-Android:heartpulse: English Document react-native-bga-badge-view demo中演示了:
7 2020-07-20