Practical RF System Design由William F. EGAN所著,详细介绍了RF系统设计时在增益Gain、噪声Noise、非线性Nonlinear等方面的系统问题,对系统级设计是一个较好的参考指导。PRACTICAL RE SYSTEMDESIGNWILLIAM F EGAN Ph.DLecturer in Electrical EngineeringSanta Clara University◆IEEEThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, New yorkC)WIERSCIENCEA JOHn WILEY sons, INc PublicationMATLAB is a registered trademark of The Math Works, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA01760-2098Usa;teL:508-647-7000,Fax508-647-7101;Www;email:info@mathworks.comFigures whose captions indicate they are reprinted from Frequency Synthesis by Phase lock, 2ndd. by William F. Egan, copyright o 2000, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, are reprinted by permissionCopyright o 2003 by John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reservedPublished by John Wiley sons, Inc, Hoboken, New JerseyPublished simultaneously in CanadaNo part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedform or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise,except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, withouteither the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of theappropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers,Ma01923,978-750-8400,fax978-750-4470, Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John WileySons, Inc, Ill River Street, Hoboken, NJ07030,(201)748-601l, fax(201)748-6008, e-mailpermreq@wiley.comLimit of liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their bestefforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to theccuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any impliedwarranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created orextended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies containedherein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional whereappropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any othercommercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or otherFor general information on our other products and services please contact our Customer CareDepartment within the U. S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U. S. at 317-572-3993 orfax317-572-4002Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears inprint, however, may not be available in electronic formatLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.ISBN0-471-20023-9Printed in the united states of america10987654321To those from whom i have learnedTeachers, Colleagues, and studentsCONTENTSPREFACEXVIGETTING FILES FROM THE WILEY ftp AND INTERNET SITESXIXSYMBOLS LIST AND GLOSSARYXXINTRODUCTION1.1 System Design Process/I1.2 Organization of the book /21.3 Appendixes /31. 4 Spreadsheets /31.5 Test and Simulation /31.6 Practical Skepticism/41.7 References /52 GAIN2. 1 Simple cases/ 82.2 General case /92.2.1 S Parameters /92.2.2 Normalized waves /112. 2. 3 Parameters /12vCONTENTS2. 2. 4 Relationships between S and T Parameters /132.2.5 Restrictions on T Parameters /142.2.6 Cascade Response /142. 3 Simplification: Unilateral Modules /152.3.1 Module Gain /152.3.2 Transmission Line Interconnections /162.3.3 Overall Response, Standard Cascade /252.3. 4 Combined with Bilateral Modules /282.3. 5 Lossy Interconnections /322.3.6 Additional Considerations /382.4 Nonstandard Impedances /402.5 Use of Sensitivities to find variations /402.6 Summary /43Endnotes /453 NOISEFIGURE473.1 Noise Factor and Noise Figure /473.2 Modules in Cascade /493.3 Applicable Gains and Noise Factors/543.4 Noise Figure of an attenuator /553.5 Noise fif an int3.6 Cascade noise figure /563.7 Expected Value and Variance of Noise Figure /583.8 Impedance-Dependent Noise Factors /593.8.1 Representation /603.8.2 Constant -Noise circles /613.8.3 Relation to Standard noise Factor /623.8.4 Using the Theoretical Noise Factor /643.8.5 Summary /653.9 Image Noise, Mixers /653.9.1 Effective Noise Figure of the mixer /663.9.2 Verification for Simple cases /693.9.3 Examples of Image noise /693.10 Extreme Mismatch, Voltage Amplifiers /743.10.1 Module noise factor /763.10.2 Cascade noise factor /783.10.3 Combined with Unilateral Modules /793. 10.4 Equivalent noise Factor /79CONTENTS3.11 Using Noise Figure Sensitivities /793.12 Mixed Cascade Example /803.12.1 Effects of Some ResistorChanges /813. 12.2 Accounting for Other Reflections /823.12.3 USing Sensitivities /823.13 Gain Controls/843.13.1 Automatic Gain Control /8413.2 Level control /863.14 Summary /88Endnotes 904 NONLINEARITY IN THE SIGNAL PATH914.1 Representing Nonlinear Responses /914.2 Second-Order terms/924.2.1 Intercept Points /934.2.2 Mathematical representations /954.2.3 Other Even-Order terms /974.3 Third-Order Terms /974.3.1 Intercept Points /994.3.2 Mathematical Representations /1004.3 3 Other odd-Order terms /1014.4 Frequency Dependence and relationshipBetween Products /1024.5 Nonlinear products in the Cascades/ 1034.5.1 Two-Module Cascade /1044.5.2 General Cascade /1054.5.3 IMs Adding coherently /1064.5.4 IMs Adding Randomly /1084.5.5 IMS That Do Not add /1094.5.6 Effect of mismatch on IPs /1104.6 Examples: Spreadsheets for IMs in aCascade/1114.7 Anomalous ims/1154.8 Measuring IMs/1164.9 Compression in the Cascade /1194.10 Other nonideal effects /1214.11 Summary /121Endnote /122XCONTENTS5 NOISE AND NONLINEARITY1235.1 Intermodulation of noise /1235.1.1 Preview/1245.1.2 Flat Bandpass noise /1255.1.3 Second-Order Products /1255. 1. 4 Third-Order products /1305.2 Composite Distortion /1335.2. 1 Second-Order IMs(CSo)/1345.2.2 Third-Order IMS(CTB)/1365.2.3 CSO and ctB Example /1365.3 Dynamic Range /1375.3.1 Spurious-Free Dynamic Range /1375.3.2 Other Range Limitations /1395.4 Optimizing Cascades /1395.4.1 Combining Parameters on One Spreadsheet /1395.4.2 Optimization example /1435.5 Spreadsheet Enhancements /1465.5.1 Lookup Tables /1465.5.2 Using Controls /1475.6 Summary /147Endnotes/1476 ARCHITECTURES THAT IMPROVE LINEARITY1496. 1 Parallel Combining /1496.1.190° Hybrid/1506.1.2180 Hybrid/1526. 1. 3 Simple push-Pull /1546.1.4Gain/1556.1.5 Noise Figure /1566.1.6 Combiner Trees /1566. 1. 7 Cascade analysis of a Combiner Tree /1576.2 Feedback /1586.3 Feedforward/1596.3.1 Intermods and harmonics /1606.3.2 Bandwidth /1616.3.3 Noise Figure /1616.4 Nonideal Performance/1626. 5 Summary /163Endnotes/163CONTENTSX7 FREQUENCY CONVERSION1657.1 Basics/1657.1.1 The Mixer /1657. 1. 2 Conversion in Receivers /16771.3 Spurs/1687.1.4 Conversion in Synthesizers and exciters /1707. 1.5 Calculators /1707.1.6 Design methods /1707.1.7 Example /1717.2 Spurious Levels /1717.2.1 Dependence on Signal Strength /1717.2.2 Estimating levels /1737.2.3 Strategy for Using Levels /1757. 3 Two-Signal IMs/1767.4 Power Range for Predictable Levels /1777.5 Spur Plot, LO Reference/1807.5.1 Spreadsheet Plot Description /1807.5.2 Example of a band conversion /1827.5.3 Other Information on the plot /1847.6 Spur Plot, IF Reference /1867.7 Shape Factors /1967.7.1 Definitions /1977.7.2 RF Filter Requirements /1977.7.3 IF Filter Requirements /2007. 8 Double Conversion /2027.9 Operating Regions /2037.9.1 Advantageous Regions /2037.9.2 Limitation on DownconversionTwo-by-Twos /2067.9.3 Higher Values of m /2097.10 Examples /2117.11 Note on Spur Plots Used in This Chapter /2167.12 Summary /216Endnotes /2178 CONTAMINATING SIGNALS IN SEVERE NONLINEARITIES2198.1 Decomposition /2208.2 Hard Limiting /2238.3 Soft limiting /223