BCI Competition IV Data Sets 4
sets using tabu search techniques
26 2018-12-21 -
Theory of Random Sets Ilya Molchanov
18 2019-07-09 -
Generalized rough sets based on relations
Generalized rough sets based on relations
31 2018-12-15 -
Models for Propagation of NORAD Element Sets
General perturbations element sets generated by NORAD can be used to predict position and velocity o
117 2018-12-17 -
Models for Propagationof NORAD Element Sets
17 2019-07-23 -
An axiomatic characterization of probabilistic rough sets
An axiomatic characterization of probabilistic rough sets
13 2021-04-26 -
On Approximating D induced Polar Sets Of
Polyhedrally-逼近几何锥及扩展几何锥的D-导出极集,孙楚仁,,本文考察近似逼近集合F=\{[\vec{A}_0,...,\vec{A}_n]\mid \vec{A}_0+\sum_{i=1
8 2020-07-22 -
SLAM using Random Finite Sets
基于随机有限集的slam。 The main purpose of this library is promote research in random finite set (RFS) estima
35 2018-12-25 -
rollupcubegrouping sets的个人理解
rollup,cube,grouping sets()的个人理解其中关于这三个的各种情况,举例论证这三个的区别。
18 2020-07-29 -
Extending soft sets with description logics
Extending soft sets with description logics
9 2021-02-27