A byte of python

baidu_64269 45 0 PDF 2019-09-25 11:09:14

'A Byte of Python' is a book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience. If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the book for you.6.4.3 Triple Quotes6.4. Strings are Immutable6.4he format method6.5 Variable316.6 Identifier Naming316.7 Data Types6.8 Object6.9 How to write Python programs326.10 Example: Using Variables And Literal Constants326.10.1 Logical And Physical Line6.10.2 Indentation6.11 Summary7 Operators and Expressions367.1 Opcrators7.1.1 Shortcut for math operation and assignment387.2 Evaluation Order7.3 Changing the Order Of Evaluation7. 4 Associativity407.5 Expressions407.6 SummaryControl flow418.1 The if statement418.2 The while statement448.3 The for loop458.4 The break Statement468.4.1 Swaroop's Poetic Python475 The continue Statement8.6 Summary39 Functions489.1 Function parameters9.2 Local variables509.3 USing The global Statement9.4 Default Argument values529.5 Keyword Arguments9.6 VarArgs parameters549.7 Keyword-only Parameters559. 8 The return Statement569.9 Doc Strings579.10 Summar10 Modules5810.1 Byte-compiled. pyc files10.2 Thc from... import statement10.3 A module’ s name10.4 Making your own modules10.5 The dir function6310.6 Packages6410.7Suummar651I Data structures6511.1 List6511.1.1 Quick Introduction To Objects And Classes11.2 Tuple11.3 Dictionary11.4 Sequence7111.5 Set7311.6 References7411.7 More About Strings7511.8 Summary7612 Problem Solving7612.1 The Proble7712.2 The Solution7712.3 Second Version12.4 Third version8112.5 Fourth Version12.6 More Refinements12.7 The Software Development Process12. 8 Summar13 Object Oriented Programming8513. 1 The self13.2 Classes713.3 Object Meth13.4 Thc init mcthod13.5 Class And Object Variable13.6 Inheritance9213.7 Summary14 Input Output9514.1 Input from use14.2 File9714.3 Pickle14. 4 Summa15 Exceptions9915.1E15. 2 Exceptions10015.3 Handling Excepti10015.4 R aising Exceptions15.5TFinall10215. 6 The with state10315.7Sm16 Standard Library10416.1 sys module..10516.2 logging module10616.3 Module of the Week series10716.4 Summ1071 7 More10717.1 Passing tuples around.10817.2 Special Methods10817.3 Single Statement Blocks.10917.4 Lambda Forms10917.5 List Comprehension11017.6 Receiving Tuples and Dictionaries in Functions11017.7 The assert, sta tement,17.8 Escape Scqucnccs11117.8.1 Raw String11217.9 Summar1121 8 What next11318.1 Example Code11318.2 Questions and Answers1141 8.3 Tutorials11418.4 Vid11418.5 Discussion11418.6 News1148.7 Installing libraries11418.8 Graphical softwa11518.8.1 Summary of GUI Tools11518.9 Various Implementations1168.10Functional Programming(for advanced readers)11618.11SlImmat61 9 FLOSS1720 Colophon11820.1 Birth of the book11920.2 Teenage Years11920.3Now.11920.4 About The author11921 Revision History11922 Translations12222.1 Arabic12222.2 Brazilian portuguese12222. 3 Catalan12222.4 Chinesc.12322.5 Chinese Traditional.,.12322.6 French12422. 7 German12422.8 Greek12522.9 Indonesian12522.10Italian12622.11Japanese12622. 12Mongolian12613Noin(bokmal12622. 14Polish12722.15Portuguese..12722.16Romanian12722.17Russian and ukranian22.18Slovak12822. 19Spa12822.20Swedish22.21Turkish1223 Translation howto1291 A Byte of Pythona Byte of Python?is a free book on programming using the Python languageIt serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audienceIf all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the bookfor youThis book is written for the latest Python 3, even though Python 2 is thecommonly found version of Python today (read more about it in Python 2 versus3 section1.1 Who reads a byte of python?Here are what people are saying about the bookThe best thing i found was"A Byte of Python, which is simply abrilliant book for a beginner. It's well written, the concepts are wellexplained with self evident examplesSyed Talal (19 vears old)This is the best beginners tutorial Ivc cvcr sccn! Thank you foryour effortWalt Michalik(wmich50-at-theramp-dot-net)You'vc made the best Python tutorial f'vc found on thc Nct. Grcatwork. Thanks!Joshua Robin(joshrob-at-poczta-dot-onet-dot-plExcellent gentle introduction to programming #Python for beginnersShan rajasekaranHi, I'm from Dominican Republic. My name is Pavel, recently I readyour book ' A Byte of Python'and I consider it excellent! ! ) I learntmuch from all the examples. Your book is of great help for newbieslike mePavel Sino(pavel-dot-siInIO-at-gInlail-dot-COIllI recently finished reading Byte of Python, and I thought I reallyought to thank you. I was very sad to reach the final pages as I nowhave to go back to dull, tedious oreilly or etc. manuals for learningabout python. Anyway, I really appreciate your book.Samuel Young(sy-one-three-seven-at-gmail-dot-com)Dear Swaroop. I am taking a class from an instructor that has nointerest in teaching. We are using Learning Python, second editionby OReilly. It is not a text for beginner without any programmingknowledge, and an instructor that should be working in another fieldThank you very much for your book, without it I would be cluelessabout Python and programming Thanks a million, you are able tobreak the message down'to a level that beginners can understandand not everyone canJoseph Duarte (jduartel-at-cf-dot-rr-dot-comI love your book! It is the greatest Python tutorial ever, and a veryuseful reference. Brilliant, a true masterpiece! Keep up the goodkChris-Andre som sethI'm just e-mailing you to thank you for writing Byte of Python onlineI had been attempting Python for a few months prior to stumblingacross your book, and although I made limited success with py GameI never complcted a programThanks to your simplification of the categories, Python actually seemsa reachable goal. It seems like I have fimally learned the foundationsand I ca n continue Into my rea.I goa.I, game developmentOnce again, thanks VERY much for placing such a structured andhelpful guide to basic programming on the web. It shoved me intoand out of ooP with an understanding where two text books hadfailedMatt Gallivan(m-underscore-gallivan12-at-hotmail-dot-comI would like to thank you for your book 'A byte of python ' which iIlyself find the best way to learll py tholl. I all a 15 year old i livein egypt my name is Ahmed. Python was my second programminglanguage i learn visual basic 6 at school but didn't cnjoy it, howeveri really enjoyed learning python. I made the addressbook programand i was sucessful. i will try to start. make more programs and readpython programs (if you could tell me source that would be helpful)I will also start on learning java and if you can tell me where to finda tutorial as good as yours for java that would help me a lot. ThanxAhmed Mohammed(sedo-underscore-91-at-hotmail-dot-com)A wonderful resource for beginners wanting to learn more aboutPython is the 110-page PDF tutorial A Byte of Python by Swaroop CH. It is well-written, easy to follow, and may be the best introductionto Python programming availabie andDrew Ames in an article on Scripting Scribus published on Linux. comYesterday I got through most of Byte of Python on my Nokia N800and it's the easiest and most concise introduction to Python i havevet encountered. Highly recommended as a starting point for learningPythonJason Delport on his weblogByte of Vim and Python by @swaroopch is by far the best works intechnical writing to me. Excellent reads FeelGood FactorSurendran says in a tweet
