First of all, please download JMonkey Engine.Second, please copy all DLL files in JMonkey Engine "natives" folder to Matlab windows path (D:\MATLAB\R2007b\bin\win32). Finally, please use the following syntax to run jar file in Matlab. >> javaaddpath jME_3DS_Loader.jar >> import MAXLoader.Show3DS >> a = Show3DS('3DS Loader','D:\3Dmodel\test.3ds', 1); //log on >> a = Show3DS('3DS Loader','D:\3Dmodel\test.3ds', 0); //log off You can use a.SetPos(x, y, z, angle, pitch, raw, yaw) to set position; a .SetRotation(angle, pitch, raw, yaw) set rotation; a.SetLocalScale() set local scale(Zoom object); a.Close() to quit .SetRotation(angle, pitch, raw, yaw) set rotation; a.SetLocalScale() set local scale(Zoom object); a.Close() to quit