java person
face_generator DCGAN人脸生成器person源码
6 2021-02-25 -
tsukae person炫耀您最常用的shell命令源码
ka :person::laptop: :bar_chart: Tsukae,使え-表示日文使用(因此指的是您使用的命令) 建立在和顶部 向因为他暗示了这个项目的想法(最初的想法是解析历史文件) 用法
8 2021-04-19 -
Bi directional long short term memory architecture for person re identification
Bi-directional long short-term memory architecture for person re-identification with modified triple
14 2021-04-06 -
Cross person activity recognition using reduced kernel extreme learning machine
Activity recognition based on mobile embedded accelerometer is very important for developing human-c
20 2021-02-24 -
A novel deep model with multi loss and efficient training for person re identifi
A novel deep model with multi-loss and efficient training for person re-identification
9 2021-02-22 -
关于Person Re identification的深度学习调研和展望
这篇文章是关于Person Re-identification的深度学习调研和展望的中文翻译。使用机器翻译进行逐句翻译后,通过人工校正进行了修正。本人花费几天的时间完成翻译,希望对您有所帮助。
11 2023-07-16 -
Deep High Resolution Representation Learning for Cross Resolution Person Re iden
深度高分辨率表示学习用于交叉分辨率人员重新识别 IEEE多媒体交易杂志(正在审查中) 内容 :clipboard: 介绍 :bookmark: 我们提出了一种深度高分辨率伪暹罗框架(PS-HRNet)
23 2021-04-29 -
Online Multiple Person Tracking Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks and Mo
Online Multiple Person Tracking Using Fully-Convolutional Neural Networks and Motion Invariance Cons
18 2021-02-09 -
Unsupervised Person Re identification with Locality constrained Earth Mover s Di
Unsupervised Person Re-identification with Locality-constrained Earth Mover’s Distance
15 2021-02-09 -
Swiss System Based Cascade Ranking for Gait based Person Re identification
Swiss-System Based Cascade Ranking for Gait-based Person Re-identification
14 2021-02-09