《21世纪高等学校电子信息工程规划教材•电子信息工程专业英语导论》旨在培养学生在专业英语方面的阅读、翻译、表达于写作能力,提高科技英语素养与国际学术交流能力,全书包括专业英语基础篇与提高篇 两部分。4个基础篇精选国外教材中的经典文献,涵盖电工与电子基础、电子与通信器件、信号与系统、通信技术等领域;课后附有生词表、难点注释和练习题;每个单元补充了科技英语的特点、翻译要领、科技术语与常用数学公式的表达,并对查阅科技文献的方法与技巧作了简单介绍。提高篇系统地介绍了科技论文的结构、写作与投稿等问题,归纳了中国学生撰写英文科技论文中常见的错误,最后总结了常用应用文写作的要求与规范,并给出了一些实际的范例5: The basic components of computer systemDSP Processor Fundamentals8: VLSI ArchitecturesUnit 5: The basic componentsof computer system口4回4=4a5: The basic components of computer systemDSP Processor Fundamentals8: VLSI ArchitecturesNew Words and Technical termsNew Wordsmemory processor performance location signal instructionbus semiconductor flip-flop chip transistor binaryTechnical termscentral processing unit(CPU)integrated circuit (ICinput output(/O)metal-oxide semiconductor(MOS)read random memory(RAM)only read memory(ROM)口44-)4号4Q5: The basic components of computer systemDSP Processor Fundamentals8: VLSI ArchitecturesTextText(1)The basic components that make up a computer system include: theCPU, memory, I/o, and the bus that connects these components togetherJohn Von Neumann, a pioneer in computer design, gave the architec-ture of most computers in use today. A typical Von Neumann system hasthree major parts: the central processing unit(or CPU), memory, and in-put output(or I/O). How a system designs these parts impacts the systemperformance. In VNA machines, like the 80x86 family, the CPU iswhere all the actions take placel. All computations occur inside theCPU. Data and CPU instructions reside in memory until required by theCPU. To the CPU, most I/0 devices look like memory because the CPUcan store data to an output device and read data from an input deviceThe major difference between memory and l/o device is that l/o deviceis generally associated with external device in the outside world口4问4)4号4Q5: The basic components of computer systemDSP Processor Fundamentals8: VLSI ArchitecturesTextText(1)In VNA machines, like the 80x86 family, the CPu is whereall the actions take place[1][]在VNA机器体系中,如8086系列,CPU是执行所有事务的地方。在 the Cpu is where all the actions take place中,主语是theCPU, where all the actions take place是关系副词 Where引导的从句充当表语口4回4=4a5: The basic components of computer systemDSP Processor Fundamentals8: VLSI ArchitecturesTextText(2)The system bus connects various components of a Vna ma-chine. The 80x86 family has three major busses: the address bus,the data bus. and the control bus a bus is a connection of wires onwhich electrical signals pass through components in the system. Forexample the data bus may have a different implementation betweenthe 80386 and the 8086, but both carry data among the processor/O, and memory. The 80x86 processor uses the data bus to transfer data among the various components in a computer system thesize of this bus varies widely in the 80x86 family. Indeed this busdefines the“size” of the processor口4问4)4号4Q5: The basic components of computer systemDSP Processor Fundamentals8: VLSI ArchitecturesTextText(3The data bus on an 80x86 family processor transfers informationbetween a particular memory location or l/o device and the CPUThe only question is, "Which memory location or I/O device? "Theaddress bus answers this questionA5: The basic components of computer systemDSP Processor Fundamentals8: VLSI ArchitecturesTextTextTo differentiate memory location and I/ o device, a uniquememory address is assigned to each memory element and l/o de-vice. When the software wants to access certain memory location or0 device, it places the corresponding address on the address busCircuitry associated with the memory or I/o recognizes thisaddress and instructs the memory or I/o device to read thedata from or place data on the data bus[2]2]与存储器或输入输岀相关的电路能够识别地址,并能指使存储器或输入输岀设备从数据总线读取数据或存取数据到数据总线。本句的主语是 Circuitry,and前后是并列关系。 Associatedwith the memory or/O用于修饰 circuitry o read the data from orplace data on the data bus f fread the data from the data bus orplace data on the data bus5: The basic components of computer systemDSP Processor Fundamentals8: VLSI ArchitecturesTextText(5)The control bus is a collection of signals that controls how theprocessor communicates with the rest of the system[3]. Consider thedata bus for a moment. The CPU sends data to memory and receivesdata from memory on the data bus. This prompts the question ."ls itsending or receiving? There are two lines on the control bus, read lineand write line, which specify the direction of data flow. Other signalsinclude system clocks, interrupt lines, status lines, and so on[4]. Theexact structure of control bus varies among processors in the 80x86 familyHowever, some control lines are common to all processors and are worthya brief mention3]控制总线是控制处理器与系统其他部分通信的信号枢tHo that controls how the processor communicates with the rest ofthe systen是定语从句,修饰主语 the control bus,在这个从句中,又包含了hOW引导的从句作为 controls的宾语四]其他信号包括系统时钟,中断信号,状态信号等。