A revised printing for this book will be available in June 2007!, , Whats New in the Third Edition, Revised Printing, , The same great book gets better! The revised printing features all of the original content along with these additional features:, , Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM SiThis page intentionally left blankFF T HE DT0 NComputer Organization and designH E HARDWARE/SOFTWARE INTERFACEDavid A. Patterson has been teaching computer architecture at the university ofCalifornia, Berkeley, since joining the faculty in 1977, where he holds the Pardee Chairof Computer Science. His teaching has been honored by the Distinguished Teachingaward from the university of California, the Karlstrom Award from acm, and theMulligan Education Medal and Undergraduate Teaching Award from IEEE. Pattersonreceived the ieee Technical achievement award and the acm eckert- Mauchly awardfor contributions to RISC, and he shared the ieee Johnson Information Storage Awardfor contributions to RAID. He also shared the ieee John von Neumann Medal andthe c &C Prize with John Hennessy. Like his co-author, Patterson is a Fellow of theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Computer History Museum, aCmand IEEe, and he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering, the NationalAcademy of Sciences, and the Silicon Valley engineering Hall of Fame. He served onthe Information Technology Advisory Committee to the U.S. President, as chair of theCS division in the Berkeley eeCs department, as chair of the Computing ResearchAssociation, and as President of ACM. This record led to Distinguished Service awardsfrom acm and craAt Berkeley, Patterson led the design and implementation of RISC I, likely the firstVLSI reduced instruction set computer, and the foundation of the commercialSPARC architecture. He was a leader of the redundant arrays of Inexpensive Disks(RAID) project, which led to dependable storage systems from many companiesHe was also involved in the Network of Workstations(NoW) project, which led tocluster technology used by Internet companies and later to cloud computing. Theseprojects earned three dissertation awards from ACM. His current research projectsare Algorithm-Machine-People and Algorithms and Specializers for Provably OptimalImplementations with Resilience and Eficiency. The AMP Lab is developing scalablemachine learning algorithms, warehouse-scale-computer-friendly programmingmodels, and crowd-sourcing tools to gain valuable insights quickly from big data inthe cloud. The AsPiRe Lab uses deep hardware and software co-tuning to achieve thehighest possible performance and energy efficiency for mobile and rack computingsystems.John L, Hennessy is the tenth president of Stanford University, where he has beena member of the faculty since 1977 in the departments of electrical engineering andcomputer science. Hennessy is a Fellow of the IEEE and ACM; a member of theNational academy of Engineering, the national academy of science and the americanPhilosophical Society; and a Fellow of the american Academy of Arts and SciencesAmong his many awards are the 2001 eckert - mauchly award for his contributions toRISC technology, the 2001 Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award, and the 2000John von Neumann award, which he shared with David Patterson He has also receivedseven honorary doctoratesIn 1981, he started the Mips project at Stanford with a handful of graduate studentsAfter completing the project in 1984, he took a leave from the university to cofoundMIPS Computer Systems(now MIPS Technologies), which developed one of the firstcommercial RISC microprocessors. As of 2006, over 2 billion MIPS microprocessors havebeen shipped in devices ranging from video games and palmtop computers to laser printersand network switches. Hennessy subsequently led the DASH(Director Architecturefor Shared Memory) project, which prototyped the first scalable cache coherentmultiprocessor; many of the key ideas have been adopted in modern multiprocessorsIn addition to his technical activities and university responsibilities, he has continued towork with numerous start-ups both as an early-stage advisor and an investor.FF TH E DComputer Organization and designTHE HARDWARE/SOFTWARE INTERFACEDavid a PattersonUniversity of California, BerkeleyJohn L HennessyStanford UniversityWith contributions byDavid KaelKevin limPerry alexanderNortheastern UniversityHewlett-PackardThe University of KansasNicole kaiyanJohn nickollsPeter J AshendenUniversity of AdelaideNVIDIAAshenden designs Pty ltdDavid KirkJohn OliverJason d. BakosNVIDIACal poly, san luis obispoUniversity of South CarolinaJames R. LarusMilos prvulovicJavier brugueraSchool of Computer andGeorgia TechUniversidade de santiago de compostelaCommunications science at EPFLPartha RanganathanJichuan ChangJacob LeverichHewlett-PackardHewlett-PackardHewlett-PackardMatthew FarrensUniversity of California, DavisAMSTERDAM· BOSTON● HEIDELBERG· LONDONNEW YORK· OXFORD· PARIS· SAN DIEGO