亚马逊购买的电子版,高清完整。玩node.js 有一阵子了,此书与mastering node.js 都不错Node.js design PatternsSecond editionCopyright o 2016 Packt PublishingAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of thepublisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviewsEvery effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of theinformation presented However, the information contained in this book is sold withoutwarranty either express or implied. Neither the authors nor packt publishing and itsdealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be causeddirectly or indirectly by this bookPackt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of thecompanies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitalsHowever, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this informationFirst published: December 2014Second edition: July 2016Production reference: 1110716Published by Packt Publishing LtdLivery place35 Livery StreetBirmingham b32PB, UKISBN978-1-78588-558-7www.packtpub.comWOW! eBookwww.wowebook.orgCreditsAuthorsCopy EditorMario casciaroSafis EditingLuciano mamminoReviewersProject CoordinatorTane piperUlhas Kambalioe murraCommissioning editorProofreaderAmarabha banerjeeSafis EditingAcquisition editorIndexerReshma ramanMariamman chettiyarContent Development Editor GraphicsOnkar waniKirk penhaTechnical editorProduction CoordinatorPrajakta mhatreNilesh mohiteWOW! eBookwww.wowebook.orgAbout the authorsMario Casciaro is a software engineer and entrepreneur, passionate about technologyscience and open source knowledge. Mario graduated with a master's degree in softwareengineering and started his professional career at ibm where he worked for several vearson different enterprise products such as Tivoli Endpoint Manager, Cognos Insight, andSales connect. Next, he moved to D4H Technologies, a growing SaaS company to lead thedevelopment of a new bleeding-edge product for managing emergency operations in realtime. Currently, Mario is the co-founder and CEo of Sponsorama com, a platform to helponline projects raise funds through corporate sponsorshipMario is also the author of the first edition of Node js Design PatternsWOW! eBookwww.wowebook.orgAcknowledgmentsWhen I was working on the first edition of this book I would never have thought it wouldbecome such a success. My biggest thanks go to all the readers of the first edition of thisbook to those who bought it, to those who left a review, and to those who recommended itto their friends on Twitter or on other online forums. And of course, my gratitude also goesto the readers of this second edition to you who are reading these words you make all ourefforts worthwhile. I also want you to join me in congratulating my friend Luciano, the coauthor of this second edition, who did a tremendous job updating and adding newinvaluable content to this book. all the merit goes to him as i only had the role of adviser inthis second edition working on a book is not an easy task but luciano impressed me andall the staff at Packt for his dedication, professionalism, and technical skills, demonstratinghe can achieve any goal he sets his mind to. It was a pleasure and a honor working withLuciano and r'm looking forward to other great collaborations. I also want to thank all thepeople who worked on the book, the folks of Packt, the technical reviewers (fane and joel)and all the friends who provided valuable suggestions and insights: Anton Whalley(adhigit), Alessandro Cinelli(@cirpo), Andrea Giuliano(abit_shark), and AndreaMangano(@ManganoAndrea). Thanks to all the friends who give me unconditional love,tomy family, and most importantly to my girlfriend Miriam, the partner of all my adventures,who brings love and joy in every day of my life. There are still a hundred thousandadventures awaiting usWOW! eBookwww.wowebook.orgLuciano Mammino is a software engineer born in 1987, the same year that the nintendoreleased Super Mario Bros in Europe, which by chance is his favorite video-game. Hestarted coding at the age of 12 using his father's old Intel 386, provided only with the dOsoperating system and the q basic interpreter.After a master's degree in computer science he developed his programming skills mostly asa web developer working mainly as freelancer for companies and startups all around ItalyAfter a start-up parenthesis of 3 years as CTO and co-founder of Sbaam com in Italy and inIreland, he decided to relocate in dublin to work as senior php engineer at smartboxHe loves developing open source libraries and working with frameworks such as Symfonyand Express. He is convinced that the Java Script fame is still at the very beginning and thatthis technology will have a huge impact in the future of most of the web-and mobile-relatedtechnologies. For this reason, he spends most of his free time improving his knowledge ofJavaScript and playing with Node. jsWOW! eBookwww.wowebook.orgAcknowledgmentsThe first huge thanks go to Mario for giving me the opportunity and the trust to workalongside him on the new edition of this book. It was an amazing experience and hopefulljust the beginning of a long series of collaborationsThis book was only possible thanks to the incredible and efficient work of the Packt team,especially thanks to the relentless efforts and the patience of onkar, Reshma, and pPrajaktaAlso thanks to the reviewers Tane Piper and joel Purra, their experience with Node js wascrucial to raise the quality of the content provided in this booka great hug(and many beers) go to my friends Anton Whalley(edhigit9), AlessandroCinelli (acirpo), Andrea Giuliano(abit_shark), and Andrea Mangano(@ManganoAndrea) for encouraging me all along the way, for sharing with me theirexperience as developers and for providing meaningful insights on the contents of thisbookAnother great thank you goes to ricardo, Jose, Alberto, Marcin, Nacho, David, Arthur, andall my colleagues at Smartbox for making me love my days at work and for inspiring andmotivating me to get better every day as a software engineer. I couldn't ask for a betterteamMy deepest gratitude goes to my family, who raised and sustained me in every possiblway along my journey. Thanks, mom, for being a constant source of inspiration andstrength in my life. Thanks, dad, for all the lessons, the encouragement and the advice,really miss talking with you, I really miss you. Thanks to my brother Davide and my sisterAlessia for being present in the painful and the joyful moments and making me feel part ofa great familyThanks to Franco and his family for supporting many of my initiatives and for sharing theirwisdom and life experience with meKudos to my nerd" friends Gianluca, Flavio, antonio, valerio, and Luca for the great timetogether and for constantly encouraging me to keep working on this bookalso kudos to my " less nerdy" friends Damiano, Pietro, and sebastiano for their friendshhipand all the laughs and the fun we have when we hang out together in DublinLast, but definitely not least, thanks to my girlfriend francesca. Thank you for theunconditioned love and for supporting me on every adventure, even the craziest ones. Ireally look forward to writing the next pages in the book of our life with youWOW! eBookwww.wowebook.orgAbout the reviewersTane Piper is a full stack developer based in London, UK. For over 10 years He has workedfor several agencies and companies delivering software in a variety of languages such asPython, PHP, and JavaScript. He has been working with Node. js since 2010 and was one ofthe first people talking about server-side JavaScript in the UK and Ireland with several talksin 2011/2012. He was also an early contributor to, and advocate for the jQuery projectCurrently he works at a consultancy in london delivering innovative solutions and ismostly writing React and Node applications Outside of his professional work he is a keenscuba diver and amateur photographerI would personally like to thank my girlfriend Elina who has turned my life around in thelast two years and encouraged me to take up the task of reviewing this bookJoel Purra started toying around with computers even before he was in his teens, seeingthem as another kind of a video game device. It was not long before he took apart(sometimes broke and subsequently fixed) any computer he came across while playing thelatest games on them. It was gaming that led him to discover programming in his earlyteens when modifying a Lunar Lander game triggered an interest in creating digital toolsSoon after getting an Internet connection at home, he developed his first e-commercewebsite, and thus his business started; it launched his career at an early age. at the age of17, Joel started studying computer programming and an energy science program at anuclear power plant' s school. After graduation he studied to become a second lieutenanttelecommunications specialist in the Swedish Army before moving on to study for hismaster's of science degree in information technology and engineering at LinkopingUniversity. He has been involved in start-ups and other companies-both successful andunsuccessful-since 1998, and he has been a consultant since 2007. Born raised, andeducated in Sweden, Joel also enjoys the flexible lifestyle of a freelance developer, havingtraveled through five continents with his backpack and lived abroad for several years. Alearner constantly looking for challenges, one of his goals is to build and evolve software forbroadpublicuseYoucanvisithiswebsiteat'd like to thank the open source community for providing the building blocks necessarycompose both small and large software systems even as a freelance consultant Nanosgigantum humeris insidentes. Remember to commit early, commit often!WOW! eBookwww.wowebook.orgwww.paCktpub.come Books, discount offers and moreDid you know that packt offers e Book versions of every book published, with PDF andepubfilesavailableyoucanupgradetotheebookversionatwww.packtpub.comandasaprint book customer, you are entitled to a discount on the ebook copy. 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